NNC Parent News 10.03.2023

Hello everyone,

We are celebrating Diversity during the month of March and learning about different countries from around the world. Each stage in the school and nursery is focusing on a different continent. Following on from our focus on France during Languages week in February, the Nursery will continue to learn about other countries in Europe.

As well as this, we would love to welcome volunteers into the nursery to enhance the children’s learning in traditional cultures, languages, traditions and religions from all over the world. If you were born in another country, have lived, worked, volunteered or have family members who live in another country, we would love to hear from you!

This might include teaching the children a traditional dance, or some simple greetings in another language.  If you think this is something you could help with, please drop us an email on netherleemail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or give Jennifer McCann (Principal Teacher) a call on 0141 570 7260 to discuss in more detail.

Also, we want to say thank-you to those who have provided family photographs for our Cosy Corners in our nursery buildings. The children just love to see some familiar faces to make this space really feel like home! Should you wish to add a family photograph to our cosy corner, please do not hesitate to email us a photograph nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk.

Comic Relief
Please see letter regarding our Crazy Hair Do fundraising event on Friday, 17th March.

Family Focused Gold Award: Update
As you know, our school and nursery is hoping to achieve our Family Focused Gold Award on Friday 19th May.  This award shows that we include and support all of our families in the life of the school and nursery. The award also shows that we uphold the principles of Getting It Right for Every Child, otherwise known as GIRFEC.
The accreditation process involves working together with staff, pupils and parents to create a Charter for the school and nursery. We met with our ‘Everyone Matters’ parent group this week to discuss and create our 10 charter statements and evaluate our school and nursery practice. We will share the final version of both our School and Nursery charters once complete! Keep an eye out on our upcoming Friday Bundles for more updates.

Family First
At Netherlee, we are always here to support our families in need of some help, whether that be a chat at the door, through telephone call or email (see above). Should you need further guidance, please click here to view a useful information resource from Family First, which offers support and advice on a wide range of family matters.

Stay and Play
Our next stay and play sessions will take place on the week beginning 20th March. These sessions are a fantastic opportunity to play together with your child and see our wonderful spaces and experiences. Sign-up sheets will be made available next week (week beginning the 13th March) for you to choose a suitable date/time. We kindly ask that a maximum of two adults accompany each child. If at all possible, younger siblings should not attend the sessions.

Eye Tests
Please be reminded of eye screening tests which are taking place on Thursday 23rd March 2023 for pre-school children. These will take place in the Saplings building. If you do not attend nursery on this day, you will receive a separate hospital letter. We kindly ask that eye screening questionnaires are returned to nursery as soon as possible.

Playground Crossing: Reminder
In order to minimise footfall, we kindly ask that you use the gate nearest the Acorns and Saplings when dropping off our collecting your child and refrain from crossing the school playgrounds. Thank-you.

Diversity Evening- A date for your Diary
On Wednesday 29 March 2023, a culture evening will be held in our school atrium to celebrate and share all the different cultures within Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class.

The PTA and school are inviting all families to share their cultural heritage through a range of ways such as:

  • Having a small display / exhibition on your country and culture (can include food tasting and demonstrations);
  • Showcasing traditional music;
  • Recital in other languages; or
  • Dancing

You may even have other creative ways to share your heritage with the Netherlee community, which you are welcome to do.

Of course, you can simply come along to enjoy the evening. There will be refreshments, entertainment, free workshops and activities to enjoy on the evening too!

If you or your family would like to host a display or showcase something, please contact Mrs Kelly Linn at nurserymail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or contact the PTA at netherleepta@gmail.com.

I hope you agree this will be a wonderful evening of culture. We look forward to seeing you there.

Learning Links
Please click here to view the Acorns and Saplings learning links. This song of the week this week is ‘The Days of the Week Song’ which can be listened to and enjoyed by clicking on your child’s Google classroom: https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/Account/SignIn/glow.

East Renfrewshire Culture and Leisure Holiday Camps
We’re running All Star Sports Camp, All Star Activity Camp, Play In A Week, World of Art Camp & intensive swimming lessons during the spring holidays.

Our All Star Sports Camp & All Star Activity Camp are led by our Active Schools & Sports Development Team and delivered by our fantastic team of coaches and tutors! Our Play In A Week & World of Art Camps are delivered by our expert arts and drama tutors! Finally, our intensive swimming lessons are ran by our highly skilled swimming instructors!

Our Spring, Summer & October Holiday Camps are on sale now, for more information and ways to book, please visit: https://www.ercultureandleisure.org/sports-arts/holidaycamps/

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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