NNC Friday Newsletter 21.04.2023

Hello everyone

It has been lovely welcoming back our children and staff after the holiday break. We have loved spending lots of time outdoors in the beautiful weather.

On behalf of the school, nursery and Netherlee community, we would like to wish all families who celebrate Eid a very happy Eid Mubarak. We hope you have a wonderful time with friends and family.

Family Focused Gold Award Questionnaires (School and Nursery) – now live!
We are hoping to achieve our Family Focused Gold Award on Friday 19th May. Questionnaires for both nursery and the school are now live. As part of the Gold Award Accreditation, parents and carers are required to complete a questionnaire containing a series of reflective statements about our school and nursery. We need at least an 80% return rate, so we would be very grateful for your responses- thank you.

Please click here to complete the nursery parent questionnaire

The questionnaires will close on Friday 12th May 3pm. Thank-you for your continued support.

Foodbank Donation Drive

We are joining other establishments in East Renfrewshire to support the East Renfrewshire Foodbank, The Trussell Trust. More information can be found in this letter.

Self-Evaluation Forms: Getting It Right for Every Child (GIRFEC)
You will also have received a Gathering Parent views paper form, which asks you to give your views of the nursery in relation to GIRFEC. Your views will help us to create our School and Nursery Improvement Priorities for next session. We kindly ask that you return these paper copies to our main school office or to either of our nursery buildings by Friday 28th April. If you did not receive this, please ask a member of staff at the nursery.

Care Plans and Special Books
Each child has a ‘Personal Care Plan’ which focuses on the wellbeing indicators (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included) from Getting it Right for Every Child. Our Personal Care Plans allow parents to share information to identify next steps to support children’s learning and wellbeing within nursery or at home. These are sent home every six months. If you have recently received your child’s personal care plan to complete, please ensure these are returned to nursery as soon as possible- thank you.

Also, we kindly ask that children’s special books are also returned as soon as possible. We hope you enjoyed reading through them and discussing your child’s progress.

Sun Safety
As we approach the summer months, we ask that you provide your child with sun cream (in-date) and a sun hat (e.g. cap or similar) in bags please. These items should be labelled with your child’s name please. On particularly hot days, it would be helpful if you could apply sun cream to children before entering the nursery if possible. We will keep your child’s sun cream in nursery for re-application and safekeeping.

Learning Links
Please click here to view the Acorns and Saplings Learning Links. The song of the week this week is ‘5 Little Ducks’ which can be listened to and enjoyed by logging on to your child’s google classroom https://sts.platform.rmunify.com/Account/SignIn/glow

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

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