Parent News 04.11.2022

Hello everyone

Free Bus Travel for Under 22s
As you may know, this scheme launched in January this year allowing children and young people aged 5-21 who live in Scotland to travel for free by bus with a valid National Entitlement Card (NEC) or Young Scot NEC. More information on the scheme and how to apply can be found on the website and has lots of information about free bus travel, how it works, how to apply, the benefits and some tips for travelling safely too. A poster with more information can also be found here.

Parent Council Meeting
Thank you to the Parent Council for producing the latest Meeting Highlights Newsletter.  We had a very productive meeting last week and the highlights can be found here meeting highlights newsletter.

PTA Update
The PTA would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported the pumpkin trail event and the recent discos. Please see message from the PTA below.

It has been lovely to get back to hosting fun events in the school. If you would still like to donate the link is Netherlee Primary PTA | Localgiving.

We are looking ahead to our winter event on the 1st of December which will hopefully be a super event for the whole school and nursery community – but we will need your help to make it a success. We want to bring back the very popular chocolate and bottle tombola’s and offer a variety of activities alongside the stalls. This will take lots of helping hands, both at the fair and on the dress as you please day too. If we all help a little, we can all have time to enjoy the fair with our families too. All the volunteer opportunities are listed here, please sign up so we can be confident the event will go ahead. Netherlee PTA (

Health and Social Care Partnership
Please see a letter from HSCP who are experiencing significant pressures in care at home and are progressing a winter recruitment campaign.

Scottish Child Payment
Please see the flyer on the Scottish Child Payment which is changing on 14th November to include 6-16 year olds.

Primary 5 Gardening Club
An after school P5 Gardening Club will be starting on a Thursday from 3.15-4.15pm. The club will run for four weeks. Full details are as follows:

Dates: 24th November, 1st, 8th and 15th December
Venue: The Atrium Garden in Netherlee Primary School
Delivered by: Helen Cross (parent volunteer) and Class Teacher
No. of pupils: 14
Cost: Free

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here:  no later than 9th November. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via Parents Portal.

Primary 6 Food Nutrition and Cooking in School
As part of our learning about the forthcoming World Cup 2022 in Qatar, the children will be exploring Arabic culture by baking ‘Arabic Bread’ with dip. Throughout the course of this term, every child will have the chance do this activity during our whole stage Hub learning slot on Tuesday mornings. The following ingredients will be used:

Arabic Bread
Vegetable Oil
Natural Yoghurt (non-dairy alternative will be provided where necessary)

New Arrival Coming Soon
I am sure all parents will wish to join me in saying very best wishes and good luck to one of our teachers, Mrs McGeachy, as she stops today to get ready for the arrival of her new baby.  Enjoy every moment Suzanne, rest up and make the most of a peaceful few days before your little bundle of gorgeous cuteness arrives!

We very much look forward to welcoming our P7 parents into school to join us for our Remembrance Service on Friday of next week.  Our P7 pupils and teachers have been preparing and practising a great deal for this and I am sure they will conduct a befitting, special service for us all. All of next week, P7 pupils will be taking poppies around classes.  If anyone would like to get one, it’s just a donation, if you wish.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Parent News 04.11.2022

Hello everyone

What an exciting time we’ve had in Nursery this week! The Fire Service came to visit to talk with the children and staff about their job and also about firework safety.  The children even got a tour of the fire engine and got a shot of the firehose! Thank-you so much to the local Fire Station – the children (and staff!) had a wonderful time. Please keep an eye on our twitter feed @sand_c to see this in action!

Parent Appointments
Please remember that parent’s appointments begin next week (week beginning the 7th  November) and the following week (week beginning the 14th November). If you have not already done so, please choose a suitable date/time on the sign-up sheets at both nursery buildings – we really value being able to discuss your child’s progress at nursery with you during these meetings.

Learning Links
As you know, we currently share weekly Learning Links on your child’s Google Classroom. The Learning Links give an insight of children’s interests, the learning taking place in nursery and any seasonal or cultural events being celebrated.  The activities on this, enable you to have fun doing some similar activities at home if you would like to. To make this easier and more accessible for you the Learning Links grid will now also be issued via the Friday Bundle each week. Please click the links to view this week’s Learning Links for the Acorns and Saplings. The song of the week is ‘Dingle Dangle Scarecrow’. The link to the song of the week can be listened to and enjoyed by logging in to your child’s Google Classroom via this link- enjoy.

Nursery Fund
We have regular fundraising events at Netherlee. These events help to raise money for our School and Nursery Funds. Our Nursery Fund helps to provide additional fun, “special” items as well as some toys and games to enhance the children’s learning experiences. As well as having regular fundraising events, we also welcome voluntary payments from parents to our Nursery Fund.  Ideally, a voluntary donation of £30 for this session would be most welcomed. This donation can be paid at any time via ParentPay. This could of course also be given in three termly instalments of £10. However, we fully understand that these are difficult times for all families right now and as such, any smaller donation of your choice would also be greatly appreciated, again made through ParentPay. Many thanks.

Nursery WOW Wall
Thank you to all of you who have shared your children’s little achievements from home. We love celebrating these as well as their achievements in nursery too. Please do let us know of any new or ongoing achievements for example swimming, dancing shows, can ride a bike themselves etc. Simply drop us an email or bring in a photograph at drop off and collection times, we would love to display this on our Nursery WOW Wall.

Recycled Donations
Thank you so much to everyone who has kindly donated recycled items that they would otherwise be throwing out to our nursery. This week we would gratefully receive any cosy items for our story corner, many, many thanks.

  • Small rugs
  • Blankets/Throws
  • Cushions

Health and Social Care Partnership
Please see a letter from HSCP who are experiencing significant pressures in care at home and are progressing a winter recruitment campaign.

Parent Council Meeting
Please see the meeting highlights newsletter from the Parent Council Meeting on 27th October.

PTA Update
Netherlee PTA would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported the pumpkin trail event and the recent discos. It has been lovely to get back to hosting fun events in the school. If you would still like to donate the link is Netherlee Primary PTA | Localgiving.

We are looking ahead to our winter event on the 1st of December which will hopefully be a super event for the whole school and nursery community – but we will need your help to make it a success. We want to bring back the very popular chocolate and bottle tombola’s and offer a variety of activities alongside the stalls. This will take lots of helping hands, both at the fair and on the dress as you please day too. If we all help a little, we can all have time to enjoy the fair with our families too. All the volunteer opportunities are listed here, please sign up so we can be confident the event will go ahead. Netherlee PTA (

Have a lovely weekend

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Parent News 28.10.2022

Hello everyone

We hope you had a wonderful October holiday week. From now until the end of term, it is going to be a very busy time with lots of opportunities and experiences for the children.

We want to wish a Happy Diwali to those who celebrated this week. We hope you had a wonderful time with friends and family.

Fire Brigade Visit
Bonfire Night will be celebrated on 5th November.  On Wednesday 2nd November, a member of the fire service will be visiting the Nursery to discuss fire safety. They will also show the children a real life fire engine and equipment! Please keep an eye out for pictures on our school and nursery twitter @sand_nc .

Parent and Carer Appointments
Please be reminded that our parent’s appointments begin week beginning 7th and 14th November. Sign- up sheets are now available at both nursery buildings for you to choose a suitable date/time.

Parent and Child Improvement Plan
Our P7 Community Councillors worked together to create a pupil and parent version of our School and Nursery Improvement Plan for Session 2022-2023. You can read this here.   Please note that this, along with the full version of the Improvement Plan can be found on our website under the School tab.

Halloween Menu Change
On Monday we are changing the menu. the options for nursery will be:
tomato soup, vegetarian sausage roll, mash and beans and fruit salad

Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Consultation Survey
East Renfrewshire Council (ERC) are required to consult with families every 2 years on the delivery of early learning and childcare.  This helps inform the models that children are able to access in nurseries and family centres so that ELC remains flexible, affordable and accessible. The link to access the survey is The survey will be open until Sunday 30th October it only takes about 5 minutes. Thank-you for your support.

Autumn Fun Night
The PTA have an Autumn Event this evening, Friday 28th October 6pm to 8pm.  Please see message from the PTA below.

If you can come along and support we are sure you will have fun! They will have a pumpkin 🎃 carving competition where you can bring your carved creation and enter it in our competition. You can enter online or on the evening for £2. Every entry will get a flameless candle to light up your creation before we put it in display and you can take it home at the end of the night to use at Halloween 🎃!

There will be some free refreshments and games which will have a small charge 50p to £1 and of course to keep you in good spirits we will have a bar with beer and wine and some sausages on the BBQ to keep you all going too.

Please see the autumn fun night poster, or go to for more details. Funds raised go towards the PTA fund, which has a key focus this year on renewing outdoor PE equipment and updating ground markings including the addition of a multi sports court painted on the playground.

All volunteers and new members are welcome to come along and join the PTA so if interested please email us at

Nursery WOW Wall
Here at Netherlee, we love celebrating children’s achievements both in and out of nursery. A gentle reminder that we would love to see your child’s recent achievements for example swimming, dancing show, can ride a bike themselves etc. Please let us know by sending us an email and/or bring in a photograph as we would love to display this on our Nursery WOW Wall.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parent News 28.10.2022

Hello everyone

We hope you had a wonderful October holiday week. From now until the end of term, it is going to be a very busy time with lots of opportunities and experiences for the children.

We want to wish a Happy Diwali to those who celebrated this week. We hope you had a wonderful time with friends and family.

Parent and Child Improvement Plan
Our P7 Community Councillors worked together to create a pupil and parent version of our School and Nursery Improvement Plan for Session 2022-2023. You can read this here. Please note that this, along with the full version of the Improvement Plan can be found on our website under the School tab.

Halloween Menu Change
On Monday we are changing the menu for the options for school will be:
Tomato soup
Chicken tikka and pitta bread with salad or
Vegetarian sausage rolls, mashed potato and beans
Baked potato, sandwiches and baguettes will also be available.

Recycled Uniform
Just a wee reminder that our recycled uniform rails are available each Friday, between 8.50am – 9am (P1-3 smaller items) and 3pm – 3.10pm (P4-P7 middle and larger sizes) at the Clarkston Road School Gate.  These items are free of charge so please do pop along and make use of this facility.

We understand that some parents may find it tricky to come along to the uniform rails due to work commitments so we are very happy to look out items for your child, please just send us an email detailing what you are looking for and we will see if we can help- we usually can.  We can either send items home with your child or leave them in the office and you can collect them at your convenience, please just let us know what you would prefer.

Recycled Donations
Thank you so much to everyone who kindly donated recycled items last week. This week we would gratefully receive any role play items from our wish list below. Role play is acting in various roles and often involves using props to help get into character. If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items below, please place any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance from the 31st October. Many, many thanks.    *Hats, Old Jewellery, Small pieces of fabrics, Toy prams and Dolls

PTA Autumn Fun Night, Friday 28th and Discos
The PTA have an Autumn event this evening, Friday 28th October from 6pm to 8pm to help raise funds. If you can come along and support we are sure you will have fun! We have a pumpkin 🎃 carving competition where you can bring your carved creation and enter it in our competition. You can enter online or on the evening for £2. Every entry will get a flameless candle to light up your creation before we put it on display and you can take it home at the end of the night to use at Halloween 🎃!

There will be some free refreshments and games alongside some games which will have a small charge, of 50p to £1 and of course to keep you in good spirits we will have a bar with beer and wine and some sausages on the BBQ to keep you all going.

The following week we have discos for the primary classes on 1st and 3rd November. Please see the autumn fun night posterdiscos poster or go to for more details. Funds raised go towards the PTA fund, which has a key focus this year on renewing outdoor PE equipment and updating ground markings including the addition of a multi sports court.  All volunteers and new members are welcome to come along and join the PTA, so if interested please email

Gaelic Education Information Session
Please see the link for information regarding an ERC Information Session for parents interested in Gaelic Medium Education

P4-P7 Support with Change and Loss
Change and loss are issues that affect all of us at some stage of our lives. At Netherlee we recognise that when changes occur in families through death, separation divorce or related circumstances, young people may benefit from learning how to manage these changes effectivity and sensitively.  We are therefore offering the opportunity to our pupils who have been affected by loss or bereavement of any kind to access some small group based support using an extensive range of appropriate resources and to practise new skills needed to be able to cope effectively.  The programme will focus on topics such as self – esteem, managing feelings, problem solving, decision making, and effective communication and support networks.  This programme will involve weekly sessions lasting approximately 30minutes and will be over the course of 5- 6 weeks. Our intention would be to start this group on week beginning the 14th of November.

If you feel this may be something you would like your child to access, please use the link attached and complete the short form.  If you have any questions regarding this programme please feel free to contact Mrs Roberts or Mrs Donaldson either by email or call us at school. (570 7260)  Thank you.

P4 Nutrition and Cooking at School
Over the course of this term all P4 pupils will be making banana smoothies as part of their Hub learning. The children have been learning all about hygiene and being safe, and would like to consolidate this learning with this fun activity. The following ingredients will be used to make this:

Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child or if you wish your child not to taste the smoothie. Many thanks for your support. P4 teachers.

P5 Football Club
Just a reminder of the upcoming P5 football club, starting on Wednesday 23rd November from 3.15-4.15pm. The club will run for four weeks in the gym hall and delivered by a Giffnock Soccer instructor.  There would be a cost of £4 for the club

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: no later than Monday 31st. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

P5d Food Nutrition and Cooking in School
On Wednesday the 2nd of November the children will be baking. The children have been learning all about Brazil and would like to consolidate this learning with a fun, learning activity. As a class, we have decided we would like to make a slightly healthier version of Brazilian Truffles (Brigadeiro). The following ingredients will be used to make this:

Porridge oats
Golden syrup
Cocoa powder

Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child or if you wish your child not to eat a truffle.  Many thanks for your support.

P6 Karate Club
Just a reminder of the upcoming P6 karate club, starting on Tuesday 22ndNovember from 3.15-4.15pm. The club will run for four weeks in the gym hall and delivered by a Japan Karate instructor.  There would be a cost of £4 for the club

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: no later than Monday 31st. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

P6a Update
We would like to update you to let you know that Mrs McGeachy will be finishing on Friday 4th of November to start her maternity leave. Miss Taylor MacInnes will be joining us to take over P6a. Miss MacInnes and Mrs McGeachy will have a detailed hand over to ensure continuity for the children.  Mrs McGeachy is looking forward to seeing you all on the 1st and 2nd of November for parent meetings.

For parents who are attending their parents night on the 1st November, please be aware that there is a P1 disco going on in the Atrium and we would therefore ask you to wait in the school reception area when you arrive at school and someone will take you up to the P6a classroom at your allocated time to see Mrs McGeachy.

P7 Lochgoilhead Deposit Reminder
We would like to remind you that the deposit of £50 for Lochgoilhead is Sunday 30th October.  The deposit will secure your child’s place on the residential this year we would require a deposit of £50 per child. Should you wish to discuss payment options or anything else to do with this trip, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

P7 Remembrance Service
With the falling of the leaves and the darkening of mornings we are all aware that Winter is just around the corner, and this also brings us to our Remembrance service in November. P7 pupils and staff work very hard on making this a very appropriate event and this year we would love for you to join us. Our service will be held in the school on Friday 11th November. We would ask that you arrive at school for 9:15am for a 9:30am start and will last around an hour. Due to numbers we ask that a maximum of 2 adults per child attend the service. Please feel free to wear uniform if you are or have been a member of any of the Forces. The children will be delighted to see you all.

P7 Vision Screening
Just a kind reminder that if you have not yet returned your child’s consent form, to please have this returned to the school office. The School Nurses team will be in school on Tuesday 1st November for the vision screening programme.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parent News 14.10.2022

Hello everyone

School Uniform Update and Reminders
Our adapted uniform policy, which introduced children wearing our PE uniform to school on PE Days, is going really well.  Overwhelmingly, both children and teachers feel that it makes getting ready for PE much more efficient with no time being wasted on getting changed etc.   Combining this with outdoor learning time on PE days is also working out very well too, helping children to be appropriately dressed for being outdoors.

As we are at the end of the first term, I feel that this is an appropriate time to highlight a couple of important points:

  • On PE Days, only PE uniform should be worn and children shouldn’t wear a combination of PE and non PE uniforms e.g. wearing a skirt over their shorts or joggers.  This makes the uniform policy less consistent, makes it more difficult for teachers to manage and also dilutes the policy’s effectiveness.   I would like to stress that this has been noticed in only a very small number of children however I do feel it is important to highlight this to you in order to continue to seek your support.
  • On set PE days (2 days per week) children can come to school in PE trainers. On the three other, shirt and tie days, children should wear all black shoes or boots.  If your child has trainer type shoes as school shoes, this is absolutely fine of course as many school shoes in shops are now more of a trainer type shoe and these can be harder wearing however, on non PE Days shirt and tie days these should be all black including the sole as per the policy sent out and can be found again here.

Again, I would like to stress that the above points only relate to very small numbers of children and overwhelmingly our pupils come to school every day fully supporting the uniform policy in its entirety.  I do therefore hope you can see the reasoning behind these two points however, like always, I am happy to discuss this with anyone who would like further discussion- please just give me a call on 0141 570 7260. Thank you again for supporting myself, the teachers and the school with, what seems like a very positive, progressive step.

Book Week Scotland – Book Sale
Please see letter regarding Book Week happening in school between 14th and 18th November.

Congratulations to Miss Bell
All staff in Netherlee would like to wish Miss Jilly Bell a wonderful day tomorrow for her wedding.  We all hope you have a very special day Jilly, you will be a simply beautiful bride and we can’t wait to see the photos.  We look forward to you returning as Mrs Jilly Ford on 24th after the holiday week.

Wooden Planters- What a Lovely Surprise- Thank You!
We would like to give a huge thank you to the 91st Netherlee Cubs and Mr McHale for making and delivering two wooden planters to us. As part of their DIY badge, the children made the planters from recycled pallets. They look fantastic! The P4 Gardening Club are really looking forward to planting in them to brighten up our outdoor spaces! Thank you once again for this kind contribution.

Expressive Arts

Do you, or someone you know, have a skill in art, drama, music or dance, that you would be prepared to come in and share with our children? If you do, please get in touch with Mr Bryce who would be delighted to discuss this with you.

Recycled Donations
Thank you so much to everyone who kindly donated recycled items last week. This week we would gratefully receive any natural loose parts from our wish list below. Loose parts are any materials which can be combined, redesigned, lined up, taken apart and put back together in different ways. If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items, please place any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance from the 25th October. Many, many thanks.

Acorns, Conkers, Feathers, Pine cones, Pebbles, Shells, Sticks, Small bits of wood, Small stones, Twigs….

Parent Council Meeting
The next Parent Council meeting will take place on zoom at 7pm on Thursday 27th October. Further details will be published leading up to the meeting but if you have any questions or would like to attend please email Items likely to be discussed include the new school homework policy, and physical activity for the children of Netherlee. We look forward to welcoming as many parents and carers to the meeting as possible.

PTA Events
The PTA have some events planned for the next few months with the next event being an Autumn Fun Night on 28th October, including a pumpkin carving competition. Please see the autumn fun night poster, discos poster or go to for more details and how to enter!  Funds raised go towards the PTA fund, which has a key focus this year on renewing outdoor PE equipment and updating ground markings including the addition of a multi sports court.

All volunteers, new members are welcome to come along and join the PTA so if interested please email

P4-7 Cricket Club
Please see attached link regarding an upcoming Cricket Club, and how to register your child for the club.

P5 Football Club
Just a reminder of the upcoming P5 football club, please see attached link regarding how to register your child for the club.

P6 Karate Club
Just a reminder of the upcoming P6 karate club, please see the attached link regarding how to register your child for the club.

P6/7 Netball Club
Please see attached link regarding an upcoming Netball Club, and how to register your child for the club.

P7 Vision Screening Letters

Just a kind reminder that if you have not yet returned your child’s consent form, to please have this returned to the school office. The School Nurses team will be in school on Tuesday 1st November.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday week. We look forward to welcoming our children back on Tuesday 25th October (please note Monday 24th is an In-service Day and therefore children should not attend that day).

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Parent News 14.10.2022

Hello again everyone

It has been another rainy but exciting week here at Netherlee Nursery. The children have been taking part in lots of excellent experiences; including making slime, working together to build structures in our blocks area and using their words to create imaginative stories.

Parent and Carers Meetings
Our Nursery parent and carers meetings take place the week beginning 7th and 14th November. These appointments will take place in person with your child’s key worker. We hope that many of you enjoy the opportunity to talk with staff about your child’s learning. Sign-up sheets will be made available from Tue 27th October at each of our nursery buildings.

Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) Consultation Survey
East Renfrewshire Council (ERC) are required to consult with families every 2 years on the delivery of early learning and childcare.  This helps inform the models that children are able to access in nurseries and family centres so that ELC remains flexible, affordable and accessible. The link to access the survey is The survey will be open until Sunday 30th October it only takes about 5 minutes. Thank-you for your support.

Nursery WOW Wall
Here at Netherlee, we love celebrating children’s achievements both in and out of nursery. If your child has celebrated a recent achievement for example swimming, dancing show, can ride a bike themselves etc. please let us know and/or bring in a photograph as we would love to display this on our Nursery WOW Wall.

Recycled Donations
As stated in a previous Friday Bundle, we are on the hunt for donations of any pre-loved items that you would otherwise have thrown away. Each week in our Friday bundle email, we will highlight any items we are looking for to enhance the children’s learning experiences. This week we would gratefully receive:

Home Corner Resources

  • Telephones (old “digitally cleansed” mobiles or house phones)
  • Recipe books and magazines
  • Hats, scarves
  • Chunky costume jewellery
  • Aprons and oven gloves

Parent Council Meeting
The next Parent Council meeting will take place on Zoom at 7pm on Thursday 27th October. Further details will be published leading up to the meeting but if you have any questions or would like to attend please email Items likely to be discussed include the new school homework policy, and physical activity for the children of Netherlee. We look forward to welcoming as many parents and carers to the meeting as possible.

PTA Events
The PTA have some events planned for the next few months with the next event being an Autumn Fun Night on 28th October, including a pumpkin carving competition. Please see the poster or go to for more details and how to enter!  Funds raised go towards the PTA fund, which has a key focus this year on renewing outdoor PE equipment and updating ground markings including the addition of a multi sports court.

All volunteers, new members are welcome to come along and join the PTA so if interested please email

Book Week Scotland – Book Sale
Please see letter regarding Book Week happening in school between 14th and 18th November.

Wooden Planters- What a Lovely Surprise- Thank You!
We would like to give a huge thank you to the 91st Netherlee Cubs and Mr McHale for making and delivering two wooden planters to us. As part of their DIY badge, the children made the planters from recycled pallets. They look fantastic! The P4 Gardening Club are really looking forward to planting in them to brighten up our outdoor spaces! Thank you once again for this kind contribution.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday week.  We look forward to welcoming our children back on Tuesday 25th October (please note Monday 24th is an In-service Day and therefore children should not attend that day).

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Parent News 07.10.2022

Hello everyone,

The weeks are flying by so quickly and the weather has definitely changed! Despite the rain, the children have been engaging in lots of lovely experiences both indoors and outdoors. They have been listening to the pitter patter of the rain, discussing the changing colours of the leaves and enjoying counting the conkers on the ground. Please ensure you check out our weekly Learning Links on your child’s Google Classroom where the children’s upcoming play experiences are detailed and also Netherlee’s Twitter page to see what the children have been getting up to!  If you have any problems or difficulties accessing Google Classrooms, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will be able to help you.

Chatter Café
Thank-you to those who attended the informal Chatter Café this week. It was a lovely chance to get together to discuss ideas and have a blether with some lovely coffee and cakes made by our pupils. We really enjoyed chatting to everyone and were delighted that so many parents managed to come along.  If you did not manage to attend, please be assured that our Chatter café will take place on a termly basis and the next date can be found here link.

Pitter Patter
A bit of rain does not stop us here at Netherlee Nursery! Please be reminded that it is helpful if wellies are brought to Nursery each day please. Many of our children enjoy and benefit from getting messy with mud or water whilst playing outdoors. We have a small supply of spare nursery clothes but we would be grateful for any donations of pre-loved trousers if at all possible. Thank-you very much.

Recycled Donations
As stated in a previous Friday Bundle, we are on the hunt for donations of any pre-loved items that you would otherwise have thrown away. Each week in our Friday bundle email, we will highlight any items we are looking for to enhance the children’s learning experiences. This week we would gratefully receive:

  • Junk modelling materials: cereal boxes, cartons, plastic milk bottles, yoghurt pots
  • Other materials such as bubble wrap, scraps of fabric and ‘loose parts’ such as corks, shells, milk tops to enhance models

Save A Life Scotland
We would like to say a huge thank you to Dr Fiona Burton and her team of medical volunteers who kindly gave up their time to come into school today to support us with a very successful Save a Life Scotland Day. We are delighted that over 700 of our pupils are now CPR ready! Well done to everyone for taking part

Change to Lunch Menu
We have been informed that there is a temporary change to the lunch menu from Monday 10th to Friday 14th October. Please see the menu link (week 3) here.

PTA Agenda and Events
Please see the agenda for the PTA Meeting on Wednesday.

Thank you and have a lovely weekend

Mrs Donaldson (HT) and Miss McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parent News 07.10.2022

Hello everyone

Change to Lunch Menu
We have been informed that there is a temporary change to the lunch menu from Monday 10th to Friday 14th October. Please see the menu link (week 3) here.

Chatter Café
Thank-you to those who attended the informal Chatter Café this week. It was a lovely chance to get together to discuss ideas and have a blether with some lovely coffee and cakes made by our pupils. We really enjoyed chatting to everyone and were delighted that so many parents managed to come along.  If you did not manage to attend, please be assured that our Chatter café will take place on a termly basis and the next date can be found here link.

Parent/Teacher Meeting Appointments
As detailed in our Calendar of Events, our upcoming Parent/Teacher Meetings will be conducted via In Person meetings on Tuesday 15th November and Video Call on Wednesday 16th November.

The first named contact on our system will receive a separate email from us on Friday 14th October, advising how to book an appointment and will also include information on how to share access with another parent who may or may not live at the same address for video appointments.

If you have any enquiries about this, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

School Flu Immunisation
Just a kind reminder that if you have not yet returned your child’s consent form, to please have this returned to the school office. The School Nurses team will be in school on Thursday 17th November to immunise the children.

Save A Life Scotland
We would like to say a huge thank you to Dr Fiona Burton and her team of medical volunteers who kindly gave up their time to come into school today to support us with a very successful Save a Life Scotland Day. We are delighted that over 700 of our pupils are now CPR ready! Well done to everyone for taking part

Recycled Donations
Thank you so much to everyone who kindly donated recycled items last week. This week we would gratefully receive any small world items from our wish list below (please note “small world” means very small items). Please put any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations box situated at the main school office entrance next week. Many, many thanks.

Small world items: Very small dolls, dinosaurs, animals and farm animals, figurines, cars, trucks and vehicles.

PTA Meeting
Please see the agenda for the PTA Meeting on Wednesday.

P3b Cooking
On Wednesday 12th October the children will be baking. The children have been learning all about measurement and would like to consolidate this learning with a fun activity. As a class, we have decided we would like to make flapjacks. The following ingredients will be used to make this:
Porridge oats
Golden syrup

Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child or if you wish your child not to try a flapjack.

P5 Football Club
Please see attached link regarding an upcoming Football Club.

P6 Karate Club
Please see attached link regarding an upcoming Karate Club.

Have a lovely weekend.

Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Parent News 30.09.2022

Hello everyone,

The children had lots of fun during maths week this week. The children have been counting using natural materials, exploring capacity in the water tray and practising number formation in the art area. Bravo!

We have started our Forest Adventures with our pre-school children this week. The children and staff have had so much fun exploring Linn Park. We have been taking part in lots of fun activities, such as sliding down mud hills and skimming stones in the river.  Please do have a look at our Twitter feed @sandnc where we’ve shared some photos of the fun our children have been having!

Upcoming Event Reminders:
Chatter Café: Wednesday 5th October 9.15-10am
Save a Life Scotland Day: Friday 7th October

Consent Forms
If you have not already done so, please be reminded that all consent forms should be returned to nursery as soon as possible. If you have any queries regarding the completion of these forms please do not hesitate to get in contact.

Security and Collection Times
For safety and security of children, it is important that we know who is allowed to collect your child. We would ask that if anyone out with your usual collection arrangements is collecting your child, please let us know by email, phone or in person.

Recycling Items
As stated in last week’s Friday bundle, the nursery are on the hunt for donations of any pre-loved items that you would otherwise have thrown away. Each week in our Friday bundle email we will highlight any items we are looking for to enhance the children’s play experiences. This week we would gratefully receive:

  • Small world items (e.g. small dolls, animals, plastic figurines)

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class


Parent News 30.09.2022

Hello everyone

Open Classrooms
We are very much looking forward to welcoming parents into school on Friday 14th October for Open Classrooms. As indicated in the Dates for your Diary previously issued we invite P1-4 parents between 9.30 and 10am and ask that you enter via the Clarkston Road Gate.  Please use the doors to the right of the ramp to both enter and leave the school. P5-7 parents, we look forward to welcoming you between 11.15 and 11.45am and we ask you to enter and exit via the main front door at reception. We request a maximum of two adults per child.

Our children and staff are looking forward to seeing you then if you are able to join us, but please don’t worry if you can’t make it along this time, there are other similar opportunities spread throughout the session.

Upcoming Event Reminders
Chatter Café: Wednesday 5th October 9.15-10am
Save a Life Scotland Day: Friday 7th October

Recycled Donations
As stated in a previous Friday Bundle, we are on the hunt for donations of any pre-loved items that you would otherwise have thrown away. Each week in our Friday bundle email, we will highlight any items we are looking for to enhance the children’s learning experiences. This week we would gratefully receive any creative and messy play items from our wish list below. Please put any donations into our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance any time next week. Thank you very much.

Bubble wrap
Bottle tops
Cotton wool
Old catalogues or brochures
Scraps of material
Greeting cards
Unused straws
Wool, yarn, twine or string

Could we please ask that wherever possible, if you have any change in pickup/collection arrangements for your child that you can let us know by 12noon or as early in the day as possible via email or by calling 0141 570 7260. This will help us to communicate with class teachers effectively.

P1/2 Planning Through Play
It was so lovely to see you all last week for our Parent Information Evenings and Meet the Teacher. We hope you found the sessions informative and valuable. As promised, please find a link below to the Triangular Planning Model Youtube clip. Triangular Planning Model.

P2 Cooking
On Thursday 6th October, our P2 children will be cooking. As a stage, we have decided we would like to make pumpkin soup. The following ingredients will be used to make this:
Cumin seeds
Coriander seeds
White onion
Red lentils
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

The children will also be tasting Beetroot Hummus. The ingredients for this are: Beetroot, Chickpeas, Lemons, Garlic and Tahini. Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child or if you wish your child not to try the soup and/or beetroot hummus.

P7 Residential
Please find a letter regarding the residential with payment information and kit list.

P7 Vision Screening Letters
Just a kind reminder that consent forms for P7 vision screening require to be returned by Friday, 7th October please.

P7c Thank You
Can we please say a great big thank you to Mrs Mann for starting P7c on their P7 journey this year.  Mrs Callaghan will be taking over on the 4th October and we are sure that the relationship between class and teacher will continue to be great for everybody!

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class