Parent News 02.09.2022

Hello everyone

This may also be a good opportunity to remind everyone that our website, as always, has a very good range of learning activities, organised into stages for the various areas of the curriculum, and includes resources our children should be familiar with.  This is always available on our website and can be found here.

PTA Uniform Sale
If you need new badged uniform items they are now on-sale again from Netherlee PTA until the 12th September. Sample sizes are available in the school reception to check before you order. Please use the following link to make an order. Thank you.

Meet the teacher P3-P7 Tuesday 13th September 6.30pm – 7.30pm
Please remember that the above event will take place and hope that many of you can join us then.  More information will be included in next week’s Friday Bundle email.

P4 Gardening Club
Please see attached link regarding an upcoming Gardening Club.

As always please do not hesitate to get in touch at any time.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher

Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class
East Renfrewshire



NNC Parent News 02.09.2022

Hello everyone

Stay and Play: Rescheduled Date Please note a change of date for our Stay and Play sessions, which will now take place on the week beginning 19th September. These sessions are a fantastic opportunity to play together with your child and see our wonderful spaces and experiences. Sign-up sheets will be made available at the nursery doors on the week beginning 12th September for you to choose a suitable date/time. We kindly ask that a maximum of two adults accompany each child. If at all possible, younger siblings should not attend the sessions.

As always please do not hesitate to get in touch at any time.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher

 Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Friday Bundle 26.08.2022

Dear parent/carer

Dates for your Diary
It is with great pleasure that I share the calendar of events in school and nursery for the 2022/23 session. For your ease please see attached PDF, however please note that going forward all calendar updates will be made via the electronic website calendar which will be available from Monday afternoon. We are so delighted that we can welcome you into school and nursery at regular points throughout the session.  I hope you find that having these dates at the start of the session helpful.  Thank you for your understanding if any dates require to be changed due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances.  If this needs to happen we will of course give you as much notice as possible.

Homework Policy
Please see attached letter detailing our new Homework Policy, starting on Monday 29th August.

Emails to School
Thank you for using our efficient email system to communicate with us.  Please ensure you include your child’s name and class in the subject bar so that your email can be passed on to the appropriate person very quickly- thank you.

Recycled Uniform Items
We are delighted that many families have made good use of our recycled uniform stock and we have managed to pass on many items throughout this week to families who have been in touch.  I am delighted to say that this means we can now resume collecting any donations of uniform items you may have at home that your child has outgrown in particular, larger sized items for P5-7.  You can pop up anytime to the main school door where you will find our “Big Red Box” and your uniform donation items can be placed in there.  This box is available at all times- many thanks

Flu Vaccination Programme
Children will be bringing home consent letters for the Flu Immunisation programme today. Please check their schoolbags. These require to be returned by Friday, 2nd September please.

Annual Consents
All annual consents will be available for completion via ParentsPortal.  If you haven’t already registered, please click the LINK to do so.

Linguascope- Thank You Netherlee PTA
We would like to say a huge thank you to our PTA who have very generously funded our yearly subscription to Linguascope for all nursery and primary classes. Your ongoing support for PTA events allows the PTA to fund this excellent online programme that supports and enhances Modern Languages (French) learning and for our children. Merci beaucoup à notre PTA! J

Message from our Parent Council (PC) Chairperson
PC Meeting Date and Time: Wednesday 31st August at 7pm in The Hub
We are pleased to hold our first Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class Parent Council meeting of the new school year at 7pm on Wednesday 31st August. The meeting will be held in the Hub in school. You can find the agenda here.

PTA P1-P3 Mixer
The PTA are hosting a P1- P3 mixer in the school on Thursday 1st Sept from 6:30pm until 8pm, please see poster. All activities and refreshments will be free of charge with the exception of our raffle.  Any parents and carers who would like to get involved in helping with the event would be very welcome and can volunteer at the following link: Netherlee PTA (  Further events will be announced in September and again anyone who would like to get involved as a member of the PTA or as a volunteer for future fundraising events please feel free to contact the PTA on:

P3 Outdoor Visit
To support class work in the context for learning of ‘Buildings in Our Local Community’, an outdoor Educational Visit has been organised for our Primary 3 classes. The date for this visit for will be Thursday 8th September. Pupils will leave Netherlee at 9.15am and will return by 10:40am.

The parental consent forms for local visits, should be completed via ParentsPortal and this will cover this visit. If you haven’t already registered, please click the LINK to register. If you are available to help accompany the class, please telephone or email the school office as soon as possible. Your help with this would be very much appreciated.  If you have any issues or difficulties getting registered with ParentsPortal please do not hesitate to contact the office

East Renfrewshire Council (ERC) P4-7 Choral Groups
To register your P4-7 child for participation in East Renfrewshire’s Choral Groups, please complete and return this form as soon as possible and by no later than Tuesday 30th August.

P6/7 Bikeability
We will be running Bikeability training for P7 and P6 this session. If you have been trained as a Bikeability instructor in the past and would be happy to help deliver the training again please contact Mr Bryce. If you have not been trained, but are interested in helping out, there will be training for this in Feb/Mar 2023, look out for more information nearer the time.

P6/7 Choir
Please click to read the letter regarding the arrangements for the P6 and P7 choir.

P7 Residential
Please find a letter regarding our P7 residential information evening.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class


NNC Parent News 19.08.2022

Hello everyone,

We’ve had a brilliant first week back as staff and children reconnect and also build relationships with our new families. We are taking time to get to know our new children and learn about their interests and unique personalities.

If you have not already done so, please click on the link for more information about our Nursery Class at Netherlee

Continue reading

NPS Parent Update 19.08.2022

Hello everyone

I hope you have had a really lovely Summer and enjoyed spending time with your children, family and friends.  We have had a fantastic first week back with all staff working really hard on the two In-service Days, getting ready to welcome all of our children back to school.  All children have been settled and seem very happy and enthusiastic to be back and our adorable “new P1 cuties” seem as if they have been coming to school for months instead of days!  They are in a fantastic routine already and it is a joy to watch them coming in first thing in the morning, then making their way to the cloakroom and then on to their classrooms to find their friends- chatting and laughing all the way!  A huge welcome also to all the other new children and families who have joined us, spread throughout all stages of the school from P2-7.  Your children have quickly slotted right into their new class and it will be lovely to get to know them and you in the coming weeks and months.

PE Timetable
As promised, the PE/ Gym Day Timetable can be found here. On these days children should come to school in their PE uniform.  Our uniform policy can be found here which details, as a reminder, the Netherlee’s School Uniform List.  Our children have returned to school looking extremely smart in their school uniform and I would like to thank you for the commitment and support with this. The gym days are also on our website calendar for ease.  Our fantastic Uniform Recycling Rails will return next Friday 26th (smaller items 8.45-9.05am and larger items 2.55-3.10pm) at the Clarkston Road Gate.  Please do come along at this time any Friday morning and help yourself to uniform items that you can make use of.  A huge thank you for all of your donations in June, we now have a vast selection of school burgundy jackets, hoodies and other items of uniform.  These are free of charge so please do help yourself.   Please hold off donating any more uniform items for a little while as we have so much right now and I will let you know when we are ready to start collecting again- thank you. Continue reading

NNC Parent News 26.08.2022

Hello everyone,

What a busy and exciting week we have had in the nursery- lots of fun had by all! We have a few changes to staffing this session and so we would like to share who the children’s keyworkers are and their locations.  Although each keyworker has an allocated group of children, all nursery staff are on hand to support all of the children in nursery.

Miss Mellissa Dorran- White Group
Mrs. Jo-Anne Welsh/ Mrs Lyn Gemmell- Orange Group
Mrs. Harjeet Kaur/ Mrs. Lynne Morton- Red Group
Clare McAndrew

Mrs. Mary Nimmo-Yellow Group
Mrs. Susan McBride/ Mrs. Sarah Mackie-Pink Group
Ms. Jade Toner/ Mrs. Fiona Daley-Green Group
Miss Pamela Montgomerie- Blue
Mrs. Debbie Heron- Purple
Elizabeth Beattie/ Lynne Stoll

You can see photos of our staff team in our Welcome Sway here

Our teacher, Mr Lewis Strang-Roy and our Senior Child Development Officer, Mrs Joanne Greig will alternate between both Nursery buildings. Our Principal Teacher, Miss Jennifer McCann will alternate between both Nursery buildings and the school.

Rhythm of the Day
We are being very flexible with nursery hours to meet children and family needs. If your child has been allocated 8am-6pm you are free to drop off your child any time before 9am and pick up any time before 6pm. Children who attend from 9am -3pm should be dropped off at 9am, or after, and picked up by 3pm please, when their session ends

Lunch this week has also been a great success! It is helpful to talk through the choices with your child before each day to support their independence at lunch time. You can view the nursery lunch menu by clicking the link below:

Dates for your Diary

It is with great pleasure that I share the calendar of events in school and nursery for the 2022/23 session. For your ease please see attached PDF, however please note that going forward all calendar updates will be made via the electronic website calendar which will be available from Monday afternoon. We are so delighted that we can welcome you into school and nursery at regular points throughout the session.  I hope you find that having these dates at the start of the session helpful.  Thank you for your understanding if any dates require to be changed due to unforeseen and unavoidable circumstances.  If this needs to happen we will of course give you as much notice as possible.

Linguascope- Thank You Netherlee PTA
We would like to say a huge thank you to our PTA who have very generously funded our yearly subscription to Linguascope for all nursery and primary classes. Your ongoing support for PTA events allows the PTA to fund this excellent online programme that supports and enhances Modern Languages (French) learning and for our children. Merci beaucoup à notre PTA! J

Message from our Parent Council (PC) Chairperson
PC Meeting Date and Time: Wednesday 31st August at 7pm in The Hub
We are pleased to hold our first Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class Parent Council meeting of the new school year at 7pm on Wednesday 31st August. The meeting will be held in the Hub in school. You can find the agenda here.

Getting in Contact and Absence Procedures
If your child isn’t coming to nursery on one of their allocated days, please inform our school office at the earliest convenience. We are available by emailing or by phoning 0141 570 7260.

If need to pass on an urgent message such as changes to collection information after 4.30pm please call Acorns 0141 570 7272 or Saplings 0141 570 7271. These numbers should only be used after 4.30pm please as we do not have clerical staff to answer the phone during the day before this time.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class


Parent News 24.06.2022

Hello everyone

Netherlee Times
We present to you, the Netherlee Times! A wonderful group of Primary 6 pupils have been working very hard to create the first issue of our school newspaper. We hope you enjoy having a read of all the fantastic things that have been going on in the school this term. Myself and Miss McLauchlan would like to say a HUGE well done and thank you to the pupils involved in creating this newspaper.

Please have a look by clicking this link.

Arrangements for Final Day of Term – Tuesday 28th June 2022
Please note that there will be an alteration to lunch time on the final day of session as follows:  Lunchtime will be 11.30-12.30pm. Lunch will be available to all pupils who wish it on that day, with a restricted menu is being offered of soup and sandwiches only.  Also a little reminder that school closes early on the last day, P1-2 12.55pm and P3-7 1pm.

School Uniform
Uniform deliveries are being received over the next few days. The PTA are working hard to get them sorted and these will be distributed to bring home via your child.  If you would like to make alternative arrangements to get the uniform to you, please email schoolmail@netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.ukOur Office Manager, Alyson will also be in school from Wednesday 29th to Tuesday 5th July between the hours of 10am and 3pm to arrange collection, and also from week commencing 8th August, between 10am and 3pm.

A few parents have asked us to resend a link here to our uniform policy to help them when picking up grey, navy or other uniform items over the holiday.

Sports Week Fundraising
We had a fantastic Sports Week last week, the finals events were a great success and everyone really enjoyed their ‘fun walks’ in Linn Park. It was fantastic to see all the amazing crazy hair styles too.  We would like to take this opportunity to say an enormous thank you for your very generous donations, we smashed our target of £1,000, raising an amazing £2,029.25 for the school and £718.20 for the nursery. Thank you very much, we really appreciate your support.

Parent Council (PC) Meeting Highlights
Thank you to our Parent Council for compiling the latest edition of the PC Meeting Highlights Newsletter which you can read here.  I would like to thank the PC, on behalf of myself and all school and nursery staff, for its support and work throughout the past year.  We very much look forward to another very successful partnership in the coming session.

P1/P2 Save the Date- a Message from the PTA!
On the w/c 29th August we plan to host a mixer for P1, P2 and P3.  We don’t have details yet but will when school resumes.  Please keep this in mind and if anyone happens to be a DJ or knows someone who could offer this service, please get in touch.

Primary 3 End of Year Celebrations
The Primary 3 pupils have been working towards an end of term reward and we are pleased to announce that due to their hard work they have achieved it! On Monday 27th June, the pupils are welcome to bring in a teddy bear, blanket and some extra snacks for a Teddy Bears’ Picnic on the pitch. The teachers would like to provide them with a low sugar ice lolly. If you do not wish your child to have an ice lolly then please inform us by email.

Primary 5 End of Year Celebration
On Monday 27th June, Primary 5 are having an end of year celebration. Can your child please bring in a snack and drink to enjoy at our ‘Picnic on the Pitch’.

Primary 6 End of Year Celebration
P6 will be having a summer ‘End of year’ celebration on Monday 27th of June. This will involve a movie rated ‘U’ and an ice lolly as a little treat! Please note that the ice lollies being provided are made with real fruit juice and free from preservatives. If you would not like your child to take part, please send an email to their class teacher before Monday. We wish you all a restful summer holiday!

P7 Final days
P7 have had a busy week with their Graduation Assembly and Leavers party. Thank you to all parents and carers who arrived and enjoyed the Assembly despite our technical hitches! We have added the Lockerbie Video to the children’s Google classroom and they will be able to access this until next Tuesday. Access to Google classroom ceases when they leave Netherlee.

We also wanted to say a big thank you to the PTA for their generous donation of £450 towards the P7 Party. The children and staff had an amazing time and the Band were fab. A night to remember.

The P7 staff have added some Prom photos to the Google classroom as well and again these will be available for the children to access until next Tuesday.

P7a Eco Elephants

As part of our Pupil Parliament, P7a Eco Elephants have an outing. Details have been emailed to parents.

And finally… I would like to sincerely thank all pupils, staff and parents for all of your continued support and dedication towards our school.

I hope that everyone enjoys the long summer holidays and that the sun shines for us all whether here or abroad. Children, please keep safe when you are out and about having lots of fun with your friends.  Parents, as always, just remember that in six and a half short weeks your children will be safely back at school again and will be off your hands!

I look forward to welcoming all children back to school on Wednesday 17th August 2022.

Have a wonderful and well deserved Summer. Stay safe and take care.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Parent News 24.06.2022

Hello everyone

It has been a busy and exciting year here at Netherlee Nursery and we have made so many happy memories together. We want to thank each and every one of you for all of the support you have given us throughout the year. We also want to thank every child for all the fun, memories and the learning that we have shared over the year. We are so proud of every one of them.

As this session draws to a close, we approach the last day of nursery for many of the children. Another door is opening for the children starting school as they embark on the next stage of their educational journey. We wish you all the luck in the world.

We are also so excited to welcome back those who are returning to Netherlee Nursery and children and families who are joining us for the first time.  We are going to have a fabulous year of fun together!

Nursery Fundraising
We would like to express our deepest gratitude to everyone that donated to our Nursery Fund. Donations from our sponsored fun walk and strawberry plant sales totalled a whopping £718.20! This will help us to provide additional, fun resources and play equipment to enhance the children’s learning experiences within the Nursery. The school also raised an amazing £2,029.25. We are blown away by your tremendous generosity and cannot thank you enough.

RSPB Wild Challenge Award
We have been connecting and learning about nature through lots of activities in our Nursery. As a result, we have achieved a Gold Wild Challenge award from the RSPB for all of our efforts. Well done everyone!

Parent Council (PC) Meeting Highlights
Thank you to our Parent Council for compiling the latest edition of the PC Meeting Highlights Newsletter which you can read here.

New P1 Save the date from the PTA!
On the w/c 29th August we plan to host a mixer for P1/2/3. We don’t have details yet but will when school resumes.  Please keep this in mind and if anyone happens to be a DJ or the like then please get in touch as looking for a hand with it. Have a great Summer! Netherlee PTA

Last Day
Please be reminded that the last day of Nursery is Tuesday 28th June.  The Nursery remains open until 6pm, however we are of course flexible should you wish your child to finish earlier on this day. Please be reminded that if your child has medication in the Nursery, this should be taken home on your child’s last day. If you have not already done so, please also return your child’s Special Book- thank you.

Have a wonderful and well deserved Summer. Stay safe and take care.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT), Lynn Sweeney, DHT, Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class