NNC Parent News 07.10.2022

Hello everyone,

The weeks are flying by so quickly and the weather has definitely changed! Despite the rain, the children have been engaging in lots of lovely experiences both indoors and outdoors. They have been listening to the pitter patter of the rain, discussing the changing colours of the leaves and enjoying counting the conkers on the ground. Please ensure you check out our weekly Learning Links on your child’s Google Classroom where the children’s upcoming play experiences are detailed and also Netherlee’s Twitter page to see what the children have been getting up to!  If you have any problems or difficulties accessing Google Classrooms, please don’t hesitate to get in touch and we will be able to help you.

Chatter Café
Thank-you to those who attended the informal Chatter Café this week. It was a lovely chance to get together to discuss ideas and have a blether with some lovely coffee and cakes made by our pupils. We really enjoyed chatting to everyone and were delighted that so many parents managed to come along.  If you did not manage to attend, please be assured that our Chatter café will take place on a termly basis and the next date can be found here link.

Pitter Patter
A bit of rain does not stop us here at Netherlee Nursery! Please be reminded that it is helpful if wellies are brought to Nursery each day please. Many of our children enjoy and benefit from getting messy with mud or water whilst playing outdoors. We have a small supply of spare nursery clothes but we would be grateful for any donations of pre-loved trousers if at all possible. Thank-you very much.

Recycled Donations
As stated in a previous Friday Bundle, we are on the hunt for donations of any pre-loved items that you would otherwise have thrown away. Each week in our Friday bundle email, we will highlight any items we are looking for to enhance the children’s learning experiences. This week we would gratefully receive:

  • Junk modelling materials: cereal boxes, cartons, plastic milk bottles, yoghurt pots
  • Other materials such as bubble wrap, scraps of fabric and ‘loose parts’ such as corks, shells, milk tops to enhance models

Save A Life Scotland
We would like to say a huge thank you to Dr Fiona Burton and her team of medical volunteers who kindly gave up their time to come into school today to support us with a very successful Save a Life Scotland Day. We are delighted that over 700 of our pupils are now CPR ready! Well done to everyone for taking part

Change to Lunch Menu
We have been informed that there is a temporary change to the lunch menu from Monday 10th to Friday 14th October. Please see the menu link (week 3) here.

PTA Agenda and Events
Please see the agenda for the PTA Meeting on Wednesday.

Thank you and have a lovely weekend

Mrs Donaldson (HT) and Miss McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parent News 07.10.2022

Hello everyone

Change to Lunch Menu
We have been informed that there is a temporary change to the lunch menu from Monday 10th to Friday 14th October. Please see the menu link (week 3) here.

Chatter Café
Thank-you to those who attended the informal Chatter Café this week. It was a lovely chance to get together to discuss ideas and have a blether with some lovely coffee and cakes made by our pupils. We really enjoyed chatting to everyone and were delighted that so many parents managed to come along.  If you did not manage to attend, please be assured that our Chatter café will take place on a termly basis and the next date can be found here link.

Parent/Teacher Meeting Appointments
As detailed in our Calendar of Events, our upcoming Parent/Teacher Meetings will be conducted via In Person meetings on Tuesday 15th November and Video Call on Wednesday 16th November.

The first named contact on our system will receive a separate email from us on Friday 14th October, advising how to book an appointment and will also include information on how to share access with another parent who may or may not live at the same address for video appointments.

If you have any enquiries about this, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

School Flu Immunisation
Just a kind reminder that if you have not yet returned your child’s consent form, to please have this returned to the school office. The School Nurses team will be in school on Thursday 17th November to immunise the children.

Save A Life Scotland
We would like to say a huge thank you to Dr Fiona Burton and her team of medical volunteers who kindly gave up their time to come into school today to support us with a very successful Save a Life Scotland Day. We are delighted that over 700 of our pupils are now CPR ready! Well done to everyone for taking part

Recycled Donations
Thank you so much to everyone who kindly donated recycled items last week. This week we would gratefully receive any small world items from our wish list below (please note “small world” means very small items). Please put any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations box situated at the main school office entrance next week. Many, many thanks.

Small world items: Very small dolls, dinosaurs, animals and farm animals, figurines, cars, trucks and vehicles.

PTA Meeting
Please see the agenda for the PTA Meeting on Wednesday.

P3b Cooking
On Wednesday 12th October the children will be baking. The children have been learning all about measurement and would like to consolidate this learning with a fun activity. As a class, we have decided we would like to make flapjacks. The following ingredients will be used to make this:
Porridge oats
Golden syrup

Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child or if you wish your child not to try a flapjack.

P5 Football Club
Please see attached link regarding an upcoming Football Club.

P6 Karate Club
Please see attached link regarding an upcoming Karate Club.

Have a lovely weekend.

Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Parent News 30.09.2022

Hello everyone,

The children had lots of fun during maths week this week. The children have been counting using natural materials, exploring capacity in the water tray and practising number formation in the art area. Bravo!

We have started our Forest Adventures with our pre-school children this week. The children and staff have had so much fun exploring Linn Park. We have been taking part in lots of fun activities, such as sliding down mud hills and skimming stones in the river.  Please do have a look at our Twitter feed @sandnc where we’ve shared some photos of the fun our children have been having!

Upcoming Event Reminders:
Chatter Café: Wednesday 5th October 9.15-10am
Save a Life Scotland Day: Friday 7th October

Consent Forms
If you have not already done so, please be reminded that all consent forms should be returned to nursery as soon as possible. If you have any queries regarding the completion of these forms please do not hesitate to get in contact.

Security and Collection Times
For safety and security of children, it is important that we know who is allowed to collect your child. We would ask that if anyone out with your usual collection arrangements is collecting your child, please let us know by email, phone or in person.

Recycling Items
As stated in last week’s Friday bundle, the nursery are on the hunt for donations of any pre-loved items that you would otherwise have thrown away. Each week in our Friday bundle email we will highlight any items we are looking for to enhance the children’s play experiences. This week we would gratefully receive:

  • Small world items (e.g. small dolls, animals, plastic figurines)

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class


Parent News 30.09.2022

Hello everyone

Open Classrooms
We are very much looking forward to welcoming parents into school on Friday 14th October for Open Classrooms. As indicated in the Dates for your Diary previously issued we invite P1-4 parents between 9.30 and 10am and ask that you enter via the Clarkston Road Gate.  Please use the doors to the right of the ramp to both enter and leave the school. P5-7 parents, we look forward to welcoming you between 11.15 and 11.45am and we ask you to enter and exit via the main front door at reception. We request a maximum of two adults per child.

Our children and staff are looking forward to seeing you then if you are able to join us, but please don’t worry if you can’t make it along this time, there are other similar opportunities spread throughout the session.

Upcoming Event Reminders
Chatter Café: Wednesday 5th October 9.15-10am
Save a Life Scotland Day: Friday 7th October

Recycled Donations
As stated in a previous Friday Bundle, we are on the hunt for donations of any pre-loved items that you would otherwise have thrown away. Each week in our Friday bundle email, we will highlight any items we are looking for to enhance the children’s learning experiences. This week we would gratefully receive any creative and messy play items from our wish list below. Please put any donations into our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance any time next week. Thank you very much.

Bubble wrap
Bottle tops
Cotton wool
Old catalogues or brochures
Scraps of material
Greeting cards
Unused straws
Wool, yarn, twine or string

Could we please ask that wherever possible, if you have any change in pickup/collection arrangements for your child that you can let us know by 12noon or as early in the day as possible via email or by calling 0141 570 7260. This will help us to communicate with class teachers effectively.

P1/2 Planning Through Play
It was so lovely to see you all last week for our Parent Information Evenings and Meet the Teacher. We hope you found the sessions informative and valuable. As promised, please find a link below to the Triangular Planning Model Youtube clip. Triangular Planning Model.

P2 Cooking
On Thursday 6th October, our P2 children will be cooking. As a stage, we have decided we would like to make pumpkin soup. The following ingredients will be used to make this:
Cumin seeds
Coriander seeds
White onion
Red lentils
Olive oil
Salt and pepper

The children will also be tasting Beetroot Hummus. The ingredients for this are: Beetroot, Chickpeas, Lemons, Garlic and Tahini. Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child or if you wish your child not to try the soup and/or beetroot hummus.

P7 Residential
Please find a letter regarding the residential with payment information and kit list.

P7 Vision Screening Letters
Just a kind reminder that consent forms for P7 vision screening require to be returned by Friday, 7th October please.

P7c Thank You
Can we please say a great big thank you to Mrs Mann for starting P7c on their P7 journey this year.  Mrs Callaghan will be taking over on the 4th October and we are sure that the relationship between class and teacher will continue to be great for everybody!

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parent News 22.09.2022

Hello everyone

Home Learning Letter
Please see letter regarding the Home Learning Policy.

Introducing Netherlee’s NEW Chatter Café (Wednesday 5th October 9.15- 10am)
We always strive to have excellent ways for you to get in touch with us and we have therefore introduced termly drop in sessions for any parent from nursery or school who would like to pop in for a coffee and chat with the Leadership Team. Some of our pupils would love to serve you a juice or a coffee/ tea and there may even be some of their delicious baking there too. This is a very informal opportunity to chat to us. You maybe have an idea or a suggestion on any aspect of Netherlee life or you may have concerns or looking for some advice.  Our PTA will also be with us so you can find out about the PTA or volunteering in school and nursery too or even if you just fancy a quick coffee and a chat with some other parents!  We will also have the recycled uniform rails available to browse as well. We look forward to welcoming anyone who has a spare few minutes on the date and time above.

Gardening and Cooking
Our school gardening and cooking exploits have hit the ground running this term and we are very grateful to a number of businesses for providing us with their invaluable support, providing us with both kind donations and materials. A big thank you must go to Robert Findlay Stone Masons, Greensleeves, Ocean Plastic Pots and Kilduff Farm. We are all very appreciative.

Jubilee Books
All ERC schools ordered the Queen’s Jubilee books some time ago.  These are a free gift to all children and have now arrived, coming home with your child today.

Save A Life Day
Many of you will be aware that we have held very successful and enjoyable Save a Life Scotland events in previous sessions, aimed at equipping our children with basic cardiac resuscitation (CPR) skills. Save a Life Scotland supports the training of people of all ages in “bystander CPR” techniques, which can make a vital difference in emergency situations. We now plan to reintroduce this as an annual event. This year’s Save a Life Scotland Day will take place on Friday 7th October.  Once again, it will be led by one of our parents (a consultant in emergency medicine) and a team of fully-trained NHS professionals; we are deeply grateful to them for their dedication and expertise.

Children in Primaries 5 – 7 will use NHS dummies for the CPR training. Younger children manage better when using smaller models, and for this reason we would like to request that on the day of the event, Primaries 1 – 4 bring one soft toy into school (if possible). There are no restrictions on the type of toy but, ideally, the toy should be approximately 30 – 40 cm in length.

We are delighted that our nursery children will also have the opportunity to take part in this event too, led by some of our senior pupils, who will be able to share their learning from their training that day.  Nursery children do not need to bring in any soft toy though.  You can find more information about Save a Life Scotland on the website.  http://www.savealife.scot/

Whilst we feel that these skills are important for our children to experience and develop, we also recognise that some of our children may potentially, for personal reasons, find this activity upsetting.  If you therefore wish to discuss this in relation to your own child, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us so that we can help and work this out together.

P2 Maths Week
As part of Maths Week Scotland, Primary 2 are going to explore sound and music and how different sounds can be made by adding different volumes of water. If possible, can your child please bring a small pot or pan to school on Wednesday 28th September, along with a wooden or plastic spoon? These will be returned home of course.

P5 Food Tasting
The children in Primary 5 have been learning about Rosh Hashannah. As a class, we have decided we would like to taste apples drizzled with honey, which is a popular dish served during this time.

P5b and P5d will try this on Tuesday 27th September.
P5c will try this on Friday 30th September.
P5a will try this on Monday 3rd October.

Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child or if you wish your child not to try this. Many thanks for your support.

P7 Vision Screening Letters
Children will be bringing home consent letters for P7 vision screening today. Please check their schoolbags. These require to be returned by Friday, 7th October please.

Just a reminder that school and nursery will be closed tomorrow and Monday. We look forward to seeing everyone back in school again on Tuesday.

Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Parent News 22.09.2022

Hello everyone

Despite the shorter week this week, we have been very busy here at Netherlee Nursery. The children have been enjoying splashing in puddles, developing their mark making skills within role play and have practised their motor skills while climbing, sliding and riding on the bikes and scooters.

Our Stay and Play sessions have been a great success this week! Our children and staff loved welcoming lots of parents and carers to our nursery.  Please be reminded that we are offering two extra sessions to those who did not manage to attend on Friday 30th September and Monday 3rd October. Please get in contact should you wish to arrange a suitable date/time.

Forest Adventures
Next week, we will be starting Forest Adventures with our pre-school children. Children and staff from both buildings will explore Linn Park and take part in lots of fun outdoor play experiences. We are incredibly lucky here to have such a wonderful outdoor space on our doorstep! It would be very helpful if wellies can be brought to nursery each day for outdoor play experiences- thank you.

Care Inspectorate: Choking Hazards
Care Inspectorate offer advice to parents on potential choking hazards:

  • boiled sweets
  • chocolate eggs with small toys inside
  • raw carrots
  • popcorn
  • nuts (whole peanuts should be avoided until the age of 5)
  • sweet items such as mini eggs and raw jelly cubes
  • If providing grapes or cherry tomatoes, please quarter them.

Recycling Items
As stated in last week’s Friday bundle, the nursery are on the hunt for donations of any pre-loved items that you would otherwise have thrown away. Each week in our Friday bundle email we will highlight any items we are looking for to enhance the children’s play experiences. This week we would gratefully receive:

Role Play Items:
Old catalogues or brochures
Old jewellery
Old phones

Introducing Netherlee’s NEW Chatter Café (Wednesday 5th October 9.15- 10am)
We always strive to have excellent ways for you to get in touch with us and we have therefore introduced termly drop in sessions for any parent from nursery or school who would like to pop in for a coffee and chat with the Leadership Team. Some of our pupils would love to serve you a juice or a coffee/ tea and there may even be some of their delicious baking there too. This is a very informal opportunity to chat to us. You maybe have an idea or a suggestion on any aspect of Netherlee life or you may have concerns or looking for some advice.  Our PTA will also be with us so you can find out about the PTA or volunteering in school and nursery too or even if you just fancy a quick coffee and a chat with some other parents!  We will also have the recycled uniform rails available to browse as well. We look forward to welcoming anyone who has a spare few minutes on the date and time above.

Gardening and Cooking
Our school gardening and cooking exploits have hit the ground running this term and we are very grateful to a number of businesses for providing us with their invaluable support, providing us with both kind donations and materials. A big thank you must go to Robert Findlay Stone Masons, Greensleeves, Ocean Plastic Pots and Kilduff Farm. We are all very appreciative.

Save A Life Day
Many of you will be aware that we have held very successful and enjoyable Save a Life Scotland events in previous sessions, aimed at equipping our children with basic cardiac resuscitation (CPR) skills. Save a Life Scotland supports the training of people of all ages in “bystander CPR” techniques, which can make a vital difference in emergency situations. We now plan to reintroduce this as an annual event. This year’s Save a Life Scotland Day will take place on Friday 7th October. Once again, it will be led by one of our parents (a consultant in emergency medicine) and a team of fully-trained NHS professionals; we are deeply grateful to them for their dedication and expertise.

We are delighted that our nursery children will also have the opportunity to take part in this event too, led by some of our senior pupils, who will be able to share their learning from their training that day.  Nursery children do not need to bring in any soft toy though.  You can find more information about Save a Life Scotland on the website.  http://www.savealife.scot/

Whilst we feel that these skills are important for our children to experience and develop, we also recognise that some of our children may potentially, for personal reasons, find this activity upsetting.  If you therefore wish to discuss this in relation to your own child, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us so that we can help and work this out together.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

NNC Parent News 16.09.22

Hello everyone

The children have been engaging in lots of lovely experiences this week- noticing their environment, solving problems together and sharing their likes and dislikes.

Our staff are always seeking to develop their professional knowledge. Last week, Mrs Greig (Senior Child Development Officer) and Miss McCann (Principal Teacher) attended a two day early years workshop at the University of Edinburgh. They cannot wait to use what they have learned to enhance the children’s learning experiences.

Stay and Play: Extra days
To accommodate for school and nursery closures on Monday 19th September and Friday 23rd September (September Weekend), we are offering two extra days for Stay and Play sessions for those who cannot attend next week (Tue 20th, Wed 21st and Thurs 22nd). These will be Friday 30th September and Monday 3rd October.  Should you wish to arrange a suitable day/time, please contact the Nursery by emailing NurseryMail@Netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or by phoning 0141 570 7260.

As stated in last week’s Friday bundle, the nursery are on the hunt for donations of any pre-loved items that you are finished with and would otherwise be throwing away. Each week in our Friday Bundle email we will highlight any items we are looking for to enhance children’s play experiences. This week, we are looking for:

Mud Kitchen/Home Corner Resources:

  • wooden spoons
  • cooking utensils (e.g. whisks, spatulas, no knives please J)
  • pots and pans
  • paint brushes

Our Community: Netherlee & Stamperland Church
Please see attached a flyer from Netherlee & Stamperland Church regarding an upcoming event.

Stepping Stones Support
Please see flyer for ‘Stepping Stones about support sessions for parents/carers of children and young people recently diagnosed with ASD or currently undergoing assessment.

Just a reminder that school and nursery will be closed on Monday.  We look forward to seeing everyone back in school again on Tuesday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parent News 16.09.2022

Hello everyone

Netherlee PTA Card Design Project
The school and PTA have organised an exciting Card Design Project for this term! Your child will bring home an A4 sheet of paper on which to create a card design along with an order form to order a range of products, which your child’s design can be added to. In Netherlee we embrace and celebrate our diverse population and encourage the designs to reflect this. The card design can be for any occasion you wish including thank you cards, Christmas cards, Eid, Ramadan, Hanukkah or simply family cards for keeping in touch. It will be lovely to see the variety of designs.

The order form included allows for you to have the design professionally printed and purchased on a range of products including Cards, Tags, Wrapping Paper and Gift Mugs. A portion of the cost will benefit the PTA fundraising efforts. You don’t have to make an order of course – you can just enjoy creating a wonderful design.  Please return the form and design by the 30th September to school.

Recycled Donations
As a proud Eco School, we would be very grateful to be able to make use of any pre-loved household items by recycling them. Each week in our Friday Bundle email we will let you know of any items that we would particularly appreciate.  Of course, we are only requesting pre loved items that you are finished with and would therefore be getting rid of anyway. This not only helps us in school but also helps the environment too.  Thank you, please do not hand anything in this week, more information to follow on Friday 30th September and going forwards too.

Our Community: Netherlee & Stamperland Church
Please see attached a flyer from Netherlee & Stamperland Church regarding an upcoming event.

Stepping Stones Support
Please see flyer for ‘Stepping Stones about support sessions for parents/carers of children and young people recently diagnosed with ASD or currently undergoing assessment.

P1/2 Childsmile Tooth Brushing Programme
Please see the letter regarding the tooth brushing programme for our primary one and two children.

P4/P5 Karate Club
Please see attached a link regarding an upcoming karate club.

P6 Rugby Club Reminder
Just a reminder, of the upcoming Rugby club. Please see attached link with dates and how to show your child’s interest in the club.

P7 Football Club Reminder
Just a reminder, of the upcoming Football club. Please see attached link with dates and how to show your child’s interest in the club.

Just a reminder that school and nursery will be closed on Monday.  We look forward to seeing everyone back in school again on Tuesday.

Have a lovely weekend.

Netherlee Primary School & Nursery

Parent News 09.09.2022

Hello everyone

Religious and Cultural Events
One of our improvement priorities for this session is to celebrate and mark important religious and cultural events for everyone in our school and nursery community. If you would be interested in helping us with this, perhaps by sending in information, pictures and videos or coming in to school or nursery to talk to children, classes or year groups please contact Mr Bryce via the usual email, who would be delighted to discuss this further with you. With that in mind, Rosh Hashanah is in a few weeks, if you can help share your knowledge in any way at all, please do get in touch. Thank you.

Extra-curricular Clubs
Do you have a skill or passion that you would like to share with our pupils at an after school club? If you do, please contact Mr Bryce, who would be delighted to discuss this further.

Plea for Parent Helpers
We are looking to update our parent volunteers list. If you are able to help at school events and trips and this is something that you are interested in, please complete this form
https://forms.office.com/r/PWUznD75Cd. Our office staff will then be in touch to discuss your availability etc.

PTA Meeting, Uniform Sale & Badges
Just a short reminder to advise that if you need new badged uniform items they are on-sale from Netherlee PTA until the 12th September.  Please use the following link to make an order. To continue to support families with the cost of the school day, easy to use, iron on uniform badges are now also available from the school office for the cost of just £1.

Parent Council Meeting
Please see the meeting highlights newsletter from the Parent Council Meeting on 31st August.

Maths Week
Please see a letter regarding Maths Week

P1 Info Sessions
Please see a letter regarding the P1 Information Session on 20th September.

P2 Info Sessions
Please see a letter regarding the P2 Information Session on 21st September.

Meet the Teacher P3-P7 Tuesday 13th September 6.30pm – 7.30pm
We hope you have been hearing lots about your child’s new classroom and teacher. We are delighted to welcome you back into our school for our first in person ‘Meet the Teacher’ since 2019. As this is an informal event, with no presentations, we would ask that you do not request an update on your individual child’s progress at this time.  Our staff are very much looking forward to this opportunity for you to drop in to say hello and put a face to a name. Please feel free to bring your child(ren) with you so that they can show you around their classroom.

On the evening, please come to the main school entrance at any point between 6:30pm and 7:30pm where there will be staff to direct you to your child(ren)’s classroom if needed.

There will be a formal Parents’ Evening in November where you will receive detailed information about your child(ren) and you can of course continue to get in touch with us at any time if you have any concerns or particular questions.

We will also be holding a drop in opportunity for any parents who have not been able to join us for the virtual new Home Learning Policy question sessions. We will be in the Hub from 7pm until 7:30pm. Please join us there if you have any queries.

P4 Lunchtime Running Club
Please see attached link regarding an upcoming lunchtime club.

P4d Cooking
P4d have been busy in the garden digging potatoes. On Thursday 15th September, the children will be cooking. As a class, we have decided we would like to make potato wedges. The following ingredients will be used to make this:

  • Potatoes
  • Oil
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Tomato Sauce

Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child or if you wish your child not to try a potato wedge. Many thanks for your support.

P5 Karate Club
Please see attached link regarding an upcoming karate club.

P6 Rugby Club
Please see attached link regarding an upcoming rugby club.

P7 Football Club
Please see attached link regarding an upcoming football club.

P7 Residential – Information Letter
Please find a letter regarding our P7 residential information evening.

As always please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any questions or concerns.  We are here to help and support in any way we can and no matter or question is ever to small, please do just get in touch.

In light of the news about the passing of the queen yesterday, I wish everyone a peaceful weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher

NNC Parent News 09.09.2022

Hello everyone

The children are settling in well and are becoming more confident with our daily routines. They have been enjoying playing and learning together, making lots of new friends and having some fun in the sun…. and rain! Mr Watson, Netherlee’s music teacher has also been visiting our nursery on a Wednesday afternoon. The children and staff have been loving singing songs and playing rhythm games.

Stay and Play Sessions
Please be reminded that our Stay and Play sessions are running week beginning 19th September. These sessions are a fantastic opportunity to play together with your child and see our wonderful spaces and experiences. Sign-up sheets will be made available at both nursery doors next week (week beginning the 12th) for you to choose a suitable date/time. We kindly ask that a maximum of two adults accompany each child. If at all possible, younger siblings should not attend the sessions.

What to Bring to Nursery
We ask that parents supply sun cream (named and in date) for their child to be kept in nursery. On particularly hot days, it would be helpful to apply sun cream in the morning before nursery. Staff will then re-apply when needed. Children should have suitable indoor and outdoor shoes (possibly wellies) to wear every day in nursery please- thank you.

Consent Forms
You should now have received nursery consent forms. If you have not already done so, please ensure these consent forms are returned to the nursery as soon as possible.  You will also have received Glow log in details and information regarding our Nursery Google Classroom. If you have any difficulty accessing either of these, please do not hesitate to contact us.  NurseryMail@Netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk

Religious and Cultural Events
One of our school and nursery improvement priorities for this session is to celebrate and mark important religious and cultural events for everyone in our school and nursery community. If you would be interested in helping us with this, perhaps by sending in information, pictures and videos or coming in to the nursery to talk to the children please let us know. With that in mind, Rosh Hashanah is in a few weeks. If you would be happy to help us mark this occasion please do just get in touch.

Recycled Donations
The nursery are on the hunt for donations of any pre-loved items. Each week in our Friday Bundle email we will highlight any items we are looking for to enhance children’s play experiences. Of course, we are only requesting pre loved items that you would be getting rid of anyway.  This not only helps us in nursery but also helps the environment too.  Thank you, please do not hand anything in this week, more info to follow next Friday.

ASN Provision
Please find a letter from East Renfrewshire Council regarding ASN provision in East Renfrewshire.

Parent Council Meeting
Please see the meeting highlights newsletter from the Parent Council Meeting on 31st August.

Maths Week
Please see a letter regarding Maths Week.

Getting in Contact and Absence Procedures
If your child isn’t coming to nursery on one of their allocated days, please inform our school office at the earliest convenience. We are available by emailing NurseryMail@Netherlee.e-renfrew.sch.uk or by phoning 0141 570 7260. If need to pass on an urgent message such as changes to collection information after 4.30pm please call Acorns 0141 570 7272 or Saplings 0141 570 7271. These numbers should only be used after 4.30pm as we do not have clerical staff to answer the phone during the day.

In light of the news about the passing of the queen yesterday, I wish everyone a peaceful weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Jennifer McCann (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class