Category Archives: School

Parent News 20.01.2023

Hello again everyone

Change to Menu: Robert Burns Day
On Wednesday 25th January there will be a slight change to the menu. The options will be:
Scotch broth soup
Haggis, neeps and tatties or
Pizza, garlic bread and sweetcorn
Sandwiches, baguettes and baked potatoes will also be available.

Reusable Water Bottles
One of our pupils has been working hard supporting the reduction of our Carbon Footprint. Following a school project where she produced a PowerPoint to emphasize the use of single use plastic bottles in schools across Scotland, she took her concerns to East Renfrewshire Councillors.

The councillors listened and have now passed a motion to work towards making East Renfrewshire a ‘single-use-plastic free’ authority. Well done to Emelia for all her great work taking this forward.  In relation to this, we would like to remind all parents that children should bring reusable water bottles to school and can refill these at our water machines located throughout the building.

Request for Parent Helpers
We are delighted that school life has pretty much returned to normal and we are now organising lots of school events and trips.  We are therefore now, once again, looking for parent volunteers and helpers.  If you are able to help at all at any point throughout the school week or in the evenings, we would appreciate it if you could complete the online form and also confirm whether you are currently PVG registered.  Many thanks.

Primary 1 and Primary 2: Pre-Loved Items
As you know, children lead their own learning through play in P1 and P2. Children’s ideas and interests are a key consideration when planning for our classroom and Open Area. We are once again, on the hunt for pre-loved items related to the children’s interests. These are items that you would otherwise be throwing away.

This week, we would very gratefully receive the following resources to support our role play and creativity area:

  • Old (clean) socks
  • Cardboard boxes (various sizes)
  • Range of textile materials, fabric such as scarves, ribbons, laces, scrunchies
  • Cotton reels, curtain rings, beads, buttons, tubes, tins, springs, marbles, bangles, pegs
  • Natural resources such as stones, sea shells, feathers, pine cones, leaves, sticks, conkers, acorns…

If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items, please place any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance next week. Many, many thanks.

Primary 4: Trip
An email was sent to P4 parents with details of the upcoming trip.

Primary 7: Bikeability Training
An email was sent to  P7 parents with information about Bikeability Training.

Crossing Patroller
We have been notified that on Wednesday 25th, there will be no crossing patrolling in the afternoon at Clarkston Road.

As always, I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parent News 13.01.2023

Hello everyone

Netherlee Podcast – 90 Years in 90 Minutes
Our P7 Tech Team are proud to announce the first episode of our podcast to celebrate Netherlee’s upcoming 90th birthday on 6th February! We have started by interviewing Mrs Donaldson, and will be interviewing lots of different staff members, ex pupils and staff, and community members over the coming weeks. It can be listened to on Spotify and on Anchor FM by clicking these links. Find out more about the project here.

Cost of Living Support in East Renfrewshire
We know that many East Renfrewshire families may be struggling with rising costs of living, especially as we emerge from the festive period, so we want to let you know that help is available. A good place to start is the council’s website, where there is a range of support and advice:

If you’d like free, expert and confidential advice, you can speak to ERC’s Money Advice and Rights Team by calling 0141 577 8420 or emailing

The Community Hub can also connect you with groups, organisations and services that can provide the support you need. Get in touch on 0141 876 9555 or

Reading Café in Primary 3a
Miss McLauchlan and Primary 3a are going to begin their very own Reading Café. The Café will take place every Monday during class time, from 2:25pm-3:00pm. We are going to start our Café on Monday 23rd January 2023 and do this until the 20th February 2023. On these days, the children are invited to bring in a book from home that they enjoy and would like to read/share in class. As well as this, the pupils are welcomed to bring in a small teddy to read their story to as well if they would like to!

Finally, we are really eager to have 2-3 parents joining us for our Reading Café on the following weeks: 6th and 20th February.

If you are interested and available to come into class on these dates and at the time mentioned above, please complete the form attached by Monday 30th January 2023 We would be so happy to have you join us… we might even ask you to read a book to us! If we are lucky enough to have too many volunteers, we will choose names at random and Mrs Linn or I will contact you to let you know the date you are required to attend.  Hopefully there will be other opportunities like this in the future!

Thank you in advance for your help and support with this, we appreciate it greatly.

Miss McLauchlan and Primary 3a 🙂

Primary 5 Challenge
Please see the letter regarding an exciting challenge for our Primary 5 children.

Primary 5c – Chinese New Year – Spring RollsOn Mo
nday 23rd January, P5C are celebrating Chinese New Year. As a class, we have decided we would like to make healthy Spring Rolls. The following ingredients will be used to make this: Peppers, Bean sprouts, Carrots, Spring onions, Onions, Garlic, Ginger, Egg, Chinese five spice mix, Sweet Chilli Sauce and Soy sauce.


Rice Noodles:

Please advise if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child or if you wish your child not to eat the Spring Rolls.

We will eat them in class but please bring a container for any children who wish to bring them home instead.

Many thanks for your support,

Mrs Pollock

Primary 6 and Primary 7 Gardening Club
An after school P6 and P7 Gardening Club will be starting on a Thursday from 3.15-4.15pm. The club will run for 6 weeks. Full details are as follows:

Activity: P6 and P7 Gardening Club
Day and Time: Thursday 3.15 – 4.15pm.
Dates: 19th and 26th January, 2nd, 9th, 16th and 23rd February
Venue: Netherlee Garden
Delivered by: Helen (Parent) and Teacher
No. of pupils: 15
Cost: Free

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: no later than Monday 16th January. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal. 

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class
East Renfrewshire

Parent News 06.01.2023

Hello everyone

A very happy new year to all of our Netherlee families.  I hope 2023 is a healthy, happy, peaceful and successful year for everyone. It has been a short first week back but it has been lovely to see all the children and staff again, well rested after a much needed holiday.

Yesterday, we once again welcomed several new children and families into Netherlee.  We realise moving schools is a significant event for anyone- both children and parents and I am delighted that the children who joined us yesterday have said they were looked after really well by their new friends in class and by their teachers and staff too.  I know that as parents new to a school it can also be difficult sometimes to meet other parents.  However, I know that our parent body will look after our new parents too, reaching out to any new faces you see standing at the gate etc.  Thank you for helping us to make Netherlee such a fantastic, inclusive and welcoming community.

Parent/ Teacher Meetings
You will remember that I sent out an online form before the holiday in order to gather parental views around the format for our twice yearly parent/ teacher meetings. Thank you to all parents who took a few moments to send in a response.   The survey results can be seen below and indicate a majority preference to return to face to face meetings. I have made my teaching staff aware of the findings of the survey and they have agreed to return to solely face to face meetings going forwards.  This will include for our next set of meetings in May.  Of course, I am sure you will understand that should any health and safety mitigations ever require to be reintroduced at any time we may need to reconsider the format of parent/ teacher meetings at that time.

In Person (Face to Face – 74% of responses
Virtual – 9%
Hybrid (choice of Face to Face or In Person) – 17%

Celebrating and Promoting Languages at Netherlee – Languages Week, Scotland 30th January – 6th February 2023
We have been busy in school and nursery preparing lots of interesting learning experiences for our children to enjoy during Languages Week, Scotland. As part of our Languages Week, we are really keen to involve our parents, carers and our wider Netherlee community including local businesses. We would love to hear from anyone who speaks another language in their day-to-day life and would be willing to share their skills and knowledge with us. If you would be able to volunteer during Languages Week to visit a class or group of classes to speak about another language then please complete the Microsoft Form below. Thank you in advance for making our Languages Week extra special!

School and Nursery Photographs
Please be aware that the scheduled date for school and nursery photos has been moved slightly earlier in the school/nursery calendar.  This year, there will be options of class, sibling and individual photographs.  The new date period is from Wednesday 15th to Friday 24th February 2023.  Additional information will be sent home nearer the time.

ELC Applications 2023-24
Please be advised that the new online application for 3/ 4yr old placements for new session 2023-24 is available on the East Renfrewshire Council website at the link  The deadline for submitting an online ELC application is 31st January 2023.

Finally, a little reminder that the next PTA Meeting will be held in our school Hub next Wednesday at 7pm- all parents/ carers are very welcome.  New parents, this is an ideal way to meet other parents too.  PTA meetings are very informal with lots of laughter and great sharing of ideas for working together to put on school and nursery events.  Some of the main points that we will be chatting about on Wednesday are the upcoming Chinese New Year Celebrations, Diversity Community Month in March and also a very special birthday happening very soon- Netherlee Primary’s 90th Birthday!  Do please come along if you have an hour to spare.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parents News 23.12.2022

Hello everyone

Netherlee and Stamperland Christmas Tree Festival
This month, the children of Primary 5c took part in the Netherlee and Stamperland Christmas Tree Festival. The class used their imagination to decorate a beautiful tree with recycled tins and handmade crafts. A heartfelt thank you to Helen Cross for providing resources and ideas to support the class with making their creation. The organisers of the church festival have kindly donated £200 to the PTA Netherlee Budding Minds Gardening group from some of the money raised at the festival. We would like to say thank you for your generosity and look forward to more opportunities to work with our local community in the future.

Church Service
As promised, please find below the link to the recording of our church service, held in Netherlee Parish Church on Tuesday. Thank you to Reverend Blythe, and the Netherlee church community, for welcoming our Primary 4-Primary 7 pupils and staff into the church in order to record such a beautiful service. A huge well done to our outstanding young people who sang, read and played instruments so beautifully.
Church Service Video Link

Festive Wishes
On behalf of myself and all the staff and children of Netherlee, I hope that everyone who celebrates Christmas has a wonderful festive period and that all Netherlee families have a really lovely holiday. Please keep safe and look after yourself and each other but also please do enjoy this special, family time of year.

We will look forward to welcoming our children back on Thursday 5th January 2022.

Wishing you, your family and the Netherlee community a ‘Healthy and Happy New Year 2023’ when it comes.

Very best wishes

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parents News 16.12.2022

Hello everyone

Well Done P7 Choir
A huge well done to all of the children in the P7 choir who sang beautifully on Tuesday evening at the community concert at Netherlee Church and a big thank you to Mr Watson for all of the work that he has done with the choir this session. Everyone left feeling very festive!

Netherlee Times
We present to you, the Netherlee Times! A wonderful group of Primary 6 and 7 pupils and one of my dedicated teachers have been working very hard to create the second issue of our school newspaper. We hope you enjoy having a read at all of the fantastic things that have been going on in the school this term. Myself and Miss McLauchlan would like to say a HUGE well done and thank you to the pupils involved in creating this for you. Please have a look by clicking this link.

Early Finish on Friday 23rd December
School will close slightly earlier than usual on this day. P1 and P2 will finish at 2.25pm and P3-7 will finish at 2.30pm.

Chatter Café (Wednesday 21st December 9.15am – 9:45am)
A little reminder below of the information sent out previously regarding our Chatter Café on Wednesday.  We do so very much hope to welcome anyone who can spare a little time next week.

We always strive to have excellent ways for you to get in touch with us and we have therefore introduced termly drop in sessions for any parent from nursery or school who would like to pop in for a coffee and chat with the Leadership Team. This is a very informal opportunity to come along and chat to us.  Some of our pupils would also love to serve you a juice or a coffee/ tea and there may even be some of their delicious baking there too.

On the 21st, this will be our second time running the Chatter Café this session, and we thoroughly enjoyed chatting to lots of parents at our café in term 1. You maybe have an idea or a suggestion on any aspect of Netherlee life or you may have concerns or looking for some advice. Our PTA will also be with us so you can find out about the PTA or volunteering in school and nursery too or even if you just fancy a quick coffee and a chat with some other parents! We will also have the recycled uniform rails available to browse as well. We look forward to welcoming anyone who has a spare few minutes on the date and time above.

Celebrating Diversity in Netherlee-Hanukkah
If you and your family are celebrating Hanukkah and you would like to share photos or videos of how you are celebrating this important time at home, please email them to us, we would love to share these with our classes.  Thank you very much.

Jólabókaflóð – A Christmas Book Flood
This year we are going to take part in the Icelandic Christmas tradition of Jólabókaflóð which roughly translates as ‘Christmas Book Flood’. In Iceland, people exchange books on Christmas Eve then curl up to read them straight away.

On Wednesday 21st December, your child is invited to bring in one of their books from home and swap it with someone in their class or stage. The children will be given time to read their new books in class and will be able to take their new book home too. This is completely optional of course and families do not have to participate if they choose not to and will be given the opportunity to choose a book from the class library to ensure they can still enjoy reading with everyone in class.

We feel that this activity not only fits in well with our continuous drive in Netherlee to recycle and re-use pre loved items but also our focus this year on diversity and raising awareness of world cultures and traditions.

Parent Council Meeting Highlights
Thank you to the Parent Council for producing the latest Meeting Highlights Newsletter.  We had a very productive meeting and the highlights can be found here: December Meeting Highlights.

Primary 1 and Primary 2 Karate Club
An after school P1/P2 Karate Club will be starting on a Tuesday from 3.15-4.15pm. The club will run for 5 weeks. Full details are as follows:
Activity: P1/2 Karate Club
Day and Time: Tuesday 3.15 – 4.15pm.
Dates: 17th, 24th, 31st January and 7th, 21st February
Venue: Gym Hall
Delivered by: Japan Karate
No. of pupils: 20
Cost: £5.50

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: no later than Wednesday 21st December. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

Church Service
As P4-7 are attending church on Tuesday 20th December, all children in these stages should wear their shirt and tie uniform that day please. If any class has PE that day, there is no need for children to bring their PE uniform with them on Tuesday.  Thank you.

P4b Literacy
As part of their recent Literacy learning, the children in P4b have been reading ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl. We would like to conclude this learning on Tuesday, by watching the movie in class. As this is rated PG, we ask that if you do not wish your child to take part, please inform Miss Holden via the school office before this date, in order for us to arrange an alternative learning activity for your child.  Many thanks.

P6a, P6c and P6d Health and Wellbeing
As part of their Health and Wellbeing learning for term 1 and 2, the children in P6a, P6c and P6d have been doing a novel study of ‘Wonder’ by R.J Palacio. We would like to conclude this learning on Wednesday 21st December, by watching the movie in class. As this is rated PG, we ask that if you do not wish your child to take part, please inform the school office before this date, in order for us to arrange an alternative learning activity for your child. In addition to this as a festive treat, we would like to offer all pupils in Primary 6 a ‘Hot Chocolate and Movie Day’. This will involve watching a U rated movie and enjoying a reduced sugar hot chocolate drink, in class, on Thursday 22nd December. Children should bring in a mug to school.  If there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child, please advise the school office before this date.  Thanks you.

P6b Festive Treat
As a festive treat, we would like to offer all pupils in Primary 6b a ‘Hot Chocolate and Movie Day’. This will involve watching a U rated movie and enjoying a reduced sugar hot chocolate drink, in class, on Thursday 22nd December. Children should bring in a mug to school.  If there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child, please advise the school office before this date.  Thanks you.

Primary 7a Treat
As a treat, we would like to offer pupils in Primary 7a a ‘Hot Chocolate and Movie Afternoon’ on Wednesday 21st December. This will involve watching a U rated movie and enjoying a reduced sugar hot chocolate drink, in class. If there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child, please advise the school office before this date.  Each child should bring a mug please and a cosy cushion/pillow (entirely optional).  Many Thanks and Merry Christmas, Mr Aitken

Primary 7b Treat
As a treat, we would like to offer pupils in Primary 7b a ‘Hot Chocolate and Movie Afternoon’ on Thursday 22nd December. This will involve watching a U rated movie and enjoying a reduced sugar hot chocolate drink, in class. If there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child, please advise the school office before this date. Each child should bring a mug please and a cosy cushion/ pillow (entirely optional).  Many Thanks and Merry Christmas, Miss Elliott

Primary 7c and P7d Treat
As a treat, we would like to offer pupils in Primary 7c and Primary 7d ‘Hot Chocolate and Movie Afternoon’ on Thursday 21st December. This will involve watching a U rated movie and enjoying a reduced sugar hot chocolate drink, in class. If there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child, please advise the school office before this date. Each child should bring a mug please and a cosy cushion/ pillow (entirely optional). Many Thanks and Merry Christmas, Mrs Callaghan and Mrs Dempster.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parent News 09.12.2022

Hello everyone

House Event
The yellow house has won this term’s reward. On Friday 16th December, if your child is in yellow house they will have a fun disco in school. To help them celebrate, if possible, we would very much like your child to wear their yellow House Coloured T- shirt as part of their school uniform. Next week we will visit the classes to take “sensible” song suggestions that can be played at the disco.  We can’t wait to lead this event for the children.  Thank you, Grace and Carys. (House Captains)

Panto is coming to Netherlee Primary! Oh yes it is!
The PTA have very kindly paid for our school and nursery to watch a streamed version of the pantomime this year. The teachers and children have a choice of three pantos to watch, with this being decided by the children on the day. Continue reading

Parent News 25.11.2022

Hello everyone

Everyone Matters
Would you like to be involved in our ‘Everyone Matters’ partnership group? We would love it if you would join us! Please read more here.

I’m delighted to let you know that one of my class teachers Mrs Kelly Linn, has been successful in securing an Acting Principal Teacher post here at Netherlee. She will start her new role on Monday 28th November and I’m certain she will be a superb addition to the Leadership Team. As mentioned in the Friday Bundle last week, we say goodbye to Mrs Lorna Wharton today- good luck Lorna- enjoy your new DHT post- I know you’ll shine brightly in your new school.

A Festive Message
As always I would like to thank all of our families for the continued support and feedback that you give us across the school and nursery.  Recent times, have brought various challenges to many and this includes experiencing various financial challenges too, even more so as we head into the winter months and the festive period. We would therefore like to reiterate the message we have shared over recent years.

Every year we are overwhelmed by the kindness extended to us by way of gifts. While we would never presume of course, what anyone does in this regard, we are very aware that this time of year can present many challenges for everyone.  Therefore, we would like to take this opportunity to say that a kind word, in a homemade card made by your child or a little message via email, would be so lovely to receive and would be appreciated by us every bit as much as any bought gifts, particularly when everyone is facing such challenging financial times right now.

The message above is sent with kindness and gratefulness from all of the Netherlee Staff and we hope that you don’t mind us mentioning this to you.  Thank you.

Celebrating Scotland Lunch
There will be a change to the lunch menu on Wednesday November 30th to Celebrate Scotland.  The menu will be:
Scotch pie with beans and wedges
Cheese toasties with diced potatoes and salad
Baked potato
Sandwich or baguette

Christmas Lunch
We will be having our Christmas Lunch on Thursday 8th December. If your child would like to have Christmas Lunch please use the link below to place an order. These must be completed no later than 2nd December.

Christmas Lunch Order Form

St Andrews Day – 30th November
To mark St Andrew’s Day, we are inviting all children, only  if they wish to and already have something at home, to wear something tartan with their school uniform on Wednesday. This could be a hair bobble, badge, scarf etc.

Parent Council Meeting – Change of Date
The date of the next Parent Council Meeting has been changed and will now be on Tuesday 6th December at 7pm on Zoom.  Please email if you wish to attend or have matters you would like us to discuss.

Clothing Swap
MK Swap are taking/swapping children winter clothes & accessories, Christmas jumpers and party clothes. They also have a section for nativity costumes which may be of use to many parents in the coming weeks. More information can be found in this poster.

P1 Nativity and P2 Festive Musical Medley!
We’re delighted to share with you that our P1 children will be presenting ‘A Wriggly Nativity’ on Tuesday 13th December at 9.30am in our school atrium. They will be accompanied by our P2 classes who will sing a selection of songs to get you in the mood for the festive season! Please could we ask that a maximum of two adults attend for each child, due to the capacity of adults we can hold in our atrium space. Our doors will open at 9.20am, ready for a 9.30am start.

We are looking forward to seeing you all then!

Primary 3 Shortbread
Primary 3 pupils will be celebrating St. Andrew’s Day by baking shortbread biscuits. The ingredients are; butter, flour and sugar. We will be designing and decorating a ‘cake bag’ to carry our baking home.

Primary 5c Cooking
On Monday 28th of November the children will be cooking. The children have been learning all about fractions and would like to consolidate this learning with a fun activity. As a class, we have decided we would like to make pizzas. The following ingredients will be used to make this:
Pizza base (Gluten, dairy and soy free version available)
Tinned Tomatoes
Cheese (Gluten, dairy and soy free version available)
Pizzas containing allergy alternative products will be prepared and cooked separately.

In addition, on Friday 2nd December, the children will be making snow cones. The following ingredients will be used to make this:
Sugar Free Diluting Juice: (Blackcurrant and Apple, Tropical)
Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child or if you wish your child not to try a pizza or a snow cone.

Primary 5 Cooking during December
During the month of December all of Primary 5 will be making Vegan Festive Cookies in our new school kitchen. This activity will be carried out in groups with your child making cookies on one of the following dates: 1st, 8th, 15th or 22nd December

The children will be notified of their cooking date in school.

The ingredients are as follows-
caster or granulated sugar
light brown sugar
vegetable or sunflower oil
non-dairy milk
vanilla (paste or extract)
plain all-purpose flour
baking powder
baking soda
chocolate chips

Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child or if you wish your child not to make/try a cookie.

Primary 7: S1 Transfer Forms
We have been advised that he P7 to S1 transfer letters and forms will be sent to parents/carers on Thursday, 24 November 2022, via Royal Mail however, due to the postal strikes planned, there will be a delay in these being delivered. These should be returned to the school no later than 16 December 2022 please.

Thank you- I hope all families have an enjoyable weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher

Parent News 18.11.2022

Hello everyone

Firstly this week, I have some news to share….one of my Principal Teachers (PT), Mrs Lorna Wharton will be leaving Netherlee next Friday to take up a new Depute Head Teacher post within another local authority.  Lorna is, and has been, a valuable and dedicated member of staff in Netherlee over the past 18 years and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with her in her role as PT. I know you will wish to join me in wishing Lorna continued success in her continuing career, you will be a truly fantastic asset to your new school and families Lorna and we all wish you the very best for the future.

Message from the PTA: PTA Wear What you Want Day: 25th November
A little reminder, that on Friday, 25th November the PTA will be having a ‘Wear what you Want’ day in school, and if your child is able to please bring along a chocolate or bottle donation which will be collected at the gates as they go into school. Please see the poster for more information.

Message from the PTA: PTA Winter Fair: 1st December
We still need some volunteers to help us run the Winter Fair on the 1st December – if we all do a little, we can all enjoy the fair with our families too. Please sign up if you can help via this link Netherlee PTA ( Please see the poster for this exciting festive event.

Primary 1 Dental Inspections
Please have a read over the letter regarding the school dental inspection for your child, which will take place in school on 13th December.

Primary 1 and Primary 2 Recycled Donations
As you know, children lead their own learning through play in P1 and P2. Children’s ideas and interests are a key consideration when planning for our classroom and Open Area and resources. We are on the hunt for pre-loved items related to the children’s interests. These are items that you would otherwise be throwing away that we can use to refresh our resources in the Open Area. If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items, please place any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance from 21st November. Many, many thanks.

This week, we are looking for the following resources to support our Role Play and Creativity area:

  • Shoe/Tissue boxes
  • Toilet roll/kitchen roll tubes
  • Yoghurt pots
  • Elastic bands
  • Jingly bells
  • Café role play items (e.g. aprons, tablecloths)

P2a Class Teacher

We’re delighted to let you know that Mrs Linn has been successful in securing an Acting Principal Teacher post here at Netherlee. She will start her new role on Monday 28th November and we’re sure she will do a fantastic job! Your child’s class will be taken on by Mrs Catherine Williams, who is a very experienced teacher who has taught in Netherlee Primary over the years, making her very familiar with the staff and pupils. There will be a robust and detailed hand over to ensure the transition to a new teacher is as seamless as possible for your children. Mrs Williams is really looking forward to working with the children in P2a!

Primary 3-7 Recycled Donations

Thank you so much to everyone who kindly donated recycled items this term. We really appreciate it! This week we would gratefully receive any creative play materials from our wish list below. Please put any donations into a bag and leave this in our Recycled Donations box situated at the main school office entrance next week. Many, many thanks.

Creative art items: Beads, Corks, Pinecones, Pompoms, Ribbons, Sponges and Kitchen Roll Tubes

Primary 6d Volunteers for the PTA Winter Fair – Thursday 1st December 6pm-8pm
Primary 6d are organising a festive decoration stall at the PTA Winter Fair on Thursday 1st December. The event will run from 6pm-8pm and we would ask for the children to volunteer for a half hour block on the evening. This will involve working with a member of staff at the Primary 6 stall.

If your child is able to help at the Winter Fair then please complete the Microsoft Form below. We will then send you a consent form via ParentsPortal to complete. Thank you in advance for your support.

Primary 7 Dental Inspections
Please have a read over the letter regarding the school dental inspection for your child, which will take place in school on 6th December.

Primary 7 Volunteers for the PTA Winter Fair – Thursday 1st December 6pm-8pm
We would like to ask for some Primary 7 volunteers to help at the PTA Winter Fair on Thursday 1st December. The event will run from 6pm-8pm and we would ask for the children to volunteer for a half hour block on the evening. This will involve working with a member of staff at the Primary 7 stall or the children’s games area.

If your child is able to help at the Winter Fair then please complete the Microsoft Form below. We will then send you a consent form via ParentsPortal to complete. Thank you in advance for your support.

Primary 7 National Entitlement Cards
We have been asked by the council’s Customer First Team to issue out consents to any Primary 7 pupil who have yet to sign up for the National Entitlement Card (NEC). Consents will be going home in school bags today, for anyone that this applies to. Can we please ask that these are returned to school by Friday 25th November.

Industrial Action
Just a reminder that, as per the Director’s letter sent yesterday, the school will be closed to all pupils on Thursday 24th November.  School will reopen to pupils on Friday 25th.

Have a lovely weekend

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Parent News 11.11.2022

Hello everyone

Recycled Donations
Thank you so much to everyone who has kindly donated items. Our P1 Eco Committee are learning about ways to save water and as part of their learning, they are aiming to make water collectors from recycled materials. This week we would gratefully receive any of the following items from our wish list below to help with this activity. If you have, and are finished with, any of these types of items, please place any donations in our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance from the 14th November. Many, many thanks.

Washed milk bottle plastic tops, clear clean plastic bottles, clear tubing, small funnels, small pieces of drain pipe/ guttering

Well Done
A massive well done to our P7 Badminton team and Mr Watson who won the cluster badminton competition on Wednesday afternoon. They will now represent the school at the East Renfrewshire Finals on Thursday 17th November. Good luck everyone!

Feedback Fridays for Homework
We had a very good discussion at the last Parent Council Meeting where myself, Mrs Roberts and Mrs Sweeney shared some of the ways that teachers and children have been working together during Feedback Friday time.  At the meeting, we all agreed it would be nice to share some information about this with you as well and I suggested that we could put together a selection of photographs for you to look at and discuss at home.  The PC felt this would be a great idea and therefore, we hope you enjoy our Feedback Friday SWAY which Mrs Roberts and Mrs Sweeney have put together for you.  As always, if you have any questions or suggestions regarding this, or our updated Homework format, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at any time.  We are here and always ready to help or answer any questions, big or small, that you may have.

Book Week Scotland – Book Sale – 14th to 18th November
Arrangements for our Book Week Book Sale will be a little different this time, than in previous sessions. To enable parents to have the opportunity to view the books on sale themselves, the Book Sale will be open for parents and families to visit, with their children. More information can be found in this letter.

Bhangra Dancing
Here at Netherlee, we strive to celebrate the diversity of cultures and religions of our families. We are delighted that a parent from our school community is currently visiting the P2 children to teach them Bhangra dancing, a style of music and dance which originated from India. Our P1 children had the privilege of enjoying this learning in September, and we are very grateful that all stages will enjoy this activity at some point this session.

Notification of Date Change to Calendar
We refer to the previous calendar dates issued which detailed Parent Information Sessions on the 24th January, 6.30-7.30pm. This date has now been changed to 15th March 2023, 6.30-7.30pm- more info to follow nearer the time.

Message from the PTA: PTA Wear What you Want Day: 25th November
On the 25th November the PTA will be having a ‘Wear what you Want’ day in school, and if your child is able to please bring along a chocolate or bottle donation which will be collected at the gates as they go into school. Please see the poster for more information.

Message from the PTA: PTA Winter Fair: 1st December
We look forward to welcoming you to the school for the first day of the Netherlee Living Advent with a winter fair in the school on the 1st Dec from 6-8pm. We will need lots of helping hands so if you can volunteer please follow this link Netherlee PTA ( Please see the poster for this exciting festive event.

Scottish Child Payment
Please see the information sheet regarding the Scottish Child Payment which is changing on 14th November to include 6-16 year olds.

‘Let’s Talk Education – National Discussion with Scottish Association for Minority Ethnic Educators
The Scottish Government and CoSLA want to hear your views as a parent on the vision for Scottish education for the next 20 years. They want everyone in Scotland to have a say on what kind of education, skills, knowledge and support young people need. They are particularly keen to hear from people whose views may be less frequently represented, including communities and individuals from a Black and Minority Ethnic background.

You are invited to join them to share your views and join in the discussion.Date: Wednesday 16th November, Place: Woodfarm High School, Time: 7pm-8pm

An easy read summary has been attached and more information is available here: National Discussion Scottish Education – Scottish Government – Citizen Space  ( (translated materials in Urdu, Punjabi, Mandarin, Arabic, Polish and Ukrainian)

P1-P3 Book Week Scotland
Please see attached a letter regarding the gifting of books and learning resources from the Scottish Book Trust.

P3 Book Week
To celebrate Book Week Scotland, Primary 3 are planning a ‘’cosy morning’ in our classrooms on Wednesday 16th November.

We would ask that children bring in either a soft teddy or a cosy jumper to school that day, to get comfy with whilst they read and listen to stories. The children may also bring in an additional small snack to enjoy during this time, if they wish. Your support with this is very much appreciated.

P6/7 Karate Club
Just a reminder that we still have a few spaces in the upcoming P6/7 karate club, starting on Tuesday 22nd November from 3.15-4.15pm. The club will run for four weeks in the gym hall and delivered by a Japan Karate instructor. There would be a cost of £4 for the club.

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here: no later than Monday 14th. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via ParentsPortal.

If you have any questions about any of these items or of course any matter at all to do with school or your child, please just get in touch with us at any time, we are here and always happy to help.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class


Parent News 04.11.2022

Hello everyone

Free Bus Travel for Under 22s
As you may know, this scheme launched in January this year allowing children and young people aged 5-21 who live in Scotland to travel for free by bus with a valid National Entitlement Card (NEC) or Young Scot NEC. More information on the scheme and how to apply can be found on the website and has lots of information about free bus travel, how it works, how to apply, the benefits and some tips for travelling safely too. A poster with more information can also be found here.

Parent Council Meeting
Thank you to the Parent Council for producing the latest Meeting Highlights Newsletter.  We had a very productive meeting last week and the highlights can be found here meeting highlights newsletter.

PTA Update
The PTA would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported the pumpkin trail event and the recent discos. Please see message from the PTA below.

It has been lovely to get back to hosting fun events in the school. If you would still like to donate the link is Netherlee Primary PTA | Localgiving.

We are looking ahead to our winter event on the 1st of December which will hopefully be a super event for the whole school and nursery community – but we will need your help to make it a success. We want to bring back the very popular chocolate and bottle tombola’s and offer a variety of activities alongside the stalls. This will take lots of helping hands, both at the fair and on the dress as you please day too. If we all help a little, we can all have time to enjoy the fair with our families too. All the volunteer opportunities are listed here, please sign up so we can be confident the event will go ahead. Netherlee PTA (

Health and Social Care Partnership
Please see a letter from HSCP who are experiencing significant pressures in care at home and are progressing a winter recruitment campaign.

Scottish Child Payment
Please see the flyer on the Scottish Child Payment which is changing on 14th November to include 6-16 year olds.

Primary 5 Gardening Club
An after school P5 Gardening Club will be starting on a Thursday from 3.15-4.15pm. The club will run for four weeks. Full details are as follows:

Dates: 24th November, 1st, 8th and 15th December
Venue: The Atrium Garden in Netherlee Primary School
Delivered by: Helen Cross (parent volunteer) and Class Teacher
No. of pupils: 14
Cost: Free

If you think your child would be interested in attending, please complete the form here:  no later than 9th November. In the event of oversubscription names will be balloted. All successful applicants will be notified and asked to complete a consent form via Parents Portal.

Primary 6 Food Nutrition and Cooking in School
As part of our learning about the forthcoming World Cup 2022 in Qatar, the children will be exploring Arabic culture by baking ‘Arabic Bread’ with dip. Throughout the course of this term, every child will have the chance do this activity during our whole stage Hub learning slot on Tuesday mornings. The following ingredients will be used:

Arabic Bread
Vegetable Oil
Natural Yoghurt (non-dairy alternative will be provided where necessary)

New Arrival Coming Soon
I am sure all parents will wish to join me in saying very best wishes and good luck to one of our teachers, Mrs McGeachy, as she stops today to get ready for the arrival of her new baby.  Enjoy every moment Suzanne, rest up and make the most of a peaceful few days before your little bundle of gorgeous cuteness arrives!

We very much look forward to welcoming our P7 parents into school to join us for our Remembrance Service on Friday of next week.  Our P7 pupils and teachers have been preparing and practising a great deal for this and I am sure they will conduct a befitting, special service for us all. All of next week, P7 pupils will be taking poppies around classes.  If anyone would like to get one, it’s just a donation, if you wish.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class