Category Archives: School

Friday Newsletter 18.08.2023

Hello everyone

We’ve had a fantastic first week back as staff and children reconnect and build relationships with our new children and families. It has been wonderful to see all the smiling faces coming into school each morning. Our amazing staff team are taking the time to get to know your child, learn about their likes and dislikes and settle them into their new routines.

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all new children and families who have recently joined our Netherlee community. I know that our existing parents will also look out for new faces and help where they can too.  Thank you for helping us to make Netherlee School & Nursery such a lovely, warm and welcoming community.

The roads and car parks are very busy at the start and end of each school day, please remember when dropping off or collecting children, to be mindful of other adults and children, use official parking spaces and be respectful of any school or council staff.

If you have not already done so, please click on the link for more information about our School and Nursery:

PE Timetable
Please see attached the PE/ Gym Day Timetable. On these days children should come to school in their PE uniform.  Our uniform policy can be found here which details, as a reminder, the Netherlee’s School Uniform List.  Our children have returned to school looking extremely smart in their school uniform and I would like to thank you for the commitment and support with this.
Gym Timetable

Emails to School
Thank you for using our efficient email system to communicate with us.  Please ensure you include your child’s name and class in the subject bar so that your email can be passed on to the appropriate person very quickly- thank you.

Parent Council Update
Our first Parent Council Meeting of the new session will take place on Wednesday, 30th August at 7pm and we would love to welcome new and existing parents/carers along. The School & Nursery Improvement Plan will be shared at the first meeting, and we trust everyone is keen to hear about the exciting plans for the year ahead at Netherlee.

Moving forward, the Parent Council and PTA will be working closely together therefore the PTA will update on activity at all PC meetings.  We look forward to welcoming you all on 30th Aug.

Recycled Uniform
Just a wee reminder that our recycled uniform rails are available each Friday, between 8.50am – 9am (P1-3 smaller items) and 3pm – 3.10pm (P4-P7 middle and larger sizes) at the Clarkston Road School Gate.  These items are free of charge so please do pop along and make use of this facility.

Working in Childcare Units
East Renfrewshire Adult Learning Service, in partnership with West College Scotland, will be offering 2 Units (‘Working in Childcare’ and ‘Play’) at SCQF Level 5, in The Foundry, Barrhead
Please see the attached flyer with more information.
Working in Childcare – Childcare Unit

P3-P7 Healthy Tuck Shop
We are once again able to provide our Primary 3-7 pupils the opportunity to purchase from the Catering Team’s Tuck Shop at morning interval. For more information please read here.

As always, we are always here to help in any way we can, whether that be about your own child or a more general school matter.  Please don’t hesitate to get in touch at any time.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery

Friday Newsletter 16.06.2023

Hello everyone

Netherlee Staff News
Next Friday (23rd June), as well as saying farewell to our wonderful P7 children, we will also say goodbye to some of our wonderful staff members here at Netherlee. We wave farewell to two of our amazing Child Development Officers from our nursery, the amazing Mrs Debbie Heron and Mrs Jo-Anne Welsh, as they move on to other nursery classes. Your creativity, dedication and sense of fun will be so greatly missed by us all in Netherlee. Next, we say a big congratulations to Mrs Alison Di Paola and Mrs Vanda Carlin in their retirement- you have both been fantastic, invaluable support assistants- helping, caring for and supporting many children over the years.  You have most certainly earned your right to a long, healthy and happy retirement.  We also want to say good luck to three of our teachers Mrs Julie McCahon, Mrs Catherine Williamson and Miss Rosalind Burns as they continue their careers in teaching, any school will be very lucky to have you.

A massive “thank you” to each of you, thank you for being part of our Netherlee team and for the kindness you have shown to the children in your care. We will miss you all very much and wish you all the very best.

We are also delighted to welcome in August, a new Principal Teacher to Netherlee, Mrs Jackie Toman. We are certain that Jackie will be a real asset to the Netherlee Community. Jackie is looking forward to getting to know all of our wonderful Netherlee children and families after the summer holiday.

And finally, …. here comes the bride….. the very lovely Miss Catherine McMillan, currently one of our P2 teachers, is getting married over the Summer and she will return as Mrs Anderson.  You will be a beautiful bride Catherine, enjoy every moment of your special day.  We can’t wait to see the photos when we return in August.

P.E. Code of Practice / Health and Safety Guidance
With the summer holiday approaching we thought it would be a good time to remind you of East Renfrewshire Council’s P.E. Code of Practice / Health and Safety Guidance, particularly in relation to piercings.

As children require to remove all piercings to participate in P.E. lessons, we would like to gently suggest that the start of the summer holiday would be a good time for them to get any new piercings.  This will mean that they can then participate in all PE lessons and activities once school restarts in August.

All medicine held in school require to be collected before the end of term, as set out in the Administration of Medicines Guidance for Educational Establishments. Medicines should be collected from the office please or alternative arrangements made by email. When the medicines return after the holidays, a new Administration of Medicine form should be completed and medicines should be in date. A copy of our medicine form can be found here: Administration of Medicine Form

Lunch arrangements– Friday 23rd June
As school finishes at 1pm on Friday 23rd June, please be advised that lunchtime in school will be from 11.30am until 12.30pm on this day.

Netherlee Times
We present to you, the Netherlee Times! A wonderful group of Primary 6 and 7 pupils have been working very hard to create the latest issue of our school newspaper. We hope you enjoy having a read at all of the fantastic things that have been going on in the school this term. Please have a look by clicking here: Netherlee Times.

Parent Council Meeting Highlights
Thank you to the Parent Council for producing the latest Meeting Highlights Newsletter.  We had a very productive meeting and the highlights can be found here: Meeting Highlights

Recruitment Fair
Please see the attached recruitment flyer for Cleaning, Catering and School Crossing Patrol positions.
Recruitment Fair

Community Garden Drop Ins 
Our parent volunteer, Helen who leads the Netherlee Budding Minds gardening clubs is organising some community garden drop ins. All are welcome to please come along to any of the dates (see attached poster) if you can to help in our Acorns garden across the summer months. Many thanks for your support.

Class Teachers Next Session & Useful Information for Parents
Please find attached the class list for next year along with useful information.
Teachers and classes
Useful Information for Parents August 2023

Also a little reminder that school closes early on the last day, P1-2 12.55pm and P3-7 1pm.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Friday Newsletter 09.06.2023

Hello everyone

Early Collection from School
We understand that on very rare occasions children require to be collected early from school for example for hospital and other medical/ health appointments.  However, unfortunately we have seen a huge increase in the number of requests from parents to collect children early from school with, over the last month, nearly 60 children having left early to go on holiday or to go shopping or to miss the rush hour traffic etc.  All early collections require staff to collect children from class, disruption to the class as the teacher has to stop lessons in order to get the child to leave and clerical staff time away from their very busy office duties. We are now in the situation where the volume of these kinds of requests has, I’m afraid, become unmanageable for us and we will therefore no longer be able to accommodate these.  If you do require to collect your child early from school on any given day, we will of course still accommodate essential medical appointments only however for all other appointments these can only be facilitated at the start of lunchtime (12:35pm) from next week.  However, I do require to stress that any early collection should be avoided whenever possible.  I do hope you will appreciate this message in the way that it is intended and thank you very much for your understanding and support with this.

Family Focused: Gold Award Accreditation
We are absolutely delighted to announce that we have received our Family Focused Gold Award for both nursery and school. This award recognises our good practice, particularly with regards to supporting and working with our families. We could not be more proud of this huge achievement and would like to thank-you for your support in helping us to succeed.

Change of Menu: 15th June
Please find attached our planned menu change for next Thursday 15th June. The allergy information is included to enable your child to select a suitable option.  However, if you require further allergy or dietary information, please contact our catering team via the school office.
BBQ Schools Menu

Community News – Libraries
Please see the link below with upcoming free activities in the libraries throughout the month of June: Library Activities.

Primary 3
To celebrate the end of term and reward all the children’s hard work and effort, the primary 3 classes are going to have a picnic party on Monday 19th June in the afternoon.

The children will be making a sandwich in class with a choice of fillings. The ingredients we will use are:
Butter or non-dairy spread
Cooked chicken

On the afternoon of Tuesday 20th June, children will have an ice lolly as a special treat and thank you from their teacher.

We have taken note of any allergy information we have on record for your child however, please do get in touch if this information needs updated. Similarly, if you would prefer your child did not enjoy the food available, please let us know at

We hope your child has enjoyed their year with us in primary 3 and enjoys both of their picnic parties!

Thanks for your continued support

Primary 3 teachers

Primary 4c’s Mini Enterprise Project Sale
Primary 4c have been working hard this term to create their own business to encourage others to grow fresh fruit and vegetables and to use reusable bags. On Friday 16th June at 3.15pm at the Saplings school gates, some of the children will be selling sunflower kits, radishes, mint and tote bags. The children have decided that any donations received are to go towards our school gardens. We are looking forward to seeing you and we greatly appreciate any support.

If your child would like to be a part of the sales team with Miss Burns at our Primary 4c Mini Enterprise Project sale table on Friday 16th June at 3.15pm for about 10 minutes at the Saplings school gate. Please get in touch via the school office if you would not like your child to take part. Many thanks for your support.

Primary 5: Titanic Cabins
Please find attached a letter regarding our P5 children having the opportunity to create a cabin in a shoe box.
Titanic Cabins

Primary 7 – Parent Pay Account
As your child is soon to leave Netherlee, we would like to ask you to please log into your child’s ParentPay School Meal account and check that it is up to date.

We would appreciate for any balances owed to be paid by 22nd June 2023. Could we also please remind you to ensure that there are sufficient funds in accounts for the final week if your child is going to purchase a school lunch.

P7 children should use up any outstanding balances in their accounts before the end of term or you can give consent for these to be transferred to a sibling by Friday 16th June.

We will issue a letter on Thursday 22nd June giving details of money owing with a bar code at the bottom. This means that you will be able to make payments (including those under £5.00) at any establishment showing the PayPoint sign. You will no longer be able to access your child’s account for Netherlee online after the end of term.

As always, please don’t hesitate to get in touch confidentially if you would like to discuss your child’s ParentPay account and we will always try to help.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class





Friday Newsletter 02.06.2023

Hello everyone

We do hope you have enjoyed our Sports Week this week.  You will know, if you have had a look at our School and Nursery Improvement Plan which is on our website that throughout the session, one of our improvement priorities has been to find as many ways as possible to welcome parents and carers into school and to support families to take an active part in the life and work of the school.   We hope you feel that we have achieved this important priority and agree that there have been many opportunities throughout the school year where it has been really lovely to have you join us.  Sports Week this week has, I feel, ended a positive year of events in such a lovely way.  It was great to see many happy, smiling children and parent faces in the beautiful sunshine- thank you for supporting these events so enthusiastically.  Look out for many more again next year.  A huge thanks to Kelly Linn, Meg Sneddon, Emma Miller and all the staff who have been involved in planning and managing Sports Week, to have so many events running all week has been a mammoth task to organise so a very well done and thanks again to everyone.  Also, a special mention to our P7 Netherlee Sports Leaders as well as some current and former Williamwood pupils who helped throughout the week as well, not only supporting and encouraging everyone but also developing their own leadership skills too.

Of course, if you feel that you have any feedback that you would like to share about Sports Week or any of the events this session, please don’t hesitate to get in touch in the usual way via email We are always very grateful to hear any suggestions or feedback you can provide us with.

 King Charles III Artwork
Thank-you to those who have very kindly donated towards our school fund in return for your child’s artwork at the recent parent meetings. We are very grateful of your generosity and support.  We have raised over £1500 which will be put to very good use in our Hub when buying food ingredients and other consumables as part of the Food Technology programme.

Singing Games and Rhymes and Choral Groups Registration 2023-2024
To register your child for participation, from September 2023, in either our Singing Games or Rhymes classes for P2-P3 or our choral Groups for other pupils, please complete and return the following form either by using the link below:
Singing Games and Rhymes Registration Form

Celebrating Wider Achievements at Netherlee
Recognising and celebrating children’s achievements is an integral part to the Curriculum for Excellence. We are always looking for new ways to recognise and celebrate our children’s wider achievements out with Netherlee. As detailed in our Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy, during Celebrating Success assemblies each month, certificates are awarded to pupils who have really tried to uphold the Netherlee Values, for Effort and Progress and for Achievements within and out with school. For example, many of our children take part in extracurricular clubs and competitions, charity work or simply have learnt a new life skill. To help us celebrate as many children’s achievements as possible.  If you wish to share information about a recent wider achievement that your child has done, we would encourage you to complete the form below.
Wider Achievements Form

Netherlee Primary School and Nursery Class Parent Council – Meeting and AGM.  7pm.  Wednesday 7th June.
Our last meeting of this session and our AGM will be held in Netherlee and Stamperland Parish Church at 7pm on Wednesday 7th June.  As usual the agenda will include the Head Teacher’s Report and we will discuss any other items affecting parents and our children.
We will also be electing new members and office bearers and will be saying thank you and good bye to some long standing servants of the parent council as their children move up to Williamwood.

Parent Council membership and office bearer positions are open to ALL members of the school and nursery’s parent and carer community and we would be delighted to welcome as many of you as possible on Wednesday.

For any more information or to raise any points for our agenda please email

P1 Health and Wellbeing
An email was sent home to parent/ carers of P1 children.

P2 Health and Wellbeing
An email was sent home to parent/ carers of P2 children.

P7 Graduation and Leavers’ Party
I just wanted to remind you about the final events for our P7 children and families this term. Our Graduation Assembly will be on Tuesday 20th of June at 9:30 am, doors will open at 9:15am. Can we please ask for health and safety reasons that we are limited to 2 adults per child that day.

The P7 Leavers’ Party will take place on Thursday 22nd of June in our Atrium and will run from 6:30 until 8pm. We look forward to seeing all the children in their ‘finery’ for a fun filled evening.

P7 Cooking
On Friday 9th June (2 classes) and Friday 16th June (2 classes), the children will be cooking. As a stage, we have decided we would like to make mini pizzas. The following ingredients will be used to make this:

Dough: 00 flour, Yeast, Salt, Water, Olive oil

Toppings (all toppings are optional):
Tomato sauce (base)
Mozzarella cheese
Cheddar cheese

Please advise us if there are any changes to the allergy information we hold for your child or if you wish your child not to try a mini pizza.

Many thanks for your support.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class
East Renfrewshire
0141 570 7260


Netherlee Newsletter 25.05.2023

Hello everyone

It was so lovely to see all of our families in for the parents meetings this week.  We hope that you found these meetings helpful and informative. Please remember that we are here, at any time, for you to get in touch if you have any concerns or questions- we are only too happy to listen and help in any way we can.

Sports Week

Mrs Linn would just like to clarify and send a final reminder of the plans, that families are invited to participate in as part of our Sports Week activities next week.

You are more than welcome to attend when your child’s house or stage is participating however, please be reassured that your child will still be able to participate if you are not able to come along. We understand how busy everyone is.

Wednesday 31 May        9.15am- 11.15am               BLUE and RED house event

Thursday 1 June             9.15am- 11.15am               YELLOW and GREEN house event

Friday 2 June                  9.15am- 10.30am               P1- P4 races

11am- 12.30pm                   P5- P7 races

We hope you child enjoys the week and fingers crossed for sunny weather!

Returning school books

We need your help! At the end of each school session, we gather in all of our school reading resources. We would greatly appreciate it if you could have a check at home for any school reading books and drop these off in our ‘Returns Book Box’ at the main school reception before the summer holidays. We thank you for returning these books so that they can be read and enjoyed again and again.

Community News – Busby Foodbank
We have been asked to let all families know that the Busby foodbank is here to support families through this difficult time.  Opening hours at Busby Parish Church are a Tuesday from 1pm-3pm.

Community News – The Autistic Collective
The Autistic Collective recently announced the next event open to anyone who lives or works in East Renfrewshire.  On Monday 5th June at 11.00am, Dr Chloe Farahar, Aucademy and Ben Usher-Barrass, Autisticality are exploring “Autistic Wellbeing; What works?” More information can be found in the attached invitation.


We would like to remind you that school is closed on Friday 26th and Monday 29th for the May weekend. We look forward to welcoming all our children back to school on Tuesday 30th May.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Friday Newsletter 19.05.2023

Hello everyone

Family Focused
The Family Focused Accreditation Team were out today visiting our school and nursery.

Thank you to everyone for filling out the questionnaires – we had an amazing response.  Also, a big thank you to our parents and carers who attended the focus group today.  The Accreditation Team will formulate a report and let us know the results of their visit in due course.  We will keep you posted! Thank you again for all your support with this.

Homework Feedback Thursday
Just a reminder that on Thursday, it is Feedback Thursday. Children should bring in their home learning jotters/project work please.

Parents’ Evening
We are looking forward to welcoming you for our last round of Parents’ Evening on Tues 23rd and Wed 24th May. To help appointments run to time, a bell will ring every 10 minutes to mark the start/end of each meeting.

All children have created a piece of artwork to mark the King’s Coronation. Each child’s artwork has been framed and will be available outside their classroom for you to collect on Parents’ Evening. To raise money for the school fund, in return for the artwork, we would be delighted and very appreciative if you could make a donation of £3 in cash. All money raised will go towards the school fund, to help us pay for such things as ingredients for cooking, outdoor seeds etc. Thank you.

Home Learning
It has been almost a full school year since we launched our Revised Home Learning (Homework) Policy. Through ‘in person’ and virtual drop-in sessions, phone calls, emails and a feedback form, we have gathered parental views from across the school and we thank you for taking the time to share these with us. We have taken on board several suggestions and as a result of these, we have made some changes to the home learning grids throughout the year. As previously stated, the policy remained in draft this session and we will now be finalising this before we stop in June. If you have any further comments regarding the policy, please get in touch via by Thursday 25th May- thank you. (Mrs Sweeney and Mrs Roberts).

Supporting Diversity at Netherlee
At Netherlee, we understand that communication is key to making sure that the information we provide to parents and the community is accessible for all.  We have therefore made a small, but important, change to our school and nursery website.  Now, when you visit the website, you will see in the top right hand corner the new “select a language” feature which translates the content and information into many different languages.  We hope this is a useful development for our families.

Sports Week Arrangements
Sports Week is fast approaching and Mrs Lynn wants to share with families the final arrangements for the week.

House Family Mornings
Wednesday 31 May – 9.15am – 11.15am – Blue and Red House Family Morning
At 9.15am, the BLUE house children will leave the school by the Clarkston Road door. Parents can meet their children in the P2-5 playground before making their way to the Fitness Area (P2-5 Playground for A-M surnames) or Cheerleading (P6-7 Playground for N-Z surnames).

At 9.15am, the RED house children will leave the school by the Cage door. Parents can meet their children in the P6-7 playground before making their way to the pitch. (A-M surnames at the far end, furthest from the school) and (N-Z surnames closest to the school).

*Please use your child’s surname if parents/ carers have different surnames.

Parents and children will move round the 4 activity stations throughout the morning before finishing off with a picnic on the pitch at 11am.  The children will then return inside school at 11.15am.

Thursday 1 June – 9.15am – 11.15am – Green and Yellow Houses Family Morning
At 9.15am, the GREEN house children will leave the school by the Clarkston Road door. Parents can meet their children in the P2-5 playground before making their way to the Fitness Area (P2-5 Playground for A-M surnames) or Cheerleading (P6-7 Playground for N-Z surnames).

At 9.15am, the YELLOW house children will leave the school by the Cage door. Parents can meet their children in the P6-7 playground before making their way to the pitch. (A-M surnames at the far end, furthest from the school) and (N-Z surnames closest to the school).

*Please use your child’s surname if parents/ carers have a different surname.

Parents and children will move round the 4 activity stations throughout the morning before finishing off with a picnic on the pitch at 11am with the children returning inside school at 11.15am.

Race Day – Friday 2 June
Children do not need to bring a bag to school on this day, just their water bottle and snack.
9.15am – 10.35am          P1-4 Races
11am – 12.15pm             P5-7 Races

Parents are invited to watch their child compete in three races this year before taking part, if you wish, in the most competitive race of all, the parents and carers race! Bring your trainers!

To finish off what will hopefully be a wonderful week, the children will be taking part in a Colour Dash Race on Friday afternoon. This has been generously funded by our PTA. For this, we will be using Holi Colour Powder Safety and Ingredients, which are EU certified. Your child is welcome to wear sunglasses for this event or, if you’d prefer your child did not participate, please email Mrs Linn at You can also contact Mrs Linn if you have any further questions about Sports Week.

Children can wear their school P.E. uniform for the whole week and can wear their house colours on both Wednesday and Thursday for the House activities.

We are currently working to ensure that our current P6 children receive this training at the earliest opportunity in the next school year when they start P7. If any of our parents/carers are already Bikeability trained and could help us with this, please get in touch.

In addition, Bikeability Scotland are running training sessions in June to help parents/carers get involved and help deliver the Bikeability sessions. Please see below and attached for more information.

Bikeability Scotland Instructor Course (BSI): This is the standard training course for staff and parents to allow you to deliver Level 1 Playground Training and Level 2 On Road Training – for those who have never been trained previously.

Dates/Venues: Monday 12th June and Tuesday 13th June at Carolside Primary, Clarkston, 9am-12.30pm both days (Participants must attend both days). Further dates – TO BE CONFIRMED – Likely to be in Newton Mearns. Candidates attending should be comfortable doing some basic cycling in the playground and on road. A bike and helmet is required to take part, there may be a few bikes and helmets to borrow on the days, please let us know if this will be required.

We would be very grateful of any help received and if any parents/carers could participate with the training to help with future sessions.

Pro Judo
Pro Judo are inviting your child to a taster block that has been specially organised for Williamwood Primary students. The taster block is a great opportunity for your child to experience the martial art of Judo, which can help them develop essential skills like balance, coordination, and discipline.

The taster blocks run on a Monday.  The first class will be for students in P1-P3 and will run from 5:45pm to 6:30pm. The second class will be for students in P4-P7 and will run from 6:30pm to 7:15pm. Both classes will take place at the Pro Judo dojo in Parklands Country Club and will be led by experienced Pro Judo instructors.  To secure your child’s place in the taster block, please book their spot using the following links:
P1-P3 class:
P4-P7 class:

Please note that spaces are limited, so we encourage you to book your child’s place as soon as possible. We believe that Judo is a fantastic way for children to learn important life skills while having fun and keeping active. If you have any questions about the taster block or Pro Judo, please do not hesitate to contact us at you for your attention, and we hope to see your child on the mat soon!

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class


Friday Newsletter 12.05.2023

Hello everyone,

A big congratulations to one of our school and nursery parents, Mrs Cross, who recently published her own book ‘Grow, Cook, Inspire’. Well done- this is a fantastic achievement.

Living Streets Walk  to School Week
As you know, on Monday 15th till Friday 19th May, we are taking part in the Walk to School Week led by Living Streets. The aim of this week is to help encourage as many children as possible to experience the benefits of walking to school and in day-to-day life. We had a special assembly this week to learn more about how to take part and each class has received a Living Streets challenge pack which includes an activity diary if children wish to record if they travel actively (walk/wheel, cycle, scoot or Park and Stride) to school during the week. Park and Stride involves parking or hopping off public transport at least ten minutes away from the school and walking the rest of the way. Our P4 Wellbeing Committee will be leading an active warm up on Monday morning to launch the start of the week alongside Strider the Living Streets mascot. Our nursery children will have a special visit from Strider too! We hope by taking part in this week we can raise awareness of the health benefits of walking and that it is fun! We would also like to say thank you for completing our Living Streets Active Travel parent survey earlier this year and for your continued support.

PTA AGM & Uniform Sale
The Netherlee PTA is having its AGM on Wednesday, 17 May 2023, at 7pm in the Hub at Netherlee Primary School. Anyone is welcome to attend. We are calling all our parents and carers who would want to volunteer some of their time, skills, talents or creative suggestions to get in touch with us. We are especially looking for volunteers for the Treasurer and Secretary functions. If you are willing to take on these roles we would not necessarily ask you to commit to every meeting and event. We can adapt and appreciate any time and support you can give to the PTA. We are looking to include all parents and carers in our wonderful school community. Being dads, mums, grandads, grandmothers, aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, the list goes on. Please email to let us know.

Our May 2023 new badged uniform sale is on!
The uniform samples will be available to view at the Saplings building from Tuesday, 9 May, until Friday, 26 May, from 8am – 6pm. We recommend that you try on items for size as we do not keep stock and cannot exchange items. Netherlee PTA always strives to offer the best value and quality for our parents / carers, and we work closely with the school to ensure consistency. For that reason we would encourage you to purchase the school hoodie via the PTA. We appreciate your continued support in this to help further our fundraising efforts. We are also looking forward to welcoming all our new starts. Email if you need any assistance.

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Friday Newsletter 05.05.2023

Hello everyone

Coronation Artwork
To mark the King’s Coronation, today all children have created a piece of artwork with a nature/conservation theme, two areas that are very important to King Charles. Each child’s artwork will be framed and available in the atrium for you to collect on Parent Evening. To raise money for the school fund, in return for the artwork, we would be delighted and very appreciative if you could make a donation of £3 in cash if possible. All money raised will go towards the school fund, to help us pay for such things as ingredients for cooking, outdoor seeds etc. Thank you.

Parent Council Meeting Highlights
Thank you to the Parent Council for producing the latest Meeting Highlights Newsletter. We had a very productive meeting and the highlights can be found here.

Celebrating Wider Achievements at Netherlee
Recognising and celebrating children’s achievements is an integral part to the Curriculum for Excellence. We are always looking for new ways to recognise and celebrate our children’s wider achievements out with Netherlee. As detailed in our Promoting Positive Behaviour Policy, during Celebrating Success assemblies each month, certificates are awarded to pupils who have really tried to uphold the Netherlee Values, for Effort and Progress and for Achievements within and out with school. For example, many of our children take part in extracurricular clubs and competitions, charity work or simply have learnt a new life skill. To help us celebrate as many children’s achievements as possible.  If you wish to share information about a recent wider achievement that your child has done, we would encourage you to complete the form below.

Wider Achievements Form

Bank Holiday
Please be reminded that the school and nursery will be closed on Monday 8th May and will re-open on Tuesday 9th May- thank you.

Have a lovely, long weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Friday Newsletter 28.04.2023

Hello everyone

Recycled Donations
Thank you so much to everyone who has kindly donated recycled items so far. This week we would gratefully receive any large loose parts from our wish list below. Loose parts are any materials which can be combined, redesigned, lined up, taken apart, and put back together in different ways. If you have, and are finished with, any of these large items, please contact the school office beforehand to discuss a suitable drop-off time. If you have any of the smaller items then please place these in our Recycled Donations Box situated at the main school office entrance from Tuesday 2nd May. Many, many thanks.

Hardwood plywood sheets
Wood / timber planks
Small Tree stumps

Bikes and Scooters in the Playground

With the recent nice weather, we have noticed a lot more children cycling and scooting to school, which is great to see! Please could we ask that, on entry to the school playgrounds, that all children (and adults) dismount from cycles and scooters and push them to their location. You’ll understand that the gates are very busy in the mornings and at collection times, and we want everyone to stay safe. Thank you for your support with this.

As you know, the Coronation of His Majesty The King and Her Majesty The Queen Consort will take place on Saturday 6th May, 2023. At Netherlee, as we know that King Charles is passionate about art, nature and conservation on Friday 5th May, we would like to celebrate by creating a piece of artwork inspired by these themes of nature or conservation. Every child will take part and then we hope to sell their artwork (for a small price only) to you, their parents and carers, at our next Parent Meetings.  This fundraiser will help us to restock our hub cupboards with cooking ingredients and kitchen resources for the Hub for next session. The money raised by the Primary 7 children’s art will contribute towards funding their P7 leavers’ dance. Thank you so much for your support.

Parent/Teacher Meeting Appointments
As detailed in our Calendar of Events, our upcoming Parent/Teacher Meetings will be conducted via In Person meetings on Tuesday and Wednesday 23rd and 24th May.

The first named contact on our system will receive a separate email from us on Friday 5th May, advising how to book an appointment. If you have any enquiries about this, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Family Focused Gold Award: Update
We have been working hard to prepare for our Family Focused Gold Award accreditation date on Friday 19th May. Our nursery, please click here Acorns and Saplings and school Family Focused Charters are finalised and are visible at the entrances to our buildings. Thank-you again to Freya in Primary 6 who came up with the winning design! Please see again our charter statements included within the charter which were created with our Everyone Matters parent group. These statements uphold our school and nursery values and underpin the principles of family centred approaches.

Only if you haven’t filled in the form already for the school or nursery, please could you do so by clicking on the links below.

  • nursery parent and carer questionnaire
  • school parent and carer questionnaire.

If you have a child in both school and nursery, we kindly ask that you complete the nursery questionnaire only, if at all possible.

Access to the questionnaires will close on Friday 12th May at 3pm.

Save the Date for Sports Week
Exciting plans are being put in place for our Sports Week this year, which will be held from Tuesday 30 May until Friday 2 June.

There will be two opportunities for you to come along and participate or spectate with your family. These dates are as follows:

Blue and Red House Families: Wednesday 31st May from 9am- 11.15am
Green and Yellow House Families: Thursday 1 June from 9am- 11.15am

P1-4 Children (Race Day): Friday 2 June from 9.15am- 10.40am
P5-7 Children (Race Day): Friday 2 June from 11am- 12.30pm

There are also opportunities for you to come into school to share your experiences of competing in sport or, for leading an active session with a class or stage. If you are able to volunteer, please contact Mrs Linn through School Mail at  Many thanks for your continued support.

Bank Holiday and In-Service Day
Please be reminded that the school and nursery will be closed on Monday 1st May (Bank Holiday) and Tuesday 2nd May (in-service) and will re-open on Wednesday 3rd May- thank you.

Have a wonderful long weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class

Friday Newsletter 21.04.23

Hello everyone

On behalf of the school, nursery and Netherlee community, we would like to wish all families, who celebrate Eid, a very happy Eid Mubarak. We hope you have a wonderful time celebrating with friends and family.  Please accept my apologies that this important day coincided with our Open Classrooms this morning which meant that some families didn’t get the opportunity to come along.  I am sure you will understand that planning out the whole school year’s calendar ready to share with parents in August is a huge undertaking but I will try my very best to avoid this clashing next session.

On that note though, it was wonderful to once again open the doors to the school and classrooms- thank you so much for taking the time to come along.  These opportunities mean so much to both the children and staff and we know how much you as parents appreciate them too.  There was such a lovely, happy buzz everywhere- in classes, corridors and the school gardens.  Thank you also for returning the GIRFEC questionnaires.  We have hundreds of responses so thank you for filling these out.  If you didn’t make it along to school today, there is a box lying at the front door school reception, please pop up anytime next week and drop your form off in the box if you would like to complete it.

Over the coming weeks, I will collate all responses and will of course share the emerging themes and data around this with you.  Your comments will also be used to shape our School and Nursery Improvement Plan for next session too.  Thank you again.

Family Focused Gold Award Questionnaires (School and Nursery) – now live!
As part of our upcoming Gold Award accreditation, school and nursery parents and carers are required to complete a questionnaire containing a series of reflective statements about both settings. We require at least an 80% return rate, so we would be very grateful for your responses.

Many of you will have filled out this form this morning when you visited our school for the open classrooms- thank you. We’re sure you’ll all agree that our P6 and P4 children did a wonderful (and very thorough!) job asking for the forms to be filled in! Only if you haven’t filled in the form already for the school or nursery, please could you do so by clicking on the links below.

nursery parent and carer questionnaire
school parent and carer questionnaire.

If you have a child in both school and nursery, we kindly ask that you complete the nursery questionnaire only, if at all possible.

Access to the questionnaires will close on Friday 12th May at 3pm.

If you have a child in both school and nursery, we kindly ask that you complete the nursery questionnaire only, if at all possible.

Access to the questionnaires will close on Friday 12th May at 3pm.

 Information to Support Parent/Carers
As you may be aware, we sent out a ‘save the date’ notification for Tuesday 25th April for a parent/carer workshop evening.

As we have hosted many different daytime and evening events over the session, we feel it would be more beneficial for you to make the information that was due to be shared, accessible for all, by placing it onto our school website instead. We would like to reach as many of our families as possible and understand that not all parents and carers would be able to attend in the evening. Therefore, the information evening will not take place as scheduled but we will be in touch, in due course and before the end of the term, to let you know when and where you can find this on the website.

Foodbank Donation Drive
We are joining other establishments in East Renfrewshire to support the East Renfrewshire Foodbank, The Trussell Trust. More information can be found in this letter.

P4c P.E Days Update
P4c P.E days will now be a Tuesday and Friday. Can all children please remember to wear kit on these days.

Primary 7: Beauty and the Beast- Collection Arrangements & Show Tickets
We would be grateful if you could please complete the form below to allow us to ensure that all pupils are dismissed safely at the end of our Primary 7 school productions on the evenings of the 3rd and 4th of May 2023.
Collection Arrangements Form

We also want to remind you that the show tickets are available to purchase via ParentPay.  We are incredibly excited about our show and being able to share all that we have been learning and rehearsing and would love it if you were able to spare some time to come along to see us!  Tickets are £2 and there is a maximum of 2 tickets per child per show. Tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and we are anticipating this to be popular, so please get your tickets as soon as possible to avoid disappointment.  Please see the official invite below with more information about dates, times and how to purchase tickets.
Beauty and the Beast Invite

Have a lovely weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson
Head Teacher
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class