Nursery Newsletter 16.08.24

Hello everyone

We have had a fantastic first week back as staff and children reconnect with each other and re-establish trusting, warm relationships together.  It has been wonderful to see all the smiling, happy faces coming into school and nursery each morning. The staff team are taking the time to get to know your child, learn about their likes and dislikes and help settle them into life at Netherlee.

We would like to extend a very warm welcome to all new children and families who have recently joined our Netherlee community. I know that our existing parents will also look out for new faces at drop off and pick up times and will help where they can too to make sure everyone feels welcome and included.  Thank you for helping us to make Netherlee School & Nursery such a lovely, warm and welcoming community.

The roads and car parks are very busy at the start and end of each day, please remember when dropping off or collecting children, to be mindful of other adults and children, to only use official parking spaces and be respectful of local residents who require access to their home and street.

Please click on the link to our website where you will find more information about our school and nursery:

What to Bring
Please be reminded that all clothing, particularly anything that can be taken off, has your child’s name on it. Children can bring soft indoor shoes to wear inside the nursery and outdoor shoes to wear whilst playing outside, if they wish to, as we do go outside throughout each day and in all weathers.

We ask that on days when the forecast is good that you apply sunscreen before bringing your child to nursery. Please hand a bottle of sunscreen into nursery, with your child’s name clearly printed, and staff will reapply this when necessary.

Personal Care Plans and Special Books
During the next week we will issue a Personal Care Plan for your child. The Personal Care Plan focuses on the wellbeing indicators (Safe, Healthy, Achieving, Nurtured, Active, Respected, Responsible and Included) from Getting it Right for Every Child. Our Personal Care Plans allow parents to share information to identify next steps to support children’s learning and wellbeing within nursery or at home. These are sent home every six months.

Each child has a ‘Special Book’ that reflects their reflective learning story. We ask that you decorate the front cover at home and write a little bit about their interests on the first page.

Rhythm of the Day
We are being very flexible with nursery hours to meet children and family needs. If your child has been allocated 8am-6pm, you are free to drop off your child any time before 9am and pick up any time before 6pm. Children who attend from 9am -3pm should be dropped off at 9am, or after, and picked up by 3pm please, when their session ends.

Lunch this week has also been a great success! It is helpful to talk through the choices with your child before each day to support their independence at lunch time. You can view the nursery lunch menu by clicking the link below:

Getting in Contact and Absence Procedures
We are always happy to chat, answer any questions and support your child and family. Please feel free to contact us by phone (0141 570 7260) or email or while dropping off or picking up your child.

If your child will be absent from Nursery please use the email address to inform our office at the earliest convenience. If you would like to call to speak to someone or if you need to get in touch during the hours of 8:30am – 4:30pm, please use the office phone number 0141 570 7260. If you need to pass on an urgent message such as sudden changes to collection information after 4.30pm please call on 0141 570 7271. This number should only be used after 4.30pm please.

As always, we are always here to help in any way we can, whether that be about your own child or a more general matter.  Please don’t hesitate to get in touch at any time.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Yvonne Donaldson (HT) and Angela Kerr (PT)
Netherlee Primary School & Nursery Class
East Renfrewshire
0141 570 7260

NETHERLEE VALUES: Friendship and Fairness, Respect and Responsibility, Courage and Compassion
NETHERLEE VISION: Our Netherlee Community Working With and For Our Children
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