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The lead up to October Holiday

So..October holiday week is upon us and August til now has flown by with great times had in class by all.

It is so great that schools are staying open as the children are working so well and are really enjoying being in school.

Last week the class had great fun with Maths Week activities including amazing maths Family Homework Challenges.

Thank you to all families who took part and sent in wonderful photos and/or videos. I haven’t been able to upload them all onto the Blog here sadly but they were all wonderful!

Here are a selection of photos from our Maths week.

Minecraft Maths using Multiplication facts and Division

Modern Art and Maths converting fractions to decimals and percentages

Antonio’s outdoor maths

Yusra and Muneebah made a outdoor shelter with sticks


Scotland Maths Week Quiz – Cracking codes! 32 school took part virtually and we had immense fun completing the questions in class and submitting our answers before the time was up..great fun!!

Maths Mosaics and Fractions, decimals and percentages

The class were asked to create outdoor maths games here are some pictures of them trying the games out,. They were fantastic and the whole class loved playing each others’ games.

A great week of PE too in the crisp sunshine…sprints…

Plus some team work balances

I enjoyed learning about the RUCSAC strategy of helping me with solving word problems. It will remind me to read the questions, understand and underline the key language I need and choose the operation and then solve it and then check the answer.  By Thomas.

I really enjoyed scale drawing this week in maths. I found it not too hard but not too easy and I think it was good for my measurement skills and training for me to be better later on in my life. I was very proud of my work and I got through a lot of the questions and I understood it well, I tried very well and Mrs Thomas said I did very well with neat drawing and accurate results. By Caleb.

Thanks to all Primary 7/6 for your great effort over Term 1 so far.  it’s been brilliant!

Have a wonderful October break with your families and


Mrs Thomas. x

Primary 7 Leadership roles announced today

So today the leadership roles were announced after so much suspense….

Here are the P7  leaders from the P7/6 class – proud as punch!






CONGRATULATIONS to everyone who put in the time and effort to produce such amazing presentations. They were all fantastic and everyone should be very proud of themselves whether they got the role they wished for or not.

Mrs Thomas.


Week beginning 14th September

Primary 7’s have been enjoying preparing their speeches and / presentations for their application for the leadership roles and here are a few of them in action.

“I really have enjoyed telling everyone why I should be Head girl and my presentation was very fun to make. I am proud of it as it took so ling and I love the pictures I put up as they tell people about me.”

“I really enjoyed making my Head boy speech and also hope I get the job as I spent lots of time on it. My speech is really funny and I’m looking forward to being videoed next week and for the voting to begin! I have gone for Head boy and Deputy.”

“I really like the fact that I am able to get one of the P7 leadership roles. I really want to get it to keep the fun going at Busby. I have applied for Prefect, Media team and Head boy roles. Mrs Thomas said that every time I have a practise at it I get better and better and that I have really good intonation in my voice that interests the audience. I also am good with eye contact and body language.” By Ruaridh.

“In maths we were doing chance and probability and had a few games to play in the text book. After that we created our own game. Its basically about probability and chance and you see if you can choose the right colour from the bag when blindfolded. It could be 8 out of 10 chance if you got a blue pen and 2 out of 10 if you got a red. We all came up with the game together and helped each other to create it. It was fun! AND we got to show the class.” By Megan, Eilidh and Olivia.

” The dream catcher was hard to make as there were no real feathers but my friend Yusra helped me with ideas as there were lots of other craft materials to use. It was quite messy but I did a good job of tidying up. I enjoyed this task as it was my own imagination and creativity and I got to use crafting skills – I found this fun.

Yesterday I really enjoyed maths and we were doing equivalent fractions. I am really confident with this now.”  By Lily.

“This week in Creative writing I wrote a story called Miracle in the Sky. I liked this because I could use my own imagination freely and because I love writing stories.  The picture gave me inspiration and ideas to continue the story.  I have used super vocabulary and continued the story very well, said Mrs Thomas.” By Ethan.

” I really enjoyed writing this week because I found it easy to start with my ideas as when I saw the picture I got ideas about what to write and I really liked the story line that I made up. I think I did really well with my adjectives and capital letters. I read over my work to check for mistakes and I changed them after I saw them. Mrs Thomas has said that I have made a great story there and that I continued it well in the style of the author. ” By Yusra.

Fabulous work achieved this week from everyone. Well done!!

Mrs Thomas.

September so far….

A wild weather week last week with the rain battering down! Chillier days now  …. Autumn has arrived!

However it did not impact on the children’s fantastic work! They  have been working extremely hard in all subject areas.

Here are a few of their own words about their learning…..

“I enjoyed my maths this week and feel more confident at counting on hours and minutes. Our art this week was great, we have started using watercolours to create a rock surface and we are going to add on our own pictures that the Native Americans would have done to the rocks a long time ago.  Here is my first rock painting before the other pictures go on top”. by Molly.

I enjoyed my story writing this week in Writer’s Craft. It was about a Magic Ride which I made her fly and made her be in a different universe. Here I am with my brilliant story!” by Josh.

I mixed colours today to create a mud colour that would have been on the rock face that Native Americans would have done their Rock Art on. We will add to it another day. I think I created a wonderful colour and piece of rock!  I am loving reading Wonder, it is interesting and really sad as well. I liked the Magical ride writing as I find it easy to get ideas from my imagination and it doesn’t have to be true, I can write anything. The animal testing writing was a little bit more difficult as I had to think about the arguments – I was unsure on what side I wanted to take.”  By Yusra.

This week the children have  enjoyed a lot of painting and writing amazing creative stories  as well as persuasive writing on the subject of Technology and whether they are for it or against it. Some very good discussion have been had between friends and the whole class.

Here are some pieces of great writing to share….

“I really enjoyed the persuasive writing because I liked writing about technology. I am proud of how much I did because I wrote a lot and I like how I stated my facts and opinions. ” By Sophia.

“I really enjoyed the persuasive  writing because I got to talk about technology because I love technology and I am on technology everyday. I think I was quite fluent with my writing and made good strong statements. ” By Lucas.

I liked doing my French because we don’t often do French and I like learning a different language so when I go to France I can make friends and know their language! We learned how to say farm animals in French too! By Eilidh.

I enjoyed covering APR rates in maths because I got to learn skills to help me in the future and I liked working out all the calculations and checking if their right or wrong so if I do get them wrong I can look back and improve and try to get it right. We also covered budgeting and that was fun because I got buy a house (not really) and figure out my needs and wants for my budget which was £2,000. I ended up not going over my budget which was great. By Olivia.

In PE Eilidh led the class with her HIIT work out that she designed over Lockdown and led the class with 2 of her glamorous assistants Megan and Olivia, which was a huge success. A great sunny day for us all to be outside too!

This week Primary 7 have been putting themselves forward for their leadership roles such as Media Team, Prefects and STEM leaders and will in due course be doing the same for our Head boy,  Head girl and their deputies. Exciting times! So far, they have all been amazing at sharing their skills and how they will be amazing for these roles.

Good luck to all who are running for the leadership roles this year!





Our Week in class

Hello everyone from Primary 7/6!!

This week has flown by and the children have worked very hard in all of their subject areas.

“I have really enjoyed doing the negative numbers in maths understanding them in real life situations! I enjoyed the persuasive writing on animal cruelty and I was good at adding rhetorical questions”. by Rowan.

“This week I have loved the imaginative writing/writer’s craft called THE TOMB as I really like writing with my own story line and did well to continue the story in the style of the author. We learned a little to begin with about Native Americans and I painted using watercolours, a traditional dream catcher.”

Mrs Thomas thinks it is amazing!

“I enjoyed doing the watercolour painting and I did a Native American head dress which Mrs Thomas said was great! My photo will be on next week. I also have learned more about rounding in maths and feel more confident in this now. I liked playing Pictionary with my group because it was really fun and it was funny to see how people tried to draw very fast.” by Angel.

“I enjoyed doing rounding and estimating in Maths this week with Mrs Thomas.” by Daniel.

The children have been reading their class novel – Wonder and are enjoying the story and the comprehension. They have decided on USA vs UK as their IDL study of countries and their land use and have really enjoyed using water colours in painting as we begin to learn about the history of the USA with Native Americans.

What a great week boys and girls! Thanks for all your hard work. Well done!

Mrs Thomas.

A few pictures still to come of our new  wall displays over the course of the weeks…..