Scotland V Czech Republic Week

We enjoyed watching the Scotland Vs Czech republic on Monday and we are supporting Scotland and Poland..and have begun researching all things to do with Scotland and Poland which has been fun – like player stats and food from that country – then we created the bunting with the facts and pictures.

We have continued to complete our Bamboo drawings but using charcoal this time to create the effect of light and dark shading. Don’t you think they’re good?

Been busy this week being …..ENGINEERS…. – we had a go last week without the full class which was difficult but we got a chance to do it again this week and WOW – brilliant bridges!! After looking at some of the most famous bridges and their structures and shapes of the world, we created our own and it was a competition to see who’s would be the strongest to withstand the weight of 100g – 1kg. It was very fun placing the weights on each bridge and they were all great but there was onem where the team had created a very strong structure both in its base and height to withstand the 1kg! Great team work across the class!

The next challenge was to build a structure for height and stability – We first looked at the tallest buildings from 1900s to the current day which was pretty interesting. Our challenge was to create the tallest structure that would remain steady at the end. It was a challenge with the spaghetti!

A great week of team work!








3 Weeks to go!

It’s Friday again and this week in Mandarin we learnt all about Chinese foods and wrote some simple sentences.

Yusra Aqil

Maryam Ibrahimi

Maryam Ibrahimi


I really enjoy learning Mandarin because now I can show my parents what I have learnt.” by Yusra

We’ve been drawing bamboos in art and finally finished it. First, we practised in our jotters and now will be drawing it with charcoal. By Lily.


We have also been making our own Tangrams for a fun maths activity and then trying to create shapes with them.

Tangram Polar Bear

Post by Lily and Yusra

4 weeks to go!

This week has flown by and some of the Sci-Fi stories we have been writing were out of this world! We wrote them in our jotters first and then typed them into

by Angel Paterson


Molly Reid
Andrew McIntyre

This week is only 4 days long because there’s going to be May holiday starting on Friday and ending on Monday. This week most of us

In PE we had a second attempt at long jump and scored some goals with footballs from twenty meters distance. I was very pleased with my distance of 1 meter 46 centimetres. This is for an S1 transition competition that all P7 classes in the local schools are doing too.

Jumping over small hurdles – two foot jumping.


IMG_0705[2]   long jump