Week beginning 14th September

Primary 7’s have been enjoying preparing their speeches and / presentations for their application for the leadership roles and here are a few of them in action.

“I really have enjoyed telling everyone why I should be Head girl and my presentation was very fun to make. I am proud of it as it took so ling and I love the pictures I put up as they tell people about me.”

“I really enjoyed making my Head boy speech and also hope I get the job as I spent lots of time on it. My speech is really funny and I’m looking forward to being videoed next week and for the voting to begin! I have gone for Head boy and Deputy.”

“I really like the fact that I am able to get one of the P7 leadership roles. I really want to get it to keep the fun going at Busby. I have applied for Prefect, Media team and Head boy roles. Mrs Thomas said that every time I have a practise at it I get better and better and that I have really good intonation in my voice that interests the audience. I also am good with eye contact and body language.” By Ruaridh.

“In maths we were doing chance and probability and had a few games to play in the text book. After that we created our own game. Its basically about probability and chance and you see if you can choose the right colour from the bag when blindfolded. It could be 8 out of 10 chance if you got a blue pen and 2 out of 10 if you got a red. We all came up with the game together and helped each other to create it. It was fun! AND we got to show the class.” By Megan, Eilidh and Olivia.

” The dream catcher was hard to make as there were no real feathers but my friend Yusra helped me with ideas as there were lots of other craft materials to use. It was quite messy but I did a good job of tidying up. I enjoyed this task as it was my own imagination and creativity and I got to use crafting skills – I found this fun.

Yesterday I really enjoyed maths and we were doing equivalent fractions. I am really confident with this now.”  By Lily.

“This week in Creative writing I wrote a story called Miracle in the Sky. I liked this because I could use my own imagination freely and because I love writing stories.  The picture gave me inspiration and ideas to continue the story.  I have used super vocabulary and continued the story very well, said Mrs Thomas.” By Ethan.

” I really enjoyed writing this week because I found it easy to start with my ideas as when I saw the picture I got ideas about what to write and I really liked the story line that I made up. I think I did really well with my adjectives and capital letters. I read over my work to check for mistakes and I changed them after I saw them. Mrs Thomas has said that I have made a great story there and that I continued it well in the style of the author. ” By Yusra.

Fabulous work achieved this week from everyone. Well done!!

Mrs Thomas.

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