How long will it take the ice to melt?

In P7, we were learning about sunlight and the type of energy it transforms into when it reaches the Earth. We know that all living things need energy to survive and that plants store and use energy from sunlight. This energy is passed to animals by eating plants (or eating animals that eat plants). We also learnt that fossil fuels contain stored energy from sunlight, and are our main source of electricity.

During our experiment, we predicted what ice cube would melt the quickest. Then we justified our reason why.

Woodland Walks


Today Primary 7 were absolutely loving building shelters and dens with natural materials. They used their team work, mathematical and engineering skills to ensure they built strong structures. Well done Primary 7, I was so impressed by all of your hard work.

Maths Trail

Primary 7 were challenged on Wednesday to complete an outdoor maths trail. They had to answer a range of calculations and then find the answer which was hidden in the playground. All of the children worked fantastically in teams to complete the Trail.