A visitor from the North Pole

This morning when we arrived at school, we noticed we had a new member to P3/2….an elf!!! He is a VERY cheeky elf….he had scattered glitter and then stood in it and walked up a wall leaving glitter footprints everywhere!

He arrived with a letter from Santa which we managed to get down from the wall with Santa’s instructions: P3/2 have to teach the elf how to behave!!!

We noticed that he didn’t have a name for we decided the first thing to do was to name him so after a day of suggestions and voting, we have decided to call him Buddy the elf….let the adventures and learning begin!


Coding with Dash

This week the P3’s got to meet the Busby robot dash. Dash can only work if we use code to tell him what to do so we used our coding skills to get him moving about.

Next week the p3’s will show their learning and teach the p2’s how to code him.

HWB week

We have taken part in 2 HWB activities today.

First Mrs Dallas came into the class today and she did a “bounce back” lesson with each. We learnt how to think of and use different strategies to make us feel better if we are having a bad day. WE suggested lots of great ideas such as eating a bit of our favourite food, having a cuddly from a family member or a friend, just simply smiling at someone. We will remember these and put them into action next time we have a bad day which happens to us all at times.

After lunch we took part in the Fearless Resilience Workshop. We had an amazing time and we loved all the games and activities that we took part in. We learnt new breathing techniques and fun games to help us over come tough times.

Building and designing planes

Yesterday in the creative zone, the children were tasked with designing their own plane. The children were asked not to put their names on the pictures so we could complete a fair vote at the end of the day to choose our favourite 3 designs.

At the end of the day, we voted and we choose our favourite designs.

This morning the children have been able to put their designs into real life by first of all building their own planes in a group and then putting their designs on the places. The children have had to work together as a team to build the plans, follow tricky instructions and communicate with each other on the design the process. The girls even made their own paint in the creative zone today using flour to paint their plane.

A fantastic effort by all!!!



Another busy Monday

Following a successful visit to the library on Monday,  we now how a whole collection of books linked to our class topic on Natural Disasters to enjoy reading over the next few weeks.

In the afternoon yesterday, we continued our learning about the artist Piet Mondrain. We created our own pictures of animals (or pokemon!) and using rulers we drew shapes inside and coloured them in the colours used by Piet. The pictures looked fantastic! Tomorrow we will be applying our learning of this artist and creating images during ICT!

Construction Safety Assembly

This morning we were so lucky to have a visit from members of the construction team who are building the new nursery! We were taught all about the building process and the importance of staying safe when near a building site. Two very special builders: Honor and Ivan came along too and helped with our learning.


Incredible Lava Lamps

As we are learning all about volcanoes during our Natural Disasters topic, we thought we would create our very own lava lamps to mimic how lava bubbles before it erupts.

Making our lamps used our maths skills as we had to measure out the correct quantities, and we looked at the separation between the water and the oil during the experiment. When we added the effervescent tablet, it was amazing watching the bubbles create and then slowly move up and down. We worked out that the more of the table you added, the bigger and faster the bubbles became!


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