Incredible Lava Lamps

As we are learning all about volcanoes during our Natural Disasters topic, we thought we would create our very own lava lamps to mimic how lava bubbles before it erupts.

Making our lamps used our maths skills as we had to measure out the correct quantities, and we looked at the separation between the water and the oil during the experiment. When we added the effervescent tablet, it was amazing watching the bubbles create and then slowly move up and down. We worked out that the more of the table you added, the bigger and faster the bubbles became!


Science Play

Lots of fun today in the science zone experimenting with materials linked to water separation. We looked at the chemicals in nail varnish and compared them to an oil spill (a human disaster) and looked to see how it lay on the water. We learnt that the nail varnish looks like oil with the translucent colours and it also acts like oil because it sits on top of the water. We discussed all the negative effects this would have on ocean life, especially to the animals.

3d Shapes

Some of the children have been learning about the properties of 3D shapes.

We are able to identify where the edges are, the shapes faces and the vertices and we can count how many are on a variety of 3d shapes.

After we had completed our target, 2 of the boys noticed that they could use the shapes to build houses and buildings. They identified that if you look at most buildings, they are built in 3d shapes!!

Calculating amounts

Some of the P3’s have been learning how to calculate money. They have been learning the importance of the decimal place and its place value.

This morning they were set the challenge of going shopping and choosing some new items and calculating the total amount they will spend.

Maths Carnival

P3/2 were lucky enough to go along and take part in the maths carnival on Friday afternoon hosted by the P7’s.

We were tried out a range of games created by the classes throughout the school and they were all AMAZING!!!!

We had a fantastic time and we loved trying out all the games whilst learning at the same time!


Maths Relay

On Friday the P3’s and P2’s took part in maths relays against others from within their year group.

The children were put into groups of 3/4 and they had to work together to solve a range of tricky math questions.

All the children showed off excellent problem solving and team work skills throughout! Well done!

Maths T-shirts

This morning we got to work on designing our maths t-shirts. It was great to see everyone including all their recent learning within maths in their designs such as angles and directions from the P2’s and vertical calculations up to HTU that involve carrying and exchanging for the P3’s…..and of course times tables too!!!

The t-shirts will be submitted for the school competition tomorrow so watch this space to see who wins!