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Week beginning 14th June…

This week we continued our learning about Wassily Kandinksy. The children enjoyed using crayon resist to recreate some of his famous abstract art work.

Some pupils even chose to recreate some abstract art in their own time.

The junk modelling station has been a hit this week with lots of pupils building and designing lots of wonderfully imaginative ideas.

In this photo, the children were creating suits of armour.

Outside in the playground, the children were using their risk taking skills to climb.

Some of the girls were enjoying practising their gymnastics and cart wheels. There was lots of lovely teamwork occurring and some children were helping others to p[perfect their techniques.

On Monday, we watched Scotland’s first football game in the Euros tournament. The pupils made flags and banners to support the National team.

Towards the end of the week we started creating our own windfarm sunset paintings. This aligns with our current context for learning – renewable energy. Before beginning, the children looked at pictures of sunsets and identified the colours they would most likely use. These will be finished next week.

Well done P2. Cannot believe this is us almost in to our final week of the year. 🙁

Week beginning 7th June…

Another busy week in P2. All of the pupils have been continuing to work super hard.

On Friday of last week, we began looking at the work of the artist Kandinsky. The children enjoyed recreating his famous ‘circles’ design.

Some wonderful and imaginative creations have been designed and built this week. This maze is built over 3 levels.

This obstacle course design was built collaboratively by the three boys. They spent ages working together, using various materials from around the class.

Once again, we got outside and enjoyed the sunshine and fresh air. The children had lots of fun developing their risk taking and climbing skills.

Well done P2!



Week beginning 1st June…

A short week this week after the holiday weekend…

We enjoyed some of the sunny weather at the start of the week. We spent some time in the outdoor play area and the children took part in the potted sports day on Tuesday.

Some of the pupils have loved using the building blocks and jenga to design and build symmetrical creations.

Some of the maths groups have been working on their vertical calculations. Some are now even able to carry and exchange.

Lots of children have been creating books. They have been writing and illustrating about various fiction and non-fiction story lines.

The creative station has been as busy as ever. With lots of cool ideas being used to design and create.


Well done P2. Keep it up!

Week beginning 24th May…

This week we have been drawing our learning about ‘Under the Sea’ to a close. The children made some jelly fish from paper plates which were amazing. Each pupil chose their own colours and design and also what materials they’d like to use for the tentacles.

Some of the children have LOVED learning about vertical addition with carrying and have been practising their skills during their free zone time.

Keep up the good work P2.

Have a lovely long weekend!

Week beginning 17th May…

This week in P2 we have had lots of fun climbing and exploring in the outdoor play area.

Some children spent lots of time working together to create a magic kingdom from, 3D shapes, building blocks and jenga.

During maths, some children have been learning about 3D shape. They worked in teams to build 3D shapes from nets and then used them to design and build their own robots.

While learning about our Under the Sea topic, we looked at food chains and the transfer of energy between animals. The pupils then got to work creating and drawing their own under the sea food chains.

Another busy week in P2. Well done everyone!

Week beginning 10th May…

This week the children have been practising their drama skills. They created their own scripts for an underwater scene and performed their work to the class.

Some of the pupils, have been learning about 3D shape. They have been learning about the properties including faces, vertices and edges.

We have also been thinking about our senses. We discussed what we might hear, see, feel, touch and taste at the beach.

Some boys created their own science experiment where they were investigating force.

As ever, the creation station has been super busy with lots of drawing and mark making happening.

Week beginning 4th May…

This week has been a super short week in school!

In maths, some children have been exploring 2D shape. They were using the ‘feely bag’ to try and guess what shape they had without looking.

Some other children have been exploring the concept of measuring volume.

They have been looking at measuring in litres and millilitres. They enjoyed experimenting with water and various sizes of containers.

Keep up the hard work P2!

Week beginning 26th April…

This week we have been continuing with our learning about ‘Under the Sea’. We carried out an experiment to test if various objects and materials sink or float.

We predicted what would happen to each object and then tested to see if our predictions were correct. We recorded our findings in a table and then shared them with the rest of the class.

We also learned 2 new phrases – density and buoyancy. Dense objects will sink and buoyant objects will float.

Well done P2! I look forward to learning more next week.

Week beginning 19th April…

P2 have had so much fun this week and have enjoyed being back together after the Easter holidays.  They have LOVED playing in the new outdoor playground while enjoying the lovely sunny weather.


During reading, the children were practising their ability to ask and answer questions about the book.

We have also been continuing our learning about ‘Under the Sea’. We learned about the water cycle and how it is an ongoing process. We also learned 3 new words – condensation, precipitation and evaporation.

Have a lovely weekend P2, thank you for all your hard work this week!

Week beginning 22nd March…

It has been lovely being back together in the Primary 2 class. We have been loving our new ‘Under the Sea’ topic so far. This week we have been learning about ocean pollution and spent some time creating posters to help encourage others to stop littering and protect our oceans.

We have also been creating some under water sea creatures out of clay. We will now go on to add the finishing touches before painting them.

Since being back, the children have had lots of fun at zones. They loved the ‘cinema’ zone where they were using their time and money skills.

The investigation station was an opportunity for the pupils to explore the concept of measure. They enjoyed working together at this station.

Keep up the hard work Primary 2.