
We recently took part in Maths Week activities.  This involved completing a range of tasks and challenges.  Here are some photos of us busy doing maths.


We also created a noticeboard about a famous Mathematician Keith Devlin

Some snippets of our work is displayed on our classroom walls.  Have a wee peak!

Planting Beans

We enjoyed reading the book ‘Growing Good’ by Bernard Ashley and Anne Wilson.  The characters in the story use some land opposite their house that has recently been cleared of a factory to plant fruit and vegetables.  The neighbours argued saying they wanted a car park to be built.

We discussed land use and how planting fruit and vegetables is a good use of the space and that the community all enjoyed growing their own food and eating it.

It was suggested that we plant something.  Therefore we planted broad beans.

As scientists we decided to put some of the beans in different conditions to grow.

  1. one bean has no water
  2. one bean has been placed in the dark
  3. another bean has been planted without soil

Here are some photos of us planting them and how they are growing so far.

Primary 2!

We have had a busy start in Primary 2 so far.  We are still waiting for a few permission slips, however I have managed to include some photos of what we have been up to!

We all enjoyed taking part in our Highland Games yesterday where we tossed the caber, flung the discus, threw the shot put and completed the obstacle course.  Some of us even enjoyed eating haggis for lunch!

As learners we have been completing a range of learning experiences covering numeracy, literacy, science, health and well being and much more.  Last week we enjoyed taking part in a drama lesson outside.  (we have some super photos which I hope to be able to share with you soon!)

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