STEM Week 2022

Last week we took part in British Science Week by completing a range of virtual visits, challenges and activities.

On Monday we were given a tour of a farm by Farmer Catriona who has a farm on the other side of Glasgow.  She showed us her sheep, some horses, her barns and some of the machines that she uses to help her harvest her own hay.  At the end we were able to ask her some questions.

On Tuesday we had a virtual visit from Mr Balfour who is a dentist in Kilmarnock.  He explained how important it is to look after our teeth.  He shared with us the different parts of his job in which he uses Science and Technology.  Mr Balfour managed to answer many questions from Primary 2 some were quite tricky!

We took part in two STEM challenges.  The first one required us to build a tower using recycled magazines and cellotape.  We worked in teams to build towers that could stand on their own and hold 2 small blocks.

Here are some of our structures.  All of the towers were able to hold the bricks for at least 5 seconds.

Our second challenge was to create a parachute using either, part of a plastic bag, a paper towel or a page from a magazine and string and cellotape.  The parachute has to hold a small block.

We tested our parachutes by launching them over the balcony in the street area of the school.   Mrs James ensured that a safe zone was established before the launch!

Outdoor Day March 21st

Today we took full advantage of the lovely sunny weather and spent most of the day outside.

Here we are all reading together,  we chose books from the library and set up an outdoor classroom.

Normally we start a Monday morning with out phonics work, therefore we took part in our phonics activity outside.  We create phonics flowers on paper plates.

Following our STEM week focus on Growth we read a story all about the life cycle of a frog.  We then created our own life cycle diagrams on our paper plates.

As part of our maths work we have been working on data handling.  We created tables showing our results using sticks, leaves or stones.  Together as a whole class we created a table showing our favourite chocolate.  Our choices were Dairy Milk, Chocolate Buttons or Freddos.  Chocolate buttons won!

In the afternoon we carried out out Health and Well being Circle Time on the pitch in the sunshine.   We chatted about friendship, feelings and being aware of the feelings of others in different situations.

Busy Bees

We have been very busy over recent week carrying out learning experiences and challenges in maths, literacy, science, health and wellbeing, RME and Mearns Masters to name a few.

Here are some photos of us being busy bees!

To give us ideas when writing poems we went outside for a walk around the school building to see what we could see, hear, feel and smell.

As part of gym we have been developing our ball skills using basketballs, thinking about team work and finding good spaces to help our team mates.  We also played problem solving games out on the pitch.  We definitely had rosy cheeks after that one!

This week we were talking about Road Safety and safe ways to travel to and from school.  Here we are looking at the entrances to our school playground with the Zebra crossings.

In maths we have been looking at fractions of shapes and amounts of things.  Here we are drawing 2D shapes and shading in fractions of them in the playgound.

As you can see we have been very busy!



“The Home of Wild Life, our Outdoor Adventure”

On Monday we spent most of the day outside.  It wasn’t too cold and we had great fun. We even enjoyed some sunshine in the afternoon.

Here are some of the children’s comments

“We were making tents.” – R

“We went on a bear hunt!” – B

“We were doing some calculations with leaves.” – C

“We did activities like making crafts and doing maths.” – O

“We were even making crafts, little houses and doing maths.” – U

“We (they) made dens, we used kind of cover things (tarps) string and pegs to attach it to the trees.” O

“So we sat on a sleeping bag in our den, we talked, we chattered and chattered all day and we have so much fun.” – J

“We made houses for our little buddies. With my friends we added little beds for them.” – M

“We collected leaves and sticks and we were even using some mud to stick it together to make some little houses with them.” – U

“We made a big house.” – A

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