The Gruffalo so far….

We are focusing on The Gruffalo at the minute as we absolutely loved reading the book.  We have done lots of different activities and used our imaginations and drama skills to present the story in a variety of ways.

Here are a few:

 Sequencing the story

  Puppets Our new imaginative play area  A puppet show

Outdoor learning

Today, we did some problem solving in groups to try and get across the “ocean” without getting our feet nibbled by the crocodiles. Here are some of our attempts:

Then, we used our imagination…

  1.   A house big enough to fit us       An assault course
  2.  A spaceship

Shape hunt

We have been learning to identify 2D shapes by the number of sides and corners they have. To identify these in real life, we went on a shape hunt around the school.

We found:









Even a Pentagon 


On Friday we read a book about ‘Camoflague’ and watched some videos of chameleons changing colour. We were so amazed by this that we designed some of our own.

Today we collected leaves and sticks and grass and created a Camoflague Pit. Some of us designed animals to hide in our pit.

 A tiger  A chameleon Another chameleon

Can you find our animals or are they too well Camoflagued with the colour of their skin or fur?


We are practising our counting through a variety of different activities.

Number bingo   Building towers

Playing board games  Number jigsaws