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our science experiment

On the 28th of January Primary 4 completed an experiment about conductors and insulators. We wanted to see if the light turned on or stayed off if we put a conductor or insulator in the circuit.
Some people brought in some conductors and insulators for example, Sophie brought in a leaf and a stick from the playground, Shakira brought in a teddy bear and Atika brought in a hair clip.
We drew a table in our jotters so we could write our predictions and the results of the experiment. When we had finished the experiment and knew the answers, we put the answers in our jotters and checked to see if we got them right.
We found out that an insulator is something that doesn’t let the light turn on but a conductor lets the light turn on. An example of a conductor is a metal object and an example of an insulator is paper or plastic.
We now understand what a conductor and insulator is.
Imogen and Emmen



In P.E, we have started gymnastics for this term.
With our partner, we made some letters, words and shapes using our bodies. We found that the easiest letter to make with our body was “T” and “Y”.

After making letters, we revised different types of rolls from Primary 3. The rolls which we completed were: teddy bear roll, log roll, seal roll and tuck roll. We had to make a sequence of rolls with our partner. The trickiest roll is the tuck roll because you need to make sure your hands are tight around your legs.
We also had 4 different stations which helped us to practise the rolls and the shapes. Our favourite station was when you had to move along the bench (however you wanted) and then jump off the bench as far as you can. Mrs Fraser marked how far we could jump. Jake and Michael jumped the furthest in the class!

Atika and Chandan

Class Trip

On Wednesday 2nd December 2015, Primary four went on a school trip to The Experience in Hillington.
When we got there we met a man called Jamie. He showed us this room which was filled with games like Jenga, Lego, table football and inflatable guitars .
Once we had our free time and snack. One of the staff took a group to the laser planet he told us the rules and we played. It was awesome. IMG_2015

While one group were at the lazer, the other group made lights using an electric circuit. The lights lit up straight away!
By Sophie and Jed

Primary four assembly

For a month, Primary 4 have been working on our Chanukah assembly which we performed on Monday 7th of December.
Our assembly, which was a play, explained the story of Chanukah.
During the assembly, we also sang some songs. Our favourite song is the ‘Latke Recipe’ song. We did some actions to go with the song. For example we pretended to grate when the song mentioned that word.
We had lots of people watching us: the whole school (including the nursery), our parents and people from Cosgrove Care.
Our performance was the start of our Chanukah celebrations!


By Bismah and Jessica

Our experiment

We have done an experiment on dissolving. It was fun and interesting. We mixed flour, salt, sugar, sand and chalk with water.
Each group chose either apple juice or vinegar to replace with the water.
Someone from each group came to the tap and filled the test tube to the amount that their group decided. Some filled the tube to 30ml but other people used more water. Then we took one tea spoon of a substance and poured it into the water and then we stirred for 30 seconds.
We took the spoon out and we saw if the substance had dissolved but most of the substances did not dissolve.

Thank you for reading our class blog.

By Edie and Abigail.


Primary 4 have been learning about dissolving. Dissolving means when you put a solid into a liquid and it disappears, although it is still there but it is just see through.
We are going to do an experiment on dissolving this week.
We are going do find out if salt, sugar,chalk,flour and sand dissolve in water. Some other groups are going to find out if these solids also dissolve in vinegar or apple juice.

You will find out next week what our results are!

Max and Muzzammil



Last week during P.E, we were focussing on fitness. We knew we were working hard because our heart beats went very fast. There was four stations: one was hop scotch, one was step ups, jogging and the last one was star jumps.
We also played bench ball which was great because our team won and I was the first one to throw to the person on the bench[Michael].We also played grab the cone and our team won [again]!!

Michael and Sukaina,

Human Organs

Last week Primary 4 were learning about the human body and the organs.
We focussed on 6 organs: heart, brain, lungs, stomach, intestines and kidneys.

Here are some facts that we learned:
Heart- is on the left hand side of our body.
Brain-sends messages to our body.
Lungs- the left lung is smaller than the right lung.
stomach- it takes 2 and half to 3 hours for the food to digest.
Intestines-there is a small intestine and a large intestine.
Kidneys- there are 2 kidneys and they make sure your blood is clean.

We hope you learned some facts too!


Building our 3D Succot

Just before the October week, we celebrated Sukkot by making our own mini 3D sukkah with a partner. When building the Sukkot, we thought about how other people around the world live (some not as lucky as us) and we noticed the similarities between a sukkah and the huts which they live in.
We were given materials which were: hay, paper, and tape.
When we were finished we were also allowed to make one out of Lego, sadly we did not get a turn because we were taking our time with the paper sukkah.
We discussed that if water was to be poured (separately)over the lego and paper sukkah, the paper sukkah would get destroyed. Therefore, it is best to build a sukkah out of strong material.

Leo and Sania

Challah baking

Last week we made challah!
First we read the instructions to bake the challah.
Mrs Rosenberg came in to help us to make the dough [it was fun and gooey] then she showed us that she baked some challah earlier because it takes 2 hours for it to rise.
Then we used that dough(which Mrs Rosenberg had made) to make challah. We made it by kneading it and plaiting it. (Plaiting was a wee bit tricky!!)
Plaiting challah
We are going to show it off at the Rosh Hashanah assembly along with our beautiful challah covers.

Jake and Amy