Class Trip to St Caddoc’s

246P5 and P4 went on a trip to visit St Caddoc’s. we went because we wanted to see what they learn about together. We found out that they were learning about Mercy. Mercy is where you help the poor in a number of ways, for example you can give them food and water, shelter and lots more. St Caddocs  gave us an activity looking at how you can show Mercy. We were put in groups of 6 and after that we decided to have a 15 minutes break in the playground,  their playground was huge! Then it was time for us to deliver our presentation about Yom Kippur about why we forgive Hashem on Yom Kippur. Finally it was the sad part where we had to leave St Caddocs and go back to school. We all had a great time with the children at St Caddoc’s  and  wish it never ended.

By Izzah and Sania.