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French Cafe

On Wednesday 2nd of March it was our French Café, we had a lot of fun.

In the morning we prepared food for our café. We worked in pairs to make croissants, pain au chocolate and fruit salad. After playtime we went down to the hall to decorate it with our French decorations. We also made our own table mats and menus for the parents to order their food.

In the afternoon we welcomed and served our parents in French. There was butter, jam, tea, coffee and juice as well. After we served our parents, we talked about Fairtrade. We used Fairtrade products when we made the food such as chocolate, bananas, tea and coffee. At the end we sang a song in French and it was to the tune of we are never ever getting back together.

It was a great day!



On Friday afternoons Primary 5 do masterclasses. Right now we are doing woodwork.  We are making bird boxes.  Last week we made our designs for our bird boxes. Some people designed pillar boxes and some people designed boxes shaped liked houses. Today we were sawing the wood and measuring it. Jenna had to only do 3 15cm  bits of wood because her design was a piller box and everyone else needed seven pieces. Most people still need to cut 4 more pieces. These are the steps of cutting the wood. First you need to  measure the wood (we needed to cut them into 15cm blocks.) Next you need to sand down the wood so that you don’t get any splinters. Then you need to saw the wood. We had to work with a partner and the wood was stuck in a vice so that it didn’t move around.  We are looking forward to finishing our boxes next week!DSC00041

Louis and Zidane sanding down the wood, using gloves to avoid splinters!


Ksenia sawing out one of her sections of wood.


Faizan and Daniel carefully measuring out each section of wood.

Mandarin Lessons

chinese flag

This week we had Mandarin lessons with a teacher called Mrs Qin and she taught us how to have a conversation in Mandarin by saying things like hello, good morning, how are you, goodbye, good and thank you. Then she let us listen to some Mandarin songs that had all the words we had learned and she showed us a video of four people having a conversation in Mandarin.

Here is what we learned if you would like to practise at home!

Ni hao – Hello

Zao shang hao – Good morning

Ni hao ma? – How are you?

Wo hen hao, xie xie ni ne? – I’m very well thanks, and you?

Wo ye hen hao, zai jian! – I’m also very well, good bye!

By Jenna and Harrison

Stirling Castle Trip

On 16.02.2016  P.5 & P.3 went to Stirling to explore & learn about Scottish Wars of Independence and Castles. We split up in to groups and explored the castle, both inside and outside. It was huge! After lunch we met with a man dressed up as ! He taught us about all the great feasts, showed us the great hall and some of the weapons used. Daniel got to dress up as King Edward of England and William told us the story of the Scottish Wars of Independence. It was a really fun day and we enjoyed everything a lot…apart from rain and wind.

By Flora and Zipporah

Scottish wars of independence update

scottish wars

Since our last post we’ve learned a lot more about the Scottish Wars of Independence.  We learned that King Edward of England came to Scotland to decide who would be king. There were 13 competitors. The two main men to be considered were John Balliol and Robert the Bruce.  King Edward chose John Balliol to be the King of Scotland but he bullied him into doing all of the things that he wanted for Scotland. The Scots were mad at Balliol for not having their best interests at heart and they called him Tomb Tabord which means empty coat.

by Ava and Louis

Scottish wars of Independence

In  p5 we have started a new topic all about the Scottish Wars of Independence and we are all finding it very interesting.  We have learned that Alexander the Third got crowned when he was 8 years old and he got married when he was 10 years old! He was able to rule the country on his own by the age of 20. Unfortunately, he  fell off his horse and fell down a cliff and he died. When he died his granddaughter got crowned queen at the age of 4. Her name was Margaret. She was the Maid of Norway.  As she was travelling from Norway to Scotland she became ill and died on the boat in Orkney. This meant that Scotland was left without a Queen. We’re looking forward to hearing what happens next in the story!

by Jenna and Faizan

scottish flag


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On Thursday  26th of November P5 collected some toys and books from other children in this school and this class.  During the day, different classes including the nursery came to our classroom for the bring and buy sale. It was really difficult to serve everybody and it was really busy, hot and noisy.

We raised over £100 and it has all gone to Yorkhill. It’s for saving children from diseases and illnesses.  Daniel in our class chose to raise money for Yorkhill.

He wanted to raise money for Yorkhill because his brother had brain cancer when he was little and he was in hospital for 2 years! 🙁


On Tuesday we went outside and got some water samples as part of our science topic.  We went to the park and got pond water and dirty water and then came back to school and labelled them.  Afterwards we went to the I.C.T suite.  We used special microscopes to look carefully at the water to see if there was anything in the dirty water or the pond water.  Amazingly, Zak and Ben found a micro organism in their dirty water which was amazing for us to all look at.  They also did a video of their micro organism moving around the dirty water.  Our teacher told us that we could take photos and then save them on a file which I made for us. It was really fun using the microscopes and it was really interesting.

By Daniel and Fiazan



Active Expressions are a bit like phones but they are much greater than phones!  We can use them in maths lessons for mental maths  and lots of other things.   We can do multiple choice quizzes,  write answers in words or type in  numbers  for answers.  We have our own Active Expressions with a number on the back so we know which one is ours.  Once we have answered each question the teacher can quickly see who has got it right by looking at a bar graph on the computer.

by Faizan and Daniel



This week’s news!

This  week  we  have been learning  about  precipitation in Science.  There are four  different  types  of  precipitation. They are rain, sleet,  hail snow.


In  art  we  drew  self  portraits.   After we  drew  our  self  portraits   they   were  sent   off   to   be   turned  into   tea towels.   We have also been doing painting based on Monet’s famous Lilly pad painting. He was a famous French impressionist painter.  Our paintings are not finished yet but we’ll post pictures of them when they are done!

by Fatimah and Zidane