Tag Archives: Scottish

Scottish wars of independence update

scottish wars

Since our last post we’ve learned a lot more about the Scottish Wars of Independence.  We learned that King Edward of England came to Scotland to decide who would be king. There were 13 competitors. The two main men to be considered were John Balliol and Robert the Bruce.  King Edward chose John Balliol to be the King of Scotland but he bullied him into doing all of the things that he wanted for Scotland. The Scots were mad at Balliol for not having their best interests at heart and they called him Tomb Tabord which means empty coat.

by Ava and Louis

Scottish wars of Independence

In  p5 we have started a new topic all about the Scottish Wars of Independence and we are all finding it very interesting.  We have learned that Alexander the Third got crowned when he was 8 years old and he got married when he was 10 years old! He was able to rule the country on his own by the age of 20. Unfortunately, he  fell off his horse and fell down a cliff and he died. When he died his granddaughter got crowned queen at the age of 4. Her name was Margaret. She was the Maid of Norway.  As she was travelling from Norway to Scotland she became ill and died on the boat in Orkney. This meant that Scotland was left without a Queen. We’re looking forward to hearing what happens next in the story!

by Jenna and Faizan

scottish flag