Rosh Hashanah

On Wednesday 25th October we had our amazing Rosh Hashanah assembly. We practised our lines for multiple weeks and even had to learn a song with dance moves!

Our assembly included a detailed explanation of Rosh Hashanah with songs and dancing.

Rosh Hashanah means head of the year. Rosh Hashanah is a festival we celebrate every year and it includes: eating apples and honey to symbolise a sweet new year. We blow a rams horn called a “shofar” to wake us up for the New Year. We do something called “tashlich” which is where you go to a pond with fish and recite a prayer. Then you throw in breadcrumbs, this represents throwing away our sins so we can start anew for the New Year.

It was very fun and we hope to become better people in the New Year.


Happy New Year!

Jamie and Zipporah

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