All posts by gw22sebestoncaitlin@glow

STEM group meeting 28/4/23

Today we did an experiment with tissues and coloured pens.

We wrapped the tissues around the pens, and we scrunched it up, took it off the pen to make a shape like a caterpillar and made designs with coloured pens. We then put some water onto the caterpillars and it became coloured because the colour on the inside started to show, and it grew longer!

But we had to be very careful so the tissue didn’t break.

The teacher asked the children what they think would happen when they added the water and why they thought that would happen. Some children guessed correctly. We spoke about the tissue absorbing the water and that is why the caterpillars grew bigger.

STEM pupil group meeting 2/12/22

Made posters of the experiment we did with the ghost tissue and magnets and turning it into a Christmas one.

And spoke about how we can do it again. And how the weight of the tissue would change the experiment. Asked the class what would happen if we used something heavier than tissue – would it still work?

discussed  north and South Pole of magnets – opposites attract.



28.10.22 STEM group

Flying ghost experiment- the children worked in pairs or a group of 3 and put together the flying ghost experiment. They attached some fishing line to their tables with a paper clip at the end. Then they placed a tissue over the paper clip which would become their ghost. Lastly they held a magnet over the tissue with the aim of making the tissue hover looking like a flying ghost.

First pupil group meeting of 2022 16/9/22 Ideas/aims

s- science     baking soda volcano, coca cola and mentos experiment, making fake snow,  elephant toothpaste, glitter and water tattoos, lava lamps, snow globes, skittles around plate experiment, soap and glitter experiments, tye dye milk experiment,

t-technology  coding, looking at how robots function, making lanterns, looking at water/water tornado experiment,

e-engineering    building a robot, experimenting by making new things, making things out of string, balloon zipline experiment,  making rubix cubes, spaghetti buildings,

m-math  bargraphs, tally marks, recording results,