Minutes 16.09.22

We started by talking about pollution and what happens to make pollution an the value of the earth.

Here are some ideas that we can do this year

-Buy less plastic things.

-Start recycling  and picking up litter.

-Try adding more compost bins and waste bins to stop litter around the school.

How can we stop some of these problems?

-Fundraiser to raise money for posters.

-Making the bins fun

-Playground Jobs including picking up litter and litter monitors

We thought of very complex ides that would be out of this world.

Then we watched a video of robots and how expensive they are to solve our problems about the environment.

How could we decorate the bins?

-Basket Ball hoop.

-Colourful Patterns.

– Course to the bin.

After our big group chat we slip up in smaller groups to discuss some more action we could do with these ideas.