Next week we will be baking shortbread. The ingredients are; butter, sugar and flour. Please advise us if there are any dietary/allergy considerations, thank you.
Beautiful letter writing this morning in 3a.1 :-)
The children wrote lovely letters to Santa this morning. We worked hard on getting the layout of a letter correct. They gave very specific details of why they think they have been good all year and their Christmas wish could be about gifts or the year ahead or for their loved ones. They melted hearts ❤.
Homework for p3a.1 and p3a.2
Sorry for the late post! As we are updating the homework jotters this week, please complete the following activities.
Literacy: Please read a winter/Christmas themed story for pleasure.
Numeracy: Please play Sumdog.
Technology challenge – we are creating our own Gingerbread houses on Friday. Please bring in up to 3 items which you think would be useful for this challenge e.g. cardboard boxes, sweetie wrappers etc
We will send home the jotters on Wednesday for you to have a look at after our assessments and we would ask that they come back on Friday ready for January!
Thank you 🙂
A flavour of soft start in the morning
This week’s soft start activities included; design your own tartan, paired dictionary work, wa word searches and top trump cards. Everybody engaged, everybody learning 😁👍.
Apologies if the video doesn’t work, I think they only work on Apple devices. 13D3B61E-7802-4282-AEB1-5A7D64AD3574
Useful Website
Following on from our Book Week activities this is a site that has some good ideas linked to reading. Perfect to use with your new book bag!
This week’s sound is wa e.g wall.
Presentation Homework
A huge well done to all the boys and girls who presented their famous Scot homework. We had a brilliant range of Scots, past and present. Everybody spoke confidently and clearly sharing a wealth of information. Here is just a sample of what we listened to today 😊. Thank you for your support with this task.
Topic update from Elise and Abdullah
We were learning about the map of Scotland today. We found the main cities, towns and islands on our own maps.
This week’s sound is ea
Monday Maths
Look at some of our lovely maths work from this morning!