Numeracy – Money Advice Scotland

Today we had a visitor from Money Advice Scotland.  They gave us a fun quiz about money and we had a guess the price activity.  Look at our fantastic work.

Emma – It was really hard to answer some of the quiz questions.

Laura – We tried to figure out how much the  items cost individually and altogether.

Literacy – Elf Road

Today we came into the class and saw this amazing feast!  We read the story Elf Road and described what might be on the table at a feast.  We had to use adjectives and commas to write our super sentences.

Ruby – We had lots of fun writing about these amazing things.

Charlotte – We had a sheet of colour adjectives to help us.

Homework – Week beginning 7th October

Please click on the documents below to access the homework for this week.


7th October addition worksheet

Times tables speed test 1(2, 3, 4, 5, 10)

07th October 2019 word list

Numeracy – Maths Week Scotland

Today, we were doing Numeracy for outdoor learning. We had to collect leaves and other fallen objects to create multiplication arrays.

We made quite a lot of arrays and then we took photos of them.

Each row of the array had to have the same number.

Look at our wonderful work below.

It was very good fun finding the leaves and sticks and stones. Olivia

When we were finding stuff we could use fallen objects so we wouldn’t damage the plants and trees. Brodie

Numeracy – Maths Week Scotland Challenge

Today we had a Maths/Technology challenge.  Who can make the longest paper chain with just 1 sheet of A4 paper?

We tried to think of strategies to make our chains as long as possible.

The winners used the strategy of cutting really thin strips.

Well done everyone.

It was really fun and we used great strategies. Zak

It was fun and hard! Martha

We liked it when we were cutting and gluing. Joshua

Everyone tried their best but there were two winners. Laura

Literacy – Reading

P4c working hard on their reflective reading task maps for the first time! It was challenging but we persevered – well done everyone.


Homework – Week Beginning 23rd September

Learn the un/dis words that are glued in your Literacy Jotter using one of the strategies from your sheet.

 Extra Spelling task (Optional) – go to

  • Scroll down until you find the correct sound (Book 1 List 3).
  • Try some games or test yourself on this week’s words.


Numeracy Homework –

Being numerate helps us to function responsibly in everyday life and contribute effectively to society. It increases our opportunities within the world of work and establishes foundations which can be built upon through lifelong learning. Numeracy is not only a subset of mathematics; it is also a life skill which permeates and supports all areas of learning, allowing young people access to the wider curriculum.    (Education Scotland)


Monday 23rd September  – Family Numeracy and Maths Homework Challenge

Families can choose one activity (or more if you wish) from the grid and work on this together over the next two weeks.  How you record and share your homework is up to you! There are some suggestions on the grid but please feel free to be as inventive as you wish.  This homework will last two weeks. On Friday 4th October, the eldest child in each family should bring in their family homework and the pupils will get a chance to share their activity with the school community.  The homework should be carried out as a family and each activity can be simplified or extended to allow everyone to take part.  There are lots of real life challenges to allow our pupils to see the benefit numeracy and maths has on our everyday life.  These activities are designed to be fun, active and engaging for all our learners.  It will not only promote their numeracy, but it will also develop their problem solving, creativity and collaboration skills.


Please share your learning activities with us on twitter! @kirkhillPS and use our #

#kpsachievements #kpsmathsweeekscotland2019 #mathsweekscotland


Thank you for your support!


23rd September – family numeracy homework


Outdoor Learning – Science/Art

P4c have been learning about the human body.  We used our sense of sight to explore the school grounds.  We had great fun collecting items around the school to make a natural colour wheel.  We discovered lots of red and yellow colours but it was harder to find purples and blues.

We made sure we were being safe, responsible and respectful while we worked in our natural environment.

Look at all these colours!

We enjoyed going to the science garden and  the banking. Martha

It was very interesting. Naba

It was fun. Jonathan

It was easy to find different colours. Shayaan

National Coding Week

P4 have been working on our coding skills to celebrate National Coding Week.   We used the website We had to programme some Angry Birds to direct them around a map.  We can’t wait to continue our coding next week!

Outdoor Learning

We will be working in the Science Garden on Fridays this term to do some outdoor learning.  Please send in the equipment detailed in this previous post every Friday –



Thank you


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