Home Learning – 25th March

Good morning everyone. Looks a bit drizzly today so if you can’t get outside try to do some indoor exercise with Joe Wicks, Cosmic Kids Yoga or repeat the routine you made up yesterday.

Your tasks for today are below. Remember you can respond on Seesaw or upload pictures to Twitter of all your wonderful work.

If you are having any technical issues use the usual Kirkhill email account (details on the website) and someone will get back to you.

Have a lovely day. Looking forward to seeing your work!

25th March (1)

Number Guess Who

VCOP Help Sheet

24th March – Grammar Answers

Good afternoon everyone. Hope you had a nice day and managed to find some time to exercise. Here are the answers to the Grammar activity. Enjoy the rest of your evening.

Capital Letters full stops question marks answers


Fun Author Activities

David Walliams has announced that he is going to read a story each day at 11 o’clock.  You don’t need to listen at 11 o’clock – the story will still be available later!


This sounds like a really nice thing to do every day when we’re not at school.  His stories are great and it is a real treat to hear him actually read them out.

24th March – Home Learning

Hi everyone. It was lovely to see all your wonderful work here and on Twitter yesterday. Please keep posting and sharing. Here is today’s selection of tasks. Education City was having technical issues yesterday so, if you can’t get on to it, play some number games instead with dice or a pack of cards. Have a lovely day everyone.

24th March3

Capital Letters full stops question marks ver 2

23rd March – Home learning

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well rested and you enjoyed the weekend sunshine. Click on the link to see your home learning tasks for today. You can upload  pictures of your work to Seesaw for me to review. Please remember the internet safety rules and do not include people in your pictures.

23rd March

Log In Details and Class Novels

Thank you so much to everyone that has logged in to Teams  and SeeSaw. All the children that were in school today managed to log on. We had great fun adding our own quizzes to the Microsoft Teams area.  Well done P4c. If you have not tried to log in could you please try ASAP.

The office have sent us login details for education city this afternoon.  Your child has this on a sticky label.  Please keep these details somewhere safe.  This is another super website/app which can be used both at school and at home.

Please contact the office if any of the above login details do not work.

Please remember we might be doing some home and school learning with our class novel The Nothing to See Here Hotel. It might be useful to have a copy of this novel at home as we only have a limited number in school.

Homework – week beginning 16th March

Good morning. Please click on the link below to open the Homework for this week.

08 16 March 2020

We are going to be doing some work in class and at home with our class novel The Nothing To See Here Hotel. Please let me know by Friday 20th March if you are able to source a copy of your own as we have a limited number of them in school.

Children have brought home their Glow usernames and passwords. Please check you can log in. We have recently created a Microsoft Teams area for the class. The children can show you the work they have posted on there so far.

The children have also brought home login details for Seesaw. You can download this app to your phone or another device. Alternatively, you can go to the following address on a laptop or desktop computer – https://app.seesaw.me/#/student/feed/class.a137a7cf-0ad4-4ec9-bb8f-8dbdfd1d277e/person.01102737-87c1-4f0e-b90b-73ea947e34b8

Click on Log In

Then click on I’m a Student to check your details work.

Please send me a note if your details are not working.


Marvellous Metaphors

Today we wrote poems with metaphors. Look at our work and see what other techniques we’ve been using.


A Special Visitor


Today we had a special visitor from https://www.dogstrust.org.uk/rehoming/?gclsrc=aw.ds&&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIl6vJ0vyP6AIVA53VCh3G1wrmEAAYASAAEgL3kvD_BwE  teaching us how to look after a pet dog.

can you guess what we are doing?


World Book Day

Some pictures of our World Book Day props.


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