Hope you have had a good week so far and you have been up to lots of fun things with the family. Some of you may have taken part in the Great Science Share event on Tuesday, please send us your photos of experiments you have taken part in.
Here are the activities for today. Have a lovely day.
Good morning primary 4, everything you need for today’s tasks is attached below. As always please post work on Seesaw, I’m looking forward to seeing everyone’s hard work 🙂
Hello again! We hope you have had a great day and that you managed to visit the Great Science Share and enjoy some of the activities on offer. We are looking forward to hearing which were your very top favourites!
Here are the answers for today’s other activities.
Hello 4b! Thank you for all your hard work yesterday. Today promises to be an exciting day, especially since the Great Science Share takes place today. We hope you enjoy yourself and learn lots of new things!
Here is your Task Sheet and all the other resources you will need:
Good afternoon Primary 4. Well done on all your hard work today. Click the documents below to check your work from today. Enjoy the rest of your evening.
Good morning Primary 4. Here are your links, tasks and resources for today. Remember to post your work on Seesaw and check back at 3pm for the Numeracy, Literacy and French answers. Have a great day everyone.
Good afternoon Primary 4. Thank you for all your hard work this week. Here are the answers to the Problem Solving activities. Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Good morning Primary 4. We have really enjoyed seeing all your work on Seesaw this week. Here are your links, activities and resources for today. Check back at 3pm for the Problem Solving answers.