Outdoor mental maths

We were competing in house teams playing ball games using times tables.

We were also passing the ball around in a circle as fast as we could, counting in BIG numbers. It got even more challenging when someone dropped the ball because we had to start counting all over again.

Our team won!



Homework week beginning Mon 13th May 2019

Please find the homework task sheet for week beginning Monday 13th May 2019.  We will be posting the homework task sheets on the Blog each week from now on.

13th May


Term 4 Overview

Please click on the link below to find out what Primary 4b will be learning in term 4.

Kirkhill Term 4 – Curriculum News (003)


Functional Writing

Today, in writing, we were designing flyers for Kirkhill’s Summer Family Fun Day.  We had to make sure they were eye catching, included key information and had a catchy slogan.

We were also discussing Consequences in Health and Wellbeing. We discussed a few scenarios with our partners and predicted what the consequence may be.

“If a football went over the fence and on to the road, it might distract a driver and cause an accident.” Katy


Primary 4 Exercise Class


Being put through their paces!

Science Projects

Today we were sharing the fabulous Science experiments we have been conducting at home.  We enjoyed playing some of the super ‘tracks and trails ‘ games, which had been homemade.  Lots of paper aeroplanes were tested and we had a lenghty discussion about our findings! Lewis produced a lovely Spring poem and Callum enjoyed performing an experiment in the class with different types of liquid- very messy but fun! Our class is also smelling very fragrant after all the perfume potions.

P4 STEM Challenge – Marble Run!

P4b made marble runs in groups. We had to make the marble run for as long as we could. We used cardboard  boxes and cardboard struts. At first the marbles rolled too quickly so we tried to slow them down using bumpy and sticky and rough materials.They were all AMAZING but the best marble run lasted 8 seconds.Hopefully we can do something similar again.

I really enjoyed having a challenge and working with my friends. Holly Mc

The tricky bit was sticking all the struts together so the marble didn’t fall. Jessica

Designing and building our boats

We were learning how to create boats using a design brief and we worked in groups. First we thought about it, discussed it and drew a plan on paper and wrote down what materials would be best to use.


We needed to make sure that it would float, stay strong and be waterproof. We learned about the different parts of different types of boats like the hull, propellers, anchor, rudder etc.


We learned to use teamwork to create them so after that we tested them in water to see if they could float and most of them could float.

“Our boat sank when we first tested it in water, then we realised the flag was too heavy so we took that off and tested it again. It now floats!” Holly A and Evah

“We made our sail out of pencils and cellophane.” Mikhail and Campbell

P4 School Show

Our school show is called ‘All at Sea’. It is about merfolk and pirates. They fight over who is going to rule the sea. We have been rehearsing on stage in the gym hall. Today, we used microphones for the first time.

“I’ve really liked learning the actions for the songs and being a dancer.” Tara.

“My favourite part is singing the songs.” Katy.

“I am impressed with everyone’s acting, especially Blair who plays Captain Scarypants.” Robin.



We have been learning about Onomatopoeia in Art. During this we made onomatopoeic words. First we made the words such as: POW ZAP BANG BOOM. Then we coloured them in and cut them out.

“We enjoyed it a lot.” – Amaia, Ameya, Evah

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