We’ve had so much fun learning about our senses this term with Miss Black. We had a visit from an optician, taste testing and made posters about what we have learned.
We’ve had so much fun learning about our senses this term with Miss Black. We had a visit from an optician, taste testing and made posters about what we have learned.
Charlotte and Innes were delighted to receive replies to their letters from Mr Carlaw. They wrote about the issues that were important to them, such as, Shawwood and Broomburn Parks. Please read the replies for yourself 🙂
Please click on the date to open the homework task sheet.
P6c had great fun working on safe starts, safe stops and balance work on our bikes. Please practise what you learned today at home, one more week in the playground and then we hit the road!
Homework is slightly different over these two weeks as we have two competitions to enter. The Air Pollution banner challenge is in your homework packs and I have attached the Braw Lunch Brake Challenge. Both due in on Friday 26th April. Thanks!
I am delighted to introduce our party leaders (one off so pic to follow!), they have been busy writing a manifesto and also making posters, leaflets and rosettes!
Sophie – KIP Party
James – Blue Spike Party
Iyona – TOEP Party