Thank you for the amazing Growth Mindset posters created last week! You will see them displayed in the school this week at our Meet the Teacher event. I am looking forward to meeting all of our families on Thursday 5th September at 6pm.
Homework 26.8.19
Welcome Back!
What a fantastic first week back Primary 7c!
P6 World Cup event
We had great fun at Whitecraigs Rugby club, taking part in a wide range of sports.
Dance, rugby, football, Judo, netball, cricket and archery were all on offer!!
2 week homework project
Numeracy Day problem solving
Numeracy Day problem solving
Mission to Saturn!
Numeracy Day!
P6 Creativity Challenge
Another visit to Mearns Primary today to start making our creations! We have been enjoying making new friends from the other cluster schools and problem solving to meet our design brief!
N.B homework will be given out tomorrow as there was no time today, thanks.
Term 4 Curriculum Newsletter P6c
Please see an overview of our learning for this final term of P6!