Good Morning P7 🙂
Welcome to your first day at Lockerbie Lockdown! We have lots of exciting activities planned for today and we can’t wait for you to get involved. Most of the activities included are ones that you would usually take part in during a residential trip but have been altered slightly due to our situation.
These activities can be completed with family and also virtually with friends. You can keep us updated throughout the day on Seesaw!
Please remember that you dont have to complete every activity today. I understand that parents may be working so you can carry these out at a time that is suitable to you and your family.
I thought it would be nice to share the activities with your classmates by uploading them to the class blog. If you do not want me to do this please let me know when you upload this on to Seesaw.
Have a fantastic first day and I can’t wait to see all of your activities on Seesaw!