Good Morning P7 🙂
Welcome to Induction Day 2. Today you would have been going to the high school to take part in a full day of activities with other pupils across the cluster. Some of the tasks today will require you to work virtually with friends. We are looking forward to seeing your progress on Seesaw.
Some of these activities have been set by the teachers at MCHS and others are set by the P7 teachers. Please read the activity sheet carefully and follow the instructions for how to access the powerpoints and videos on the MCHS website. All MCHS activities can be found on the P7 transitions section of their website.
We do not expect you to complete every activity today. It may look like a lot but some tasks will only take a few minutes to work on and the day is based on having 7 different classes (just like you would in high school). Some of these tasks can be completed during your free time or over the summer before you begin high school.
Induction Day 2 – Thursday 11th
If you have any questions, please let me know. Have a great day!