Vertically Opposite angles and the Area of a Triangle

This Week I learnt how to calculate vertically opposite angles by learning that an angle is equal to the vertically opposite angle.

I also learnt how to calculate the area of a triangle, which is to calculate the area of a square and the half the amount.

“I know how to calculate vertically opposite angles” – Amina

Angles and Parallels

I can successfully find angles that are parallel and find the missing ones.

To do this you add up both your parallels and take away from 360 then divide by 2

“I can find parallels and angles Thanks Mrs Hussain.”

Christmas Enterprise

This week primary 7a have been learning to make a business and have been preparing for their Christmas enterprise. We will be selling hot chocolate cones and other things too. We have been given £50 to spend and we need to make the most amount of profit we can.

“We have been working very hard to organise it and we believe we will sell them all.” – Samuel


Different Types of Poems

We have been learning how to do different types of poems. So far we have done acrostic as well as many others. We made a poem as if we were in an air raid . First we listened to the audio of an air raid, then the movie of it without the audio and then the movie WITH the audio. My one was called As The Bombs Drop.


Miss Edmondstone love our poems so much she asked us to make books to sell at the fayre.

“I enjoyed making my poem rhyme!”- Rebecca


This week we learned how to write a poem about WWII. We used our senses to watch  and hear a clip to get words to use in the poem about the blitz.

I really enjoyed this poetry lesson.

“I can write a poem about wwII” – Elliott

Maths negative and positive

For the last few days the Fibonacci group have been learning negative and positive numbers.

“It was actually kind of easy”-Jagdeep


Maths – Vertically Opposite Angles

Today in school we were learning to find vertically opposite angles. To do this we first of all extended the lines to reveal a zig-zag shape, next we found the angle of one of the zig-zags which led us to finding the other angle; which was the same!

“I found this hard but I got there in the end!” -Dan


Our Christmas Enterprise/Rudolph’s Raffle

For this years Christmas enterprise we will be making Hot ChocolateRreindeer cones and on the side we’re doing my groups idea Rudolph’s Raffle. We are planning to sell the hot chocolate for about £1.50.  For Rudolph’s Raffle we are bringing in prizes to win and how you win there is a big bucket with numbers in it and you have to pick a number and if we pick the same number as you you get a lucky dip for a prize and a ticket is £1.00.

From your best business man -Jayden

Writing- The Blitz Poem

This week on Tuesday Miss Edmondstone came to watch us write and to see how wonderful our writing is. I read mine out to the class and she loved it I even got star writer. They were about the blitz.

“There is a great standard I thought I was in S1!” Miss Edmondstone

Different Energies

I learnt that there is a lot of different types of energies and they can also change a lot. Some of the energies are potential, kinetic, heat, electrical, chemical, light and sound also known as Poor Kevin Has Eaten Chewy Little Slugs thats how I remember it . There the energies that I learnt and remembered.

“I never knew that energies can change so much”-Archie



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