Our Christmas Enterprise/Rudolph’s Raffle

For this years Christmas enterprise we will be making Hot ChocolateRreindeer cones and on the side we’re doing my groups idea Rudolph’s Raffle. We are planning to sell the hot chocolate for about £1.50.  For Rudolph’s Raffle we are bringing in prizes to win and how you win there is a big bucket with numbers in it and you have to pick a number and if we pick the same number as you you get a lucky dip for a prize and a ticket is £1.00.

From your best business man -Jayden

Writing- The Blitz Poem

This week on Tuesday Miss Edmondstone came to watch us write and to see how wonderful our writing is. I read mine out to the class and she loved it I even got star writer. They were about the blitz.

“There is a great standard I thought I was in S1!” Miss Edmondstone

Different Energies

I learnt that there is a lot of different types of energies and they can also change a lot. Some of the energies are potential, kinetic, heat, electrical, chemical, light and sound also known as Poor Kevin Has Eaten Chewy Little Slugs thats how I remember it . There the energies that I learnt and remembered.

“I never knew that energies can change so much”-Archie



I Can Write Neatly (I Have Good Handwriting)

I use terrible handwriting. I tried my best to do good handwriting it wasn’t actually that hard. IT WAS EASY not really easy but I tried my best. So I could  move up in Literacy.


This week we were learning how to write a poem. We wrote it about our senses during the blitz.

“Your story is very interesting!”-Rebecca

The Blitz Bombing!


Bombing Britain was


But we were so


Don’t get me started with the

Rough journey.

Even though we were so

Tired we couldn’t wait until the end!


The scared shouting people down below

Trying to evacuate.

We wouldn’t let them because

We were bombing everywhere.

I could see them blacking out their windows


They were calling for help

Shouting and screaming!


We were wearing our

Stuffy gas mask.

The engine was so loud,

Louder than the air raid sirens!

We were raining bombs on the

Horrified terrified people in their shelters.

I could hear the glass,

The sharp shards of glass!


One young boy standing at the window,

Not blacked out.

He got dragged away by

His mother;

My target!

I turned the plane and once again

Rained bombs on the specific house.

They were in danger!

I Learned Negative Numbers

We learned what negative numbers are. To do this we had to use a textbook called Primary Maths in Action, it was good.

“This is so easy”-Riyaan


In school we are doing enterprise for our school fayre and we have a budget of fifty pounds. We had to pitch our idea to the head teacher and hot chocolate cones won.  We have bought things within that amount of money ,we are making hot chocolate cones and to make it you get a piping bag fill it with chocolate powder  and Marshmallows  and decorate it as a Rudolph with a red pom pom and antlers.

“I really enjoyed making hot chocolate cones from my pitch “-Grace

World War 2 Poem

We wrote World War 2 poems about the Blitz. We watched a video three times, the first time, we thought about what we heard; the second time, what we saw; and the third time, how we felt. Miss Edmonstone, the Head Teacher, came to watch us write.

“I am looking forward to doing this again”-Akshara

French Gym

Today we learnt how to do  French gym . We played a game and it was called fox /chicken/ snack and the snack’s won.

“l learned how to do French gym”- Abigail

Story Time Club

I have been developing my teamwork and responsibility skills. To do this, at lunch on Thursdays  I run a club called Story Time Club with my friend Eva  and cousin Grace .

“It takes a lot of responsibility and team work because we do it with P1’s and P2’s and they are sometimes a handful, but fun.” – Maisie

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