Category Archives: Information for Parents

Useful numbers

If you are worried about money and need some advice, call our Money Advice and Rights Team on 0141 577 8420 or email   or Citizens Advice on 0141 881 2032

If you need help with food or shopping you can find details of local support available on the We Care East Ren website;

If you need help to stay warm, make best use of energy and save money on fuel bills, contact Home Energy Scotland on 0808 808 2282 or email

Children who receive a Free School meal are entitled to food packs if they are off school due to Covid19 call us on 0141 577 3575

COVID RESPONSE TEAM 0800 111 4000  or

Customer First 0141 577 3001

Work East Ren or call 0141 577 843

VAER Community Hub on 0141 876 9555 or by emailing

Learning at Home

With lockdown continuing and pupils completing learning activities at home, this document aims to reassure you and provide you with suggestions and ideas to ensure that your child benefits as much as possible in these circumstances.

Learning-at-Home-Guidance-for-Parents-and-Carers pdf

Learning at Home Guidance for Parents and Carers (Word download)

Lots and lots of suggestions for websites which might be useful.

Weblinks for schools April 2020 pdf

Weblinks for schools April 2020 (word download)

Electronic Libraries Service

Encyclopedia Britannica

Britannica Library, one of the most trusted resources on the web, offers easy access to reliable information on most topics enriched by magazine articles, images and video clips. Pitched at three different levels this resource is ideal for homework and study.

Login with your library card number (include the P at start of the number)

Borrowbox ebooks and aufdiobooks

Borrowbox is an exciting and innovative collection with a great range of top titles.

Login with your library card number (exclude the P at the start of the number) and PIN

Pressreader – magazines and newspapers

Pressreader gives library users access to over 7000 top magazines and newspapers from around the World. Customers will have access to over 500 UK magazine titles and 171 UK newspaper titles.

Login with your library card number (include the P at start of the number)


Complete an online membership form

When we’ve processed your application we’ll send a confirmation email with your new library card number and your PIN will be your year of birth

If you are a member but do not know your library card number or PIN please call 0141 577 4972 or email:

Healthier Minds

“Healthier Minds – A Guide for Parents and Carers”, brings together
information and practical advice that we think you will find helpful when supporting your child to manage life’s challenges. It includes information about how low mood, anxiety and stress can affect us, how to develop resilience, and looks at ways of developing strategies with your child to help them manage and feel a bit better. There is also information about relevant local services in East Renfrewshire, and the different roles that professionals
can have in supporting children, young people and families who are
experiencing more chronic and severe mental health needs.

To open a PDF copy of this booklet, click below.

Healthier Minds parents’ document

Message for Parents

Message for Parents and Carers from Tracy Morton, Education Senior Manager (Developing People) June 2019


As you know all Councils continue to face significantly challenging financial situations. A difficult budget decision by elected members to remove Pupil Support Assistants (Classroom Assistants) from schools was approved as part of a package of savings for 2018-2021. The removal of these assistants was pushed out to the 2nd year (August 2019) to allow schools to prepare for the proposed changes. PSA Classroom Assistants were introduced to support teachers with non-teaching tasks, moving forward there will only be the provision for Pupil Support Assistants (Additional Support Needs) within schools.   No change has been planned for Pupil Support Assistants (Additional Support Needs).  To realise the budget decision to remove Classroom Assistants from our schools we have worked closely with our Trade Union colleagues to ensure that all staff have been treated fairly and equitably.  The decision to take the saving in year 2 (2019/20) has enabled schools to manage into the changes in their Pupil Support allocation with temporary staff having been employed since 2016 when vacancies have occurred. As such the planned saving was achieved by the non-renewal of temporary contracts for staff who had a planned contractual finish date of June 2019.


I understand completely the frustration this has caused many of you as some of the temporary staff have built up strong relationships and have provided very good support to teaching staff, however, I am sure you will realise that there was no expectation by these staff beyond the terms of their contract.  Therefore where temporary staff have been deployed and a need for PSA (Additional Support Needs) support continues, then we will endeavour to ensure a permanent member of staff is redeployed to work with identified children.


The Education Department continues to be committed to our vision of “Everyone Attaining , Everyone Achieving through Excellent Experiences” despite the difficult financial constraints that are being imposed on Councils and we appreciate the dedication and support of all staff in delivering a quality education during these testing times

Family First

Family First is a free, confidential   advice and information resource in East Renfrewshire.

Their aim is to provide support by working in partnership with families with children eight years old or younger.

They  can assist  and enable families to access local services professional and voluntary, ensuring the children get the best possible start in life.

For more information, download the leaflet here, and the notification form here.


Free Use of Microsoft Office

Office 365 ProPlus

For all Glow users (so all our staff and pupils) it is possible for you to get copies of Microsoft Office 2016 to use on your home machines – PC, Mac, phones and tablets.

You will be able to use a range of Microsoft products (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, OneNote etc) on up to 15 home devices for free (the 15 licences being split as 5 for PCs and/or Macs, 5 for tablets and 5 for phones).

To do this, login to Glow, from the launch pad click the Office 365 Home tile (image below) then the “Install Office apps” button and follow the instructions.

Note that if you are downloading to an iPad or iPhone the process is different, you have to download the apps from the App Store and then log in using your Glow username. There is more information from Microsoft available here

When logging in, you will be asked to enter your user name and this is your Glow user name plus the domain e.g., once you do this, you will be transferred to the usual Glow login screen, once you enter your details here your registration is complete.

The Glow username will only activate the software for as long as that account is active in Glow.

It is also possible to download the apps from within Microsoft O365 – within O365, click on the Office 365 link in the top left of your screen and from the O365 home page, click on “Install Office 2016”