All posts by Mrs Tait

Digital Media

We have been learning to use Microbits.  These help us to learn about coding and programming.  Primary 7s have been supporting the 6s when necessary and so far we are able to code letters to make our name appear on the screen in lights.  This is helping us with our problem solving skills as we only have a website and instructions for help and we are resisting the temptation to ask the teacher for help.  This term we will also be exploring Yammer and finding out how we can use this as a tool to communicate effectively and safely with our peers.

French – La Famille

img_3187In French, we have been learning about the Family.  We can introduce our family by saying ‘Voici….’ and we are learning the different between mon and ma (my)when introducing male and female family members.  It is tricky because we know each noun in French is either feminine or masculine.  We are getting there!  Here is a reading piece we completed.  We are starting to recognise vocabulary within a text and we are using our problem solving skills to work out the meaning of words we have never seen before.


In Science we are learning about characteristics and inheritance. We were given pictures of random people and we had to put them into families due to their characteristics. We got to design our own creatures, we would draw a female a male and their offspring.    By Adam and Jodydsc00001 dsc00003 dsc00007 dsc00004


P6/7 become Victorian Pupils

In IDL we have been learning about the Victorians.  Last week we were lucky enough to visit Scotland Street Museum to experience what it was like to be a Victorian pupil.  Every time we were asked a question, we had to stand up and say the answer, then say ‘sir’ at the end.  Some children had to  wear a ‘dunce’ hat, which was used to ridicule children who got the wrong answer.  We also had to do handwriting with a quill dipped in ink.  Mine was a mess!!  Adam Pollok P7dsc00707 dsc00848 dsc00698 dsc00845 dsc00765