What an exciting week we’ve had!


On Monday wrote formal letters to our local MSP, Tom Arthur. We chose a topic and tried to persuade him to support us in our efforts. We are not sending the letters to him but it was a good exercise in writing formal letters and a suitable end to our Scottish Parliament and Democracy study.

Tuesday was our Hallowe’en dress up afternoon. We had a fantastic time in the hall seeing all the fabulous costumes and taking part in the parade.

Thursday was our RME group presentations (which we have been preparing throughout term one). Each group took responsibility for an other world religion and delivered a group talk to the class to teach them about the beliefs, places of worship, key figures and artefacts of that religion.  (They were peer assessed on their content and presentation skills.)  We enjoyed learning about Judaism, Hinduism, Islam and Christianity.  (See photos.)

On Friday, for our writing, we used Fireworks as our context for learning and practised using different literary techniques: Alliteration, onomatopoeia, similes and strong adjectives. We linked this to an art follow up where we used scratch art to create the fireworks which we had written about. Everyone was very engaged and we got wonderful results.

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