Christmas Fayre Crafts and Our Learning in Numeracy

Christmas Fayre

“Primary 4 have made Christmas reindeers to sell at the Christmas Fayre.  We wrapped brown wool around the candy canes. This created the reindeer’s face.” Chelsea and Kay

“We had to make sure we wrapped the wool tightly around the canes.” Kyle

“We then glued on some googly eyes and a shiny red nose.” Liam



“We were dividing by 3 and 4. Our job was to make sure we were sharing the wooden sticks equally into groups.” Mitchell and Harry

“We were given a division calculation on a blue card and we had to use the wooden sticks to work out the answer. Using the wooden sticks helped me to count.” Sean

“We were working in a group to share pens out equally.” Theo

“We have been learning how to divide two digit numbers with remainders and exchanging.” Rosie



Our Open Afternoon

We would like to thank our family and friends for coming along to see all of our wonderful work in Literacy, R.E, ICT, Science and Social Studies. We hope you had as much fun as we did!   

“In groups, we decided what activities to have at each station.  We selected some examples of our healthy eating plates to show the parents. We also had i-pads showing our chocolate sweetie adverts.” Scott

“We worked hard setting out the activities at our station.”  Connor

“Our job was to make an online questionnaire using Microsoft Forms. We wanted to find out if our family and friends enjoyed our open afternoon.” Liam and Eve

“At our station we were matching adjectives to the correct character from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” Rosie

“For our R.E station (all about Shabbat), we told the parents lots of facts we had learned. For example, Shabbat starts after sundown on Friday evening and ends after sundown on Saturday. Saturday is a day of rest for Jewish people.  We also played a game matching descriptions to the correct picture.” Emily and Theo

“We were telling the parents different examples of kosher and non- kosher foods. We also designed Kosher menus which followed Jewish food laws. An animal must have a split hoof and chew their cud to make it Kosher.” Harry

“At the science station, we were carrying out an experiment to see if white sugar cubes would dissolve in water. We asked the parents to predict what they thought would happen first.” Jamie

“We showed our family and friends our writing jotters. We had written recipes for chocolate and chocolate cake. We’ve also written newspaper articles about the finding the last golden ticket” Sandi and Karine

“At the cocoa bean station, we were telling the adults how to make chocolate. We also asked the parents to find the top three countries which produce the most cocoa beans on a globe and a world map.” Molly and Lennon

“We all enjoyed taking part in our open afternoon!” Lucas


It has been an exciting week in Primary 4. We have been engaging in some spooky activities!

“In maths, we completed Halloween multiplication and addition puzzles. Once we had answered all the questions, a hidden spooky picture was revealed.” Ailsa

“In literacy, we were working in pairs to think of as many different spooky adjectives as we could.  We wrote Halloween stories with scary characters and settings.”  Josh

“My story had a zombie in it and was set in a graveyard and down in the sewers.” Scott

“We learned a super Halloween song that we could use if we were going trick or treating.” Jamie

“We dressed up as characters from our novel study, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” Theo and Lewis


 “All the classes in Neilston Primary had a parade to show off our fantastic costumes.” Emily