Oompa Loompas!

This week, Primary 4 have written an imaginative story involving the mischievous Oompa Loompa characters from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. We were using descriptive adjectives and excellent openers to enhance our stories. To inspire our writing we watched a video of the Oompa Loompas in action, listened to their music and viewed pictures of them. We had super ideas…

Planning and sharing our ideas:

“The Oompa Loompas were left in charge of Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory and they let five wicked people inside. They ate all the chocolate!! Mr Willy Wonka was very angry but the Oompa Loompas just decided to sing and dance.” – Kay

“The Oompa Loompas turned the chocolate factory into a museum. They made cool objects out of chocolate and sweets to show the public.” – Rosie

Writing our stories:

“In my story the Oompa Loompas decided to organise a big party inside the chocolate factory. They invited everyone and all the guest were swimming in the chocolate river. They also stole all the sweets and Willy Wonka told them that they were very greedy and naughty!” – Lucas

“The Oompa Loompas turned the chocolate factory into a carnival and they partied all night long. Everyone from the town was invited. The rides were made out of sweets and there was also a chocolate river.” –Liam


Designing an Oompa Loompa character:

Solids and Liquids

In Science, we have been learning about solids and liquids. We investigated a variety of substances, e.g. coffee, sugar, lentils and flour, and discovered how they reacted when they were added to water. We first predicted whether these substances were soluble or insoluble and then carried out the investigation.

“The coffee dissolved in water but the dried peas did not. The peas floated down to the bottom of the beaker.” – Molly

“I learned that a solid is really hard.”- Theo

“I learned that some solids will dissolve in water. Sometimes the water also changes colour.” – Emily

“To make our experiment fair we made sure to use the same volume and temperature of water for each beaker.” – Rosie

“Next time we would like to try and melt chocolate from a solid to a liquid.” – Liam