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Happy New Year!

This week we have been enjoying sharing our holiday stories and we talked a lot about some of the new toys we got. We decided it would good to learn more about toys and are going to make it our next topic.

We started with a 3D mind map to look at what we already know and have come up with some great questions to help us learn more, such as ………

“How are toys made?” Harris

“What are toys made of?” Darcy

“What type of toys are there.” Tia

“How do toys move?” Steven

“Wind-up toys are from the olden days, what other old toys are there?” Joshua

We are looking forward to sharing the answers with you as our topic develops.

In maths we have been exploring number patterns, solving addition calculations, looking at number bonds, using mirrors and symmetry to draw the other half of a picture and exploring symmetry in nature whilst outdoors.


In literacy we have been writing sentences, we hear, carefully sounding out each word and creating some sentences of our own. Our increased knowledge of sounds, phonemes and common words is a great help. We have also been looking at rhyming patterns and using our reading books to find information in a text. We also wrote some fantastic stories about toys who were ill.

In the construction area a team of our finest archietects worked together to design and build a house!

In P.E we are developing our skills of object control and team work.



Exploring outdoors…….

“ I made pokemon cupcakes.” Sarah

“I am making a potion.” Zak







“This is how you climb down. “ Ben

“We are doing an experiment.” Subhan

“ Look at our wooden floor.” Toby

“ We made a slide.” Gaby

Here are some pictures of other things we have been enjoying this week…..





Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 1c!

Welcome back to our blog! In the run up to Christmas we have continued to work extremely hard.


We were creating Christmas cards for our family using different materials. We were using our phoneme mat to help us sound out tricky words!

We are becoming much faster at recognising all of the different phonemes. We are creating words with different sounds and identifying the correct picture to match the correct sound.

With our magnetic letters and on the eazel, we are practising how to read and spell out our common words such as my, me, the, said and can.

We have created a rhyming word bank with words that end in -an!

Using our imagination, we were writing a story using the props at the tuff spot. We remember to use finger spaces and a full spot when writing sentences.

Here we have done an amazing job at creating a word bank with different phonemes.

Ben was doing a fantastic job at creating words with ‘oo’ sound!

As a group, we were decoding tricky words with phonemes. We were reading, writing and drawing the correct picture which matched the word.

Numeracy and Mathematics 

We have been learning about number bonds and what they are! We have been using our problem solving skills to create different sums to make a number i.e. number bonds for 5 include 5+0, 3+2, 2+3.

We are becoming much faster at adding two numbers together as we are putting the bigger number within our head and counting on.

We have also revisited repeating patterns but this time they have been more complex to complete!

In Measurement and Weight, we have been exploring different objects to decipher which one is the heaviest and lightest. We have also been using non-standard units to measure items using cubes, paper clips.


We were exploring different ways to greet people in French. We created a Greeting poster showing our self saying Bonjour or Salut to our friend using speech bubbles.

Outdoor Learning

We wanted to create a balancing beam to balance across to different areas. We made sure it was safe by making it secure and steady.

Harry is exploring his sounds outdoors!

We were measuring and weighing different objects outdoors. We know that if both sides are the same, it is equal!

We created an amazing den using different materials and were charging our friends to enter it!

Christmas Fun!

We have been incorporating Christmas through everything that we do, whether it is writing Christmas stories, completing tricky art work or answering challenging Christmas themed maths games. It has been so exciting and fun!

Our Christmas party was amazing! We got to play many party games, sing songs and dance with our friends. The most magical part of they day was when we got to meet Santa!


We can’t believe how fast Primary 1 has past by since the beginning of August 2018. We have created many memories already from our very first day of school, from writing our first word and reading our first word! And who can forget our amazing nativity we completed as a whole year group!

We will come back from our holidays refreshed and ready to create more fantastic memories in 2019!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone ☺!

Merry Christmas from P1B!

This week we have had lots of festive fun in school!

In maths we were developing our understanding of Symmetry. We had to create symmetrical pictures and even made a symmetrical Christmas tree! We had to make sure that each side of our tree was decorated the same, it was lots of fun!

To develop our art skills, we have been working on lots of Christmas crafts – it has been so fun using different art materials to make festive things to take home to show our family. We have been making Christmas cards and even used paper plates and cotton wool to make Santa’s face!

In French, we learned all about Christmas in France, it was so interesting to hear the different traditions and we were able to describe the similarities and differences between Christmas here and Christmas in France.

We even learned to say  Merry Christmas in French. We used this knowledge to create a  French Christmas card and had a great time listening and singing along to some French Christmas music!

On Wednesday we had our Christmas party!

We had so much fun getting dressed up and celebrating with our friends.

We played party games such and did lots of dancing with our friends to some music!

We also had some tasty party food.

Then, we even had a visit from a special visitor .. it was Santa!

We couldnt  believe he travelled from the North Pole to visit us and give us an early Christmas present, we were so excited!

Merry  Christmas from all the boys and girls in P1B!

I am so proud of how hard you have all worked so far this year, I hope you have lots of fun during the holidays with your family and friends and I can’t wait to hear all about it in the new year!

Well done P1B!

Miss Wallace x

Merry Christmas P1a

We’ve been enjoying some festive fun while continuing to develop our knowledge, skills and understanding.

We have been developing our writing skills by writing about Elfie, our class elf.  We write a diary about where we find him every day when we go into class.

We also shared a story about a Christmas Bear who visited Santa’s workshop and enjoyed talking about the different areas Santa would need in his workshop. We imagined we were looking through the  keyhole in the door of Santa’s workshop and drew what we saw.  Then we wrote about it , using our knowledge of words and sounds to help us make a little book.



























In art we used different media- silver glitter paint,fine line pens,  and crayon rubbing to create a snowman scene Christmas card.

















In Maths we have been working on learning the correct order of the months of the year and which month comes before/after by singing songs and playing ordering games. We also made a calendar to give as a festive gift. We used finger painting to create a pattern, making the number 2019!








We are continuing to grow in confidence and whoever opens our advent calendar has a festive challenge to complete to the class or elsewhere in the school! Among the different challenges we read on the little challenge slips each day are telling Christmas jokes, doing Christmas mimes, visiting other classes to shout Merry Christmas , thinking of questions to ask Santa and describing what we think Santa would like in his stocking!The boys and girls have thoroughly enjoyed their challenges and show their confidence is developing well.







Party Time!!

We had an amazing time at our class party. First we got all dressed up.







Then we had yummy party food!











Then we were so happy to visit Santa in his Grotto.  He was so kind and friendly and chatted to us all. Santa gave everyone of us a lovely non-fiction book to enjoy!  Thank you Santa.
















Lastly we played some fun party games and danced!






















What a fantastic party!

Merry Christmas from all the children and teachers in Primary 1!


Learning and working together in P1a

In maths we have been enjoying investigating all the different ways we can make 4. We used cubes and wrote out all the number bonds we could create.

We have also been gathering information, using tally marks and creating picture graphs and bar graphs. We used the information to look at the most/least popular choices and compare different amounts.

We are improving our counting skills and worked together to check we had counted items correctly.

We used the 100 square to explore counting in 2s, 5s and 10s identifying different patterns and what number would come next in each sequence.

In literacy we have been continuing to develop our writing skills and have enjoyed sharing our stories and sentences with each other. We have used props, stories and pictures to help plan our writing and have come up with some great imaginative ideas.

We also enjoy playing reading games to develop our knowledge of words and sounds.

In P.E we have been looking at object control and practing skills such as dribbling, throwing and catching. We are good at working together and have developed teamwork skills through games such as stuck in the mud and tidy the room.

We enjoyed using a range of materials to create our own santas and had been keeping a close eye on what our class elf, Elfie has been up to each day.

We also had a teddy bears picnic to look at how to share items by cutting up and counting out. We talked about how to make things fair and had to half and quarter some items to give to each of the bears.

In our toy shop we have been creating prices  for our teddies and counting out coins to match the values.

We learn so much from working together,  solving problems, sharing ideas and helping each other.  Here are some moments we have captured……




When we arrived to school last week there was a very exciting box waiting for us. We opened it together and it was an Elf! He had brought some Christmas decorations for us to decorate our classroom and even a Santa Cam so that Santa can see us working hard from the North Pole! We had lots of fun deciding on a name for our Elf, we had lots of suggestions but we decided his name would be Jingle!

Then, we found Jingle reading one of our Book Bug books!

Numeracy and Maths

We have been so busy developing our skills in maths. We have been exploring lots of different concepts such as time, money, and fractions as well as continuing to develop our number skills!

We learned a song to help us remember the days of the week and the months of the year.

Here we are working as a team to put them in order!

We have been exploring different coins and their amounts. We learned what these coins look like and have been trying hard to identify their worth.

We have also been working hard to sort them!

For our introduction to fractions we learned all about equal sharing. We worked with a partner to distribute the items into a lunch box equally. We had to count the items at the start and again at the end to make sure that we both had the same number! It was lots of fun.

In doing this we used language such as ‘half’ and ‘whole’ to work out the total of a group of items and how many there were once they had been split between 2.

We also worked in groups of 3’s to distribute cubes equally, this was a little trickier but helped us to develop this skill further.


Our ability to sound out and decode words has improved so much over the past few weeks! We are continuing to read tricky words and sentences, we play lots of games to help us with this and enjoy fixing mixed up sentences!

We have been exploring CVC words further and have been using our sounds to help us with these. We love playing matching games in which we have to match the CVC word to the correct picture!

For our writing, Jingle gave each of us an ‘Elf Diary’ this is what we use to write all about Jingle and his adventures around our classroom.  Learning our common words has helped us lots in our writing as we are learning to include words such as,  the, we, I and lots more!

Not only have we been writing about Jingle but we also wrote a letter to Santa! We had to sound out the things we wanted. It was very exciting to hear what some of our friends have asked for!


In ICT we have been developing our skills of using a computer or laptop.  We have been exploring the different software and functions of the mouse and this week we worked hard to make a Christmas picture!

Well Done P1B!

It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas! (1c)

Welcome back to our blog! Just as our title suggests, we are so close to the of end term before we break off for Christmas and New Years! However, we are still continuing to work extremely hard every day.

A little over two weeks, we had a very special surprise delivered to Primary 1c.

It was a box with a special gift inside…

First there was a letter stating that Santa had sent down a helper to watch us closely.

It was Santa’s Elf! We had to be careful when touching the Elf as we didn’t want it to lose its magic so we had to wear gloves if we wanted to touch him.

He even put a camera to keep a close eye on us from the North Pole which is placed on top of our board!

The next thing we had to do was to name our elf. We took a class vote and Elvis came up as the winner by having 6 votes!

Later on in the afternoon, we had lots of creative fun decorating our classroom.

We also received a wonderful gift from Ross for our classroom. Thank you Ross!

We also spent time preparing our Christmas Craft Teddy Bears and made a ‘Care for a Bear’ sign for our P1 stall.



Within Literacy, we have been working so hard to read tricky words and sentences! Every morning, we come into school having received a new message on our Santa chimney.

We try to read his sentence by using our sounds to blend the words out and reply to his question each day.

We also have an Elf Diary for Elvis. We are keeping track of what Elvis gets up to every day and record it inside our diary!

With our reading books, we have been working on sequencing and recalling information.

We have been solving jumbled sentences and by reading the words we have been able to figure out how to unjumble the sentence.

Phonemes are being practiced continuously! We want to make sure we can use our phonemes to write tricky word easily.

In our class Library, we continue to read for enjoyment by choosing different books  to read everyday.

As it was book bug week, we read the three amazing books gifted to us. Using our knowledge of all three books, we created a poster stating which book was our favourite and why. We even presented it to the class!

Being able to recognise and spell our sight vocabulary is becoming much more easier!


We have become masters at recording information in Data Handling! We can use different charts to record and read information.

Olivia-Rose has done a great job at identifying the next repeating pattern.


We have been exploring what it means to share objects equally. In our teddy bear picnic, we were given different objects and had to sort them out to make sure it was equal between all three of us.

We done this correctly and learned for it to be equal we all had to have the same amount. Our next challenge was to share bread and a banana between our self and our bear. we then figured that we had to cut the bread in to half which makes two equal amounts!

We also know that two halves make a whole!

Another challenge we had to complete was sharing and sorting out different foods between to lunch boxes. Again, we solved this problem!


We are now learning how to add three numbers together and exploring different ways to solve the question!

Outdoor Learning 

We wanted to create a new den in our playground. Using different materials, we created a roof and flooring.

We created a sign which says ‘Den’!

And made some food to keep us fuelled with energy with some yummy hot chocolate and marshmallow sticks.


We are exploring different materials and textures to create Christmas Craft for our family and friends.

In other News…

We all continue to work hard to get our amazing Christmas Star of the Day Bag!

A huge congratulations to these Superstars for gaining an amazing award!





Welcome back to our blog!

We are making lots of great progress and are continuing to work so hard in all areas of our learning.


This week it was Book Week! We have had so much fun exploring lots of different books and stories, we worked with a partner to share with them what we liked about different books and took turns to try reading some of them.

Last week we were so lucky to have a visit from June who works at Mearns Library, she brought us all our very own Book Bug Bag which we were so excited to take home!

We have been reading the books in class and making posters to show our own versions of the front cover.

Also, we read the story “We’re Going on a Bear Hunt”. Some of us had read this before and were excited to tell the others what it was about. This inspired us to go on our very own bear hunt!

It was lots of fun exploring the woodland to see what bears we could find, we then discussed their colour, size and how we thought they would feel. We  used this experience to help us to write our own bear hunt story.

We are continuing to work through our sounds, using what we have learned to help us to blend words.  We do this by stretching out the words to help us listen closely to the sounds.  We love using our reading books to help us to explore new vocabulary and are continuing to improve in reading and writing CVC words.

Numeracy and Maths

We have been learning about doubling numbers. We did this through adding spots to ladybirds, it was lots of fun! We had to use our skills in counting to help us with this. We then worked out how to do adding using the body of the ladybirds too.

We are also continuing to learn about addition calculations, working out the total when we add two numbers together. We decided to make it a little trickier by adding three numbers together!

We love playing the dice addition game, we can do this on our own or with a partner.

We are now so fast at making a number line to 10!

This week we have also been working hard to prepare for the school Christmas Fayre!

We have been working together to prepare the teddy bears and cuddly toys for our stall. We chose which bear we wanted to write a lovely gift tag for and also decorate with some tinsel.

It was so much fun preparing them for their new home!

We will update you soon on more of our learning adventures in P1B!

P.1a making great progress!

P1a continue to make great progress every day in class outdoors and indoors!

We work together, playing and learning from each other, and are developing our ability to ‘have a go’ even when we find something challenging at first. We are learning strategies to help us in our learning.


We have been using our reading book vocabulary to make and write different sentences.  We try hard to remember a capital letter to start a sentence, finger spaces, and a full stop at the end. We read our sentences out loud to check they make sense.











Our word building skills are progressing well.  We stretch out words listening for all the sounds to help us write the word. We are beginning to use phonemes like ng, ai to help us write words too.













When we play blending games together we are developing our skills in blending sounds to read words, as well as developing our social skills…..while having fun! We play bingo, matching games and dice board games.












We enjoy creating and sharing stories.  We draw pictures, use puppets, story bags as well as having a go at writing some of our ideas.  Here Steven has made a story about two robots who help each other and confidently shared his ideas with the class.






Numeracy and Maths

We have been learning our number stories. We cut and matched calculations to the correct number story.



































We have also learned the ‘commutative law’ which we know simply means you can put the bigger number first when adding to make it easier. You can add numbers in any order and will get the same total.















We play subitising games.


















Fantastic effort P1a!

Our Amazing Learning Experiences in 1C

Welcome back to our blog! We are continuing to work extremely hard through all our learning experiences both indoor and outdoor!

In class, we always demonstrate great team work with our peers when completing different activities.

In the construction area, we built a huge mansion and its house number was 7!

Outdoors, we were working together to push the bicycle up the steep hill.


Outdoors we were practicing to create addition sums!

We found it extremely tricky to climb this large pallet! We worked together to help climb to the top.

We were so happy when we reached to the top!

We wanted to create a balancing beam which could support our weight. However, we realised it wasn’t safe enough so we pushed the log to make it more secure.

Here you can see our creativity being shown through our ‘Yucky Mucky’ dinner! We counted out how many guests we were having and ensured we made everything symmetrical.


Ben is practicing to read and write CVC words!

We are working hard to use our sounds to create sentences using finger spaces!

Sarah is doing a great job at creating a rhyming list for phonemes such as ‘ee’!

We are becoming much better at identifying different sounds in words.

Do you like our sound posters? We are demonstrating our ability to recognise different sounds.

As a team, we worked hard to sort the pictures to the correct sound.


We all worked hard to complete Literacy games online!

Numeracy and Mathematics

In the sand area, we were exploring addition sums and trying to mentally solve the answer.

Number bonds are so important,  we continue recalling number facts for numbers up to 10 everyday.

We will be back soon with more amazing pictures of our learning!