It’s Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas! (1c)

Welcome back to our blog! Just as our title suggests, we are so close to the of end term before we break off for Christmas and New Years! However, we are still continuing to work extremely hard every day.

A little over two weeks, we had a very special surprise delivered to Primary 1c.

It was a box with a special gift inside…

First there was a letter stating that Santa had sent down a helper to watch us closely.

It was Santa’s Elf! We had to be careful when touching the Elf as we didn’t want it to lose its magic so we had to wear gloves if we wanted to touch him.

He even put a camera to keep a close eye on us from the North Pole which is placed on top of our board!

The next thing we had to do was to name our elf. We took a class vote and Elvis came up as the winner by having 6 votes!

Later on in the afternoon, we had lots of creative fun decorating our classroom.

We also received a wonderful gift from Ross for our classroom. Thank you Ross!

We also spent time preparing our Christmas Craft Teddy Bears and made a ‘Care for a Bear’ sign for our P1 stall.



Within Literacy, we have been working so hard to read tricky words and sentences! Every morning, we come into school having received a new message on our Santa chimney.

We try to read his sentence by using our sounds to blend the words out and reply to his question each day.

We also have an Elf Diary for Elvis. We are keeping track of what Elvis gets up to every day and record it inside our diary!

With our reading books, we have been working on sequencing and recalling information.

We have been solving jumbled sentences and by reading the words we have been able to figure out how to unjumble the sentence.

Phonemes are being practiced continuously! We want to make sure we can use our phonemes to write tricky word easily.

In our class Library, we continue to read for enjoyment by choosing different books  to read everyday.

As it was book bug week, we read the three amazing books gifted to us. Using our knowledge of all three books, we created a poster stating which book was our favourite and why. We even presented it to the class!

Being able to recognise and spell our sight vocabulary is becoming much more easier!


We have become masters at recording information in Data Handling! We can use different charts to record and read information.

Olivia-Rose has done a great job at identifying the next repeating pattern.


We have been exploring what it means to share objects equally. In our teddy bear picnic, we were given different objects and had to sort them out to make sure it was equal between all three of us.

We done this correctly and learned for it to be equal we all had to have the same amount. Our next challenge was to share bread and a banana between our self and our bear. we then figured that we had to cut the bread in to half which makes two equal amounts!

We also know that two halves make a whole!

Another challenge we had to complete was sharing and sorting out different foods between to lunch boxes. Again, we solved this problem!


We are now learning how to add three numbers together and exploring different ways to solve the question!

Outdoor Learning 

We wanted to create a new den in our playground. Using different materials, we created a roof and flooring.

We created a sign which says ‘Den’!

And made some food to keep us fuelled with energy with some yummy hot chocolate and marshmallow sticks.


We are exploring different materials and textures to create Christmas Craft for our family and friends.

In other News…

We all continue to work hard to get our amazing Christmas Star of the Day Bag!

A huge congratulations to these Superstars for gaining an amazing award!




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