Welcome to P1a’s first blog!

We’ve had a fun and busy start to our learning in P1!  We have settled in very well and have made lots of new friends. We have learned new routines, classroom rules and enjoy earning stickers and points for our efforts.







We have been developing our skills identifying rhyming words and producing rhyming words.  We enjoy exploring sounds and letters and have been working on counting the number of syllables in our names and other words. We also play games where we can count the number of words in a simple sentence we have listened to.





























































Numeracy and Maths

We have been ordering and sequencing numbers, counting, and practising our number formation. We play games, use the Interactive Whiteboard and do lots of different activities to practise these skills. For Maths Week we enjoyed parading our fantastic hats we’d made at home round the school! Well done!



































































Other learning

We have been working on  developing our fitness in the gym, learning to move safely in different ways. We have also been practising throwing, catching and balancing too.





















We discussed what we know about plants and went outdoors to see the changing colours and the variety of plants growing near us.
















We enjoy doing yoga together.  We are good at following instructions and working in our space safely.










Here are some more pictures of us as we play and learn!









































What a fantastic start to P1! Well done P1a!

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