Week beginning 22.4.24

What a week! We finally received our leavers hoodies, and have been wearing them all week! The sun has been shining and we have been making the most of the lovely weather. Here is a little snippet of our week:

New Reading books

We were given new reading books which are biographies or autobiographies and started reading them in our reading circles. We each take a role and read parts of the book then check our understanding.

Animal Me – job/career matching

On Tuesday, we completed an interesting online questionnaire about our personalities. At the end this matched us up with an animal and gave us idea and suggestions for the jobs that would suit our personalities. It was very interesting as most of these were accurate. We had a range of different animals in the class from bears, seahorses, koalas and dolphins.

Sunny days

We have made use of the good weather and taken our P.E. outdoors. We have been focussing on racket sports and been playing rounders. It was our woodland week this week and we enjoyed being outside and taking in the nature around us.

School show

We had a chance to read through the script, Shakespeare Rocks, for our school show and listened to the songs. We now have our roles and are excited to start practising!