Week beginning 11.3.24

Another busy week. It was STEM week this week and we have been doing so much! Here is a little snippet of the week.

Easter Code

We went to the church on Monday to take part in Easter Code. Here we listened to the Easter story, took part in quizzes and challenges and even got a snack in between! This was fun.

Rotary Quiz

Myra, Luke and Hishaam took part in the rotary quiz this week against other schools in East Renfrewshire. Their team scored 105 points out of a possible 120 which was amazing! This quiz was held in Netherlee Primary school after school hours. Mrs Rasul and Mrs Allan met the teams there and were there to cheer them on.

Lord Provost Debate

On Thursday, 3 of the Primary 7s (Ethan 7A, Nicole 7B and David 7C) went to the lord provost debate. They were up against Kirkhill Primary, and were presenting arguments for the motion ‘Digital technology and AI are making our lives better.’ The rest of the us had the opportunity to watch and participate in the debate live as it was happening. Quality Improvement Officer, David Gordan, and the Lord Provost Montague, were both very impressed by the children. The feedback included that the children did themselves and the school proud. Provost Montague was highly impressed with how articulate and thoughtful our pupils were. They have been working on this for the last 2 weeks and we are all very proud of them!

STEM week

This week has been STEM week and we have been different things for it. With Mr Wilson we made windmills using recycled materials. With Mrs Rasul we learned about Pi on Thursday because it was world Pi day. We created Pi bracelets and Pi skylines.

Problem Solving

Mrs Slorach and Mrs Doig were invited into our class to watch us doing problem solving. We started this off with a maths relay race which was fun!