Week beginning 4.3.2024

Another busy week but we have been doing lots of amazing things!

World Book Week

For World Book Week we finally finished our storybooks and had a chance to read them to p2C.  Everyone that has seen them have been so impressed. As well as writing and illustrating the books, we used iPads and iMovie to record videos of us telling our stories. We then created QR codes to attach to the back of our books so that people can scan them and watch or listen to the story being read.

As well as this we created digital front covers of the books using Canva. The process may have been long but the outcome is absolutely brilliant! We have attached some of the links for you to watch.

Manha and Sophia worked hard on writing a dual language book. Their story: Two Pandas and a Duck, was written in English, Urdu AND Cantonese! How impressive is that?


This week we took part in some debating. We discussed the motion ‘A school day should be less than 6 hours’ and split the class into for and against then presented our arguments. We will continue debating next week and will focus on different topics.


We have been learning how to draw angles using protractors. This was quite tricky to begin with but with some practice we got there in the end. We have also been working on word problems and different ways to work them out.