Week beginning 5.2.24

What a lovely week we have had with parents/adults visiting our classroom. We had the chance to share our learning and allowed them to take part too! Here is a little snippet of other things we have done this week.

Mr Wilson Science

With Mr Wilson we had a go at smelling different spices. This was fun!

Internet Safety Day

Jack and Myra delivered a lesson to the class about being safe online. We had some interesting conversations about what you should and shouldn’t do while online and spoke about cyber bullying.

Mental health week

For mental health week we discussed some questions about pupil voice and the choices we have. We did this is a discussion carousel which was interesting.

Suffrage around the world

As part of the open day we had to guess when different countries were given full suffrage. This was interesting as there was a few that surprised us. We then filled in our maps with labelled countries and year of full suffrage.