Week before the Christsmas holidays!

We have been feeling very festive this week and have kept busy doing festive things!

P7 lessons

We have had the opportunity to teach our planned lessons to different classes. We taught P1C, 2c, 4/5 and 6C a wide range of lessons including art, literacy and drama. We had a lot of positive feedback and the children really enjoyed our lessons. We think we could be mini teachers!


We were given a design brief where we had to create a reindeer shelter on Tinkercad. (online tool) It was really fun and all of us had different ideas. We had to include a shelter, water supply and somewhere for them to eat. We were then allowed to decorate it the way we wanted.

Grinch Art

For art this week we all drew a Grinch holding a bauble with our initials on it. This was so much fun to do. After drawing it we used oil pastels or paint to colour it in. We tried to create shadows with different shades of colours. Mrs Rasul made one for Noah too!

Christmas Craft

For our Christmas craft we used glue guns and scrabble tiles to create a festive ribbon accessory. These can be hanged on Christmas trees or anywhere you like. Some of us chose festive words while others chose names of pets/family members.

Week beginning 11.12.23

Here is a little snippet of our week.

P2C Nativity

We had the opportunity to watch the P2C nativity dress rehearsal. It was really entertaining and they did a really good job!

Planning lessons for other classes

This week we have been working in groups to plan Christmas/Winter themed lessons to other classes. We chose ideas across different areas of art, drama and literacy. Then we wrote lesson plans with learning intentions and success criteria and made a list of the resources we need. We will go to the classes next week to deliver these lessons. We can’t wait!

Big Cat reading

We all finished our reading books this week. (Macbeth, The Grey Ghost and Trixie Tempest) We answered some questions and then some of us created new front covers for the books.


We have been learning about statistics and data handling. We looked at reading information from different types of graphs including bar graphs, scaled pictograms, frequency tables and pie charts. Some of completed our own surveys across the whole of P7 to find out the favourite ice cream flavour and crisps flavour.


We had our final session of Scratch where we had the chance to create our very own game now that we have learned some skills. This was fun because we then shared these games with each other so that we had the chance to play everyone’s.

Spanish with Miss Ralston

With Miss Ralston we were learning about Christmas in Mexico and making posters about different things Mexican people do on Christmas and Christmas eve and decorating it.

Week Beginning 4.12.23

What a busy week of learning! Christmas jumper day was the perfect way to end this week. We have been delighted with all of our presents and are excited to take them home.

Here is a little snippet of our week:


We made parachutes with Mrs Ralston. We were only given few materials (paper, plastic bag and strings). It was found hard for some and easy for others. The parachutes helped slow down the dinosaurs using air resistance.

Reading circles

We were discussing stories (Macbeth, The grey ghost, Trixie tempest) The reading circles were reading, predicting, questioning etc that helped us with answering questions from the story.

Cosy corner

We all enjoyed making the fireplace, stockings and decorating theĀ  Christmas tree in the cosy corner; We loved the way it turned out, it looks magical and beautiful and we enjoy doing our work there.

Xmas jumper day/present room

There were many many presents to choose from and all of them were just great. Today was amazing because we got to wear cosy Christmas jumpers and buy presents .

Week ending 1.12.2023

It is the 1st of December and today we started decorating our class to get ready for the Christmas fun. We all collectively helped to decorate our class tree and then made a cosy fireplace in our cosy corner. We each decorated our own Christmas stocking to add to our fireplace. Have a look at some of our amazing team work!