Week beginning 30.10.23

Another fun filled, jam packed week of learning! It seems like we managed to do loads! Here is a little snippet of our week:

Tim Burton Art

Since it was Halloween, and we have been looking at spooky character descriptions, we decided to create some portraits in the style of Tim Burton. We used vine charcoal, charcoal pencils, white chalk to create these portraits. We used shading to create the shadows and they turned out wonderful!

Photography in Woodland area

We used our amazing photography skills to create some scenes using lego figures. We then used Ipads to take some cool pictures.

The Apprentice Sales Task

This week for our apprentice task we had to create a price list for biscuits and set up stalls to sell them in exchange for tokens. It was very interesting as we had to try different pricing strategies to make sure we were making sales.


This week for maths we have been learning all about Algebra. It has been good because before we started we thought it would be tricky, but it is actually quite simple when you know what to do.